Updated on 7th September 2011
1 Discipline based scholarship
1.1 Articles in discipline based journals (peer-reviewed)
DECOOPMAN I., GENTINA E. et FOSSE-GOMEZ MH. (2010). A confusion of generations?
Identity issues around the exchange of clothing between mothers and their adolescent daughters,
Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 25(3), 7-27.
GENTINA E., PALAN K. et FOSSE-GOMEZ MH. (in press). The practice of using makeup: a
consumption ritual of adolescent girls, Journal of Consumer Behaviour.
GENTINA E. et FOSSE-GOMEZ. (2010). Identifying adolescent peer group structure: in the search
of social network methods. European Advances in Consumer Research, Alan Bradshaw, Chris
Hackley and Pauline Maclaran (eds.), Vol. 9.
PALAN K., GENTINA E. et MURATORE I. (2010), Adolescent consumption autonomy: A cross-
cultural study, Journal of Business Research, 63 (12), 1342-1348.
1.2 Papers presented at scholarly meetings (peer-reviewed)
GENTINA E., COLLIN-LACHAUD I., et FOSSE-GOMEZ M.H. (2011), « Take 1, get 5 ! » : la
fidélisation collective des adolescentes aux magasins de prêt-à-porter, Proceeding of the 14ème
International Etienne Thil Conference, Roubaix.
DECOOPMAN E., GENTINA E., and FOSSE-GOMEZ M.H. (2011). Confusion of generations ?
Identity issues around the exchange of clothing between mothers and their adolescent daughters
Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Reims (France).
PALAN K. and GENTINA E. (2010). Becoming autonomous consumers: a comparison of French and
American girls, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Lille (France).
GENTINA E., MURATORE I., and SEMPELS C. (2010). Adolescent’s influence on pro-
environmental family decisions and resocialization processes, Proceedings of the 4th International
Conference on Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Child and Teen Consumption, Linköping (Sweden),
BEN MINOUM S., GENTINA E., GARIER M. (2010). Identité, extimité et marque, sur Facebook:
Une approche Webnographique. Proceedings of the 15th Congress of the French Informational and
Management Association, La Rochelle (France), 1-27.
MURATORE I. and GENTINA E. (2010). L’attitude à l’égard de l’argent chez l’adolescent et
l’adulte : une approche par la théorie du développement du jugement moral, Proceedings of the
Congress of the French Marketing Association (Journées de recherche AFM - prix, gratuité, don),
Tours (France), 1-28.
BEN MINOUM S., GENTINA E., KOUACHI W. and RASSAS B. (2009). Le profil Facebook de
l’avatar à l’extimité : quel rôle pour les marques ?, ECIG (Tunisie), 1-20.
GENTINA.E. (2009). L’autonomie chez l’adolescente consommatrice : conceptualisation et mesure,
Proceedings of the 25 th Congress of the French Marketing Association, Londres (England), 1-23.