Updated on 7th September 2011
Elodie Gentina
Associate Professor of Marketing
Affiliated Faculty since October 2008
Dr. Elodie Gentina received her Ph.D. in Business from University of Lille 2 in 2008. She is an
Associate Professor of Marketing at Skema Business School in France and contributes to the
laboratory affiliated with SKEMA Mercur Research Center.
Dr. Elodie Gentina is a graduate of ESC Lille (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Lille). She holds a
master in research and a PhD in business from the University of Lille 2.
Academic experience:
Dr Elodie Gentina has three years of experience in academic administration. She is an Associate
Professor (AQ dedicated) at SKEMA Business School. She also teaches on the Master Research
programme of the University of Lille 2. She was a Visiting Fellow at Iowa State University (USA).
Maintenance of Qualification:
Professor Gentina’s research areas include intergenerational marketing and adolescent consumer
socialization issues, including exchanges of clothing among the mother and her teenage daughter; the
autonomy of adolescent shoppers, adolescents’ social network, adolescents and retailing, and
marketing strategy. Her research has appeared in outlets such as the Journal of Business
Research, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, Advances in Consumer Research and
Journal of Consumer Behavior.
Updated on 7th September 2011
2005-2008 - PhD in Marketing with highest honors, University of Lille 2, Lille, France.
“The teenage girl consumer in search of her autonomy. Application of cosmetics
(make-up products)”
Supervisor: Dr. Marie-Hélène Fosse-Gomez, University of Lille 2
Committee members: Professor J.L Chandon (Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille
University); Professor J. Brée (Caen Basse-Normandie University); Professor C.
Derbaix (FUCAM, Mons), Professor P. Nicholson (University of Lille 2); C.
Descamps (Director of Market Studies, Pimkie)
2005 - Master in Research with highest honors, University of Lille 2; Lille; France
2005 - Graduate Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Lille (ESC Lille) ; Lille ; France
Academic appointments
2011 - Associate Professor in Marketing SKEMA Business School
2008 - 2011 - Assistant Professor in Marketing SKEMA Business School
2005- 2008 - Research fellow (state beneficiary) - Higher Education and Research Ministery,
University of Lille 2
2005- 2008 - Affiliate professor- ESC Lille
2005- 2008 - Affiliate professor-Iteem (Institut Technologique Européen d’Entrepreneuriat et du
2005- 2008 - Affiliate professor - Ecole Centrale de Lille
Awards and honors
2011 - One paper selected among the three finalists for the best paper published in the 14°
Etienne Thil Congrès. The finalists are selected by a jury management researchers and
the winner is determined by representatives of the French consulting industry.
- $70K grant-in-Aid for scientific research by Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science (JSPS) (with Junko Kimura, Mototaka Sakashita and Isabelle Decoopman).
Title of the research project: "Intercultural study of Self concept in consumer
2007 - Scholarship from the Fondation Nationale pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion des
Entreprises (FNEGE)
2005 - Scholarship from the University of Lille 2, France
Updated on 7th September 2011
Courses taught at SKEMA Business School
Innovation and Marketing; Understanding Marketing Insight; Fundamental of Marketing; Market
Studies; Networks and Marketing; Market Intelligence; Markstrat Simulations; Research Method and
Dissertation; Thesis Supervision
Other responsibilities at SKEMA Business School (administration,
service, committees, …)
2008 to present - Member of the SKEMA Research Center in Marketing
2010 to present - Supervisor of Social networks and marketing module (L3
2009 to present)
October 2008 June 2011 - In charge of the Marketing coordination at ITEEM school
October 2008 October 2009 - Supervisor of “Market Intelligence” module (Paris
July-August 2007: Visiting PhD Student, Iowa State University (Iowa, USA), Marketing Department.
Advisor abroad: Dr. Kay Palan, Head of the Marketing Department.
Membership of academic associations/networks
- Member of Advances in Consumer Research
- Member of Academy of Marketing Science (AMS World Marketing Congress)
- Member of French Marketing Association (AFM)
Professional experience
May 2004 to September 2004 Purchase Assistant -3 Suisses International
June 2003 to September 2003 Marketing Assistant -Auchan
Research interests
-Adolescent consumer socialization issues (autonomy of adolescent shoppers, adolescents’ social
networks, adolescents and retailing)
-Intergenerational marketing
-Cross-cultural studies
Updated on 7th September 2011
1 Discipline based scholarship
1.1 Articles in discipline based journals (peer-reviewed)
DECOOPMAN I., GENTINA E. et FOSSE-GOMEZ MH. (2010). A confusion of generations?
Identity issues around the exchange of clothing between mothers and their adolescent daughters,
Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 25(3), 7-27.
GENTINA E., PALAN K. et FOSSE-GOMEZ MH. (in press). The practice of using makeup: a
consumption ritual of adolescent girls, Journal of Consumer Behaviour.
