Borel spaces were introduced by G.W. Mackey as a tool in the study of repre-
sentations of algebraic structures as sets of linear mappings on vector spaces. {For
example, representations of locally compact groups as unitary operators on a Hilbert
space; or representations of C∗-algebras as operators on a Hilbert space.}It is nat-
ural in representation theory to ‘identify’ representations that are in some sense
‘equivalent’; whence a heightened interest in quotient spaces modulo equivalence
A goal of representation theory is to associate with an algebraic object A
a ‘dual object’ A∗, defined in terms of representations that are ‘primitive’ in an
appropriate sense; the hope is that A∗is amenable to analysis and that properties
of A and A∗are reflected in each other.
In the best of all worlds (locally compact abelian groups) the dual object is an
algebraic object of the same sort, and one recovers the original object by taking the
dual of its dual (in the case of locally compact abelian groups, this is the Pontrjagin
duality theorem). More commonly, A∗is a set without algebraic structure; it may,
grudgingly, have one or more topologies, usually with a meager supply of open sets
(rarely enough for the Hausdorff separation property).
The key to Mackey’s remedy for the shortage of open sets is the concept of
‘Borel set’. In the classical case of the topological space Rof real numbers, the
Borel sets are the smallest class of subsets of Rthat (1) contains the open sets, (2) is
closed under complementation, and (3) is closed under countable unions (such a class
is called a ‘tribe’, or ‘σ-algebra’). The definition makes sense for any topological
space E , and one writes B(E) for the class of Borel sets of E . A topological space
with few open sets may still have an adequate supply of Borel sets.
Returning to the situation of an algebraic object A , with dual object A∗
suitably topologized, one observes that various natural constructions lead to subsets
of A ∗that are in general neither open nor closed but are Borel (for instance, the
set of points of A ∗corresponding to representations of A on a vector space of a
particular dimension). Mackey’s first key idea: why not do business with the more
abundant Borel sets instead of only the open sets? (The thrust of Mackey’s idea is
deeper than that: namely, the thesis that Borel structure is in fact more appropriate
to certain problems than topological structure.)