Fiche méthodologique:
présenter une enseigne, un magasin, une marque ou un produit
I. Faites une introduction
Commencez par présenter votre sujet (la marque, le magasin, la licence...) en donnant son nom.
Exemples: si c'est une marque: The brand I am going to present is "..."
si c'est un magasin: The store(US)/The shop(GB) I have chosen to talk about is "..."
si c'est une licence: I want to tell you about the trademark called "..."
si c'est un produit: I have chosen to present the product called "..."
II. Dans une problématique dites pourquoi vous avez choisi cette marque ou enseigne:
Exemples: - I am going to present the chain store Old Navy because I love this brand and it doesn’t exist in
Europe and in France, so you probably don’t know it.
- I am going to present the brand Nike because it is my favorite brand, I wear their clothes
everyday and I love their mottos.
III. Présentez les éléments importants de l’enseigne
- Nom: citez les noms importants (marque, groupe, produits emblématiques...)
exemples: - I am going to present the brand "....",
- the name of the group is... (if chain stores),
- the names of the emblematic products are...
- Dates: citez la date de création et les dates les plus importantes (mais ne vous embarquez pas dans une liste de
dates qui seront difficiles à retenir)
exemples: - It was founded in... (+année)
- It was created on...(+jour)
- Nationalité:
exemple: Old Navy is an American brand, only located on the
American territory.
- Origine du nom :
exemples: - the name Nike comes from the Greek Goddess...
- the name was invented by the CEO (=le PDG)...
- Logo (à utiliser avec l'image): description, origin and symbols
- Représentants: Creators, founders and CEO : names and functions
IV. Donnez le type de l'enseigne/la marque
- Produits: (+ photos) - emblematic products to describe their specificities
exemples: - the types of products sold are...
- "Old Navy" is a chain store for clothes
- Clients: types of customers (ladies, gentlemen, children, teenagers, rich, modest, poor), type of brand ( luxury
brand, casual brand, ready to wear brand...)
- Magasins: Number of stores and location (on a map)+ specificities (with photos)
exemple: In 1994, Old Navy reached 48 stores. the main stores are located in...
V. Présentez les spécificités de la marque, des magasins et des produits
- le but (=the goal) the brand aims at mature and rich women because it is a luxury brand (la marque vise des
femmes mûres et riches car c'est une marque de luxe)
- les stratégies (=strategies)
- la devise (=the motto)
- le slogan (=the caption)
exemple: Their caption is « It’s easy to try and easy to buy, find style in a snap… a new look for you and a new look for us
too. » because Old Navy decided to change the style of their stores to make them more fun, bright and family centered. The
objectives were to renew the brand and to make shopping easier and more efficient to customers.
- produits, originalité, spécificité et technologie particulière
Famous and typical products/ originality/technology...
exemple: They have special products, for example every year the chain produces a new T-Shirt with the American
flag on it. In its Canadian stores, a similar shirt with the Canadian flag is sold. They also frequently release holiday
shirts including: Thanksgiving, Halloween, Valentine's Day, Christmas…
- Parler et montrer des photos des personnalités portant la marque ou faisant de la publicité pour la marque.
icons, models (famous people representing the brands)
VI. Donnez vos raisons de parler de cette marque
- Pourquoi la marque est elle célèbre selon vous? (=Famous for?)
- Donnez votre opinion et pourquoi vous avez choisi de parler de cette marque(=Your opinion about the products,
the prices, the standard, the quality, the image or reputation of the brand...)
- Comment avez vous connu la marque? L'achetez vous? Pourquoi? Pourquoi pas?
Exemples: - They don't have stores in France, they only have stores in North America, so when I go to the US
I always go shopping there. They also have products typical from the US that you can't find in France. They're not
- I have chosen to talk about this brand because it's my favorite...
VII. Concluez
Proposition de conclusion reprenant les éléments importants cités auparavant :
Exemple: To conclude, Old Navy is so typical from the U.S. that I really enjoy going shopping there on every trip
because you can’t get this atmosphere and products in France. The clothes are typical from this shop. They are
very casual and American and I like them, so that’s why I hope my presentation interested you and that you may
want to go shopping there now.
Necessary vocabulary:
Utilisez le vocabulaire lié aux produits (ex: shoesthe sole, footwear company, shoe laces, leather, casual type, running,
sneakers, size, color, cleaner, water repellant, a shoe model, a shoe factory, a shoe designer...)
a brand: une marque
a store/a shop: un magasin - a window: une vitrine - aisles: les allées - aisle end cap: TG - a corner in a dept store
products: les produits
an article of clothing: un vêtement
the caption: le slogan
an advert: une publicité
to promote: promouvoir, faire la publicité
sponsors- models- icons of the brand
the CEO: le PDG (chairman executive officer) - the trademark: la licence - the customers: les clients
VIII. Pour résumer ou réviser, remplissez le tableau ci dessous:
Date of creation
Name of the group (Inc)
Origin of the name
Creators: names and functions
Type of products sold
Number of stores/ location
Goals and strategies or caption or
Iikes and dislikes
(products, brand name, reputation...)
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