GENTINA E. et FOSSE-GOMEZ. (2010). Identifying adolescent peer group structure: in the search
of social network methods. European Advances in Consumer Research, Alan Bradshaw, Chris
Hackley and Pauline Maclaran (eds.), Vol. 9.
PALAN K., GENTINA E. et MURATORE I. (2010), Adolescent consumption autonomy: A cross-
cultural study, Journal of Business Research, 63 (12), 1342-1348.
1.2 Papers presented at scholarly meetings (peer-reviewed)
GENTINA E., COLLIN-LACHAUD I., et FOSSE-GOMEZ M.H. (2011), « Take 1, get 5 ! » : la
fidélisation collective des adolescentes aux magasins de prêt-à-porter, Proceeding of the 14ème
International Etienne Thil Conference, Roubaix.
DECOOPMAN E., GENTINA E., and FOSSE-GOMEZ M.H. (2011). Confusion of generations ?
Identity issues around the exchange of clothing between mothers and their adolescent daughters
Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Reims (France).
PALAN K. and GENTINA E. (2010). Becoming autonomous consumers: a comparison of French and
American girls, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Lille (France).
GENTINA E., MURATORE I., and SEMPELS C. (2010). Adolescent’s influence on pro-
environmental family decisions and resocialization processes, Proceedings of the 4th International
Conference on Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Child and Teen Consumption, Linköping (Sweden),
BEN MINOUM S., GENTINA E., GARIER M. (2010). Identité, extimité et marque, sur Facebook:
Une approche Webnographique. Proceedings of the 15th Congress of the French Informational and
Management Association, La Rochelle (France), 1-27.
MURATORE I. and GENTINA E. (2010). L’attitude à l’égard de l’argent chez l’adolescent et
l’adulte : une approche par la théorie du développement du jugement moral, Proceedings of the
Congress of the French Marketing Association (Journées de recherche AFM - prix, gratuité, don),
Tours (France), 1-28.
BEN MINOUM S., GENTINA E., KOUACHI W. and RASSAS B. (2009). Le profil Facebook de
l’avatar à l’extimité : quel rôle pour les marques ?, ECIG (Tunisie), 1-20.
GENTINA.E. (2009). L’autonomie chez l’adolescente consommatrice : conceptualisation et mesure,
Proceedings of the 25 th Congress of the French Marketing Association, Londres (England), 1-23.
Updated on 7th September 2011
GENTINA. E. (2007), L’autonomie : un concept clé pour aborder l’adolescente consommatrice,
Proceedings of the 23 th Congress of the French Marketing Association, Aix-les Bains (France), 1-33.
GENTINA. E., PALAN, K. and FOSSE-GOMEZ, M.H. (2007), Consumption in rituals: application of
cosmetics by french teenage girls, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Florida (USA),
GENTINA. E., et FOSSE-GOMEZ, M.H. (2006), La consommation symbolique dans les rituels chez
les adolescentes. Application au maquillage, Proceedings of the 5th Congress of the French « Journées
Normandes de Recherche sur la Consommation », Caen (France), 1-21.
1.3 Papers presented at Research Seminars.
GENTINA. E., GUILLARD V. et FOSSE-GOMEZ (2010), « Tu peux me le passer? »Étude des
différentes formes non marchandes d’échanges de vêtements entre adolescentes. Presented at Ateliers
de Thésée ; CEFAG (FNEGE).
GENTINA E. (2008). Les paradoxes en Gestion des Entreprises. Entre holisme et individualisme.
Presented at Ateliers de Thésée ; CEFAG (FNEGE).
1.4 Chapters in scholarly books.
GENTINA E. (2009), Le consommateur adolescent : entre besoin d’individualité et besoin
d’appartenance, in F. Bournois et J. Thépôt, Les paradoxes dans la gestion des entreprises, entre
holisme et individualisme, Vuibert, Paris.
GENTINA E. et GARNIER M. (2008), « Etude de cas www.gagnez1000euros.be. Quand la
consommation responsable rencontre l’économie », in Oser le marketing durable. Concilier marketing
et développement durable, Eds. Sempels, C et Vandercammen, M., Pearson.
1.5 Reviewing
Association Française du Marketing
Academy of Marketing Science
1.6. Manuscripts under review (5)
-Environmentalism at home : The process of ecological resocialization by teenagers, (with Isabelle
Muratore), second round revision under review at Journal of Consumer Behaviour
-La propension des mères à échanger des vêtements avec leur fille adolescente : quelles conséquences
pour le marketing ? (avec Isabelle Decoopman and Valérie Guillard), first round revision under review
at Decisions Marketing
-The importance of both individuation and assimilation in consumer opinion-leader identities: Cross-
gender and cross-cultural differences, (with Raphaëlle Butori and Tim Heath), under review at
International Journal of Research in Marketing
-Adolescent Shopping: Gaining Autonomy from Mothers, Falling Under Friends’ Influence, (with
Jean-Louis Chandon and Marie-Hélène Fosse-Gomez), under review at Journal of Business Research
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