Consulta: creatorFacets:"Jalabert, B."
Registros recuperados: 62
Data/hora: 26/05/2017 20:51:09
Postovulatory changes in the theca folliculi of the trout
Provedor de dados: 4
Autores: Szöllösi, D.; Jalabert, B.; Breton, B.
At time of ovulation the cells composing the theca folliculi of trout are morphologically smooth muscle like. The physiological
behaviour of this tissue confirms its smooth muscle nature. Following ovulation a further cellular transformation and
differentiation takes place : within 12-24 hrs after ovulation the theca cells start phagocytozing the adjacent collagen. Bundles of
collagen are partially surrounded at first by cellular processes of the thecal cells while finally small bundles of collagen are
interiorized. The number of collagen fibers per phagocytotic vesicle varies from one to many. The bundles can be recognized
morphologically until 72 hrs after ovulation after which time they become indistinct, indicating a possible hydrolysis. Tests with
Tipo: Journal (Paginated)
Palavras-chave: QP Physiology.
Ano: 1978
Production of fertilizable oocytes from follicles of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii) following in vitro
maturation and ovulation
Provedor de dados: 4
Autores: Jalabert, B.; Theron, M.C.; Heydorff, M.
Trout ovarian follicles were taken in vivo with oocytes showing a peripheral germinal vesicle (fig. 1 : stage 1°, before natural
induction of maturation) and incubated at 10°C with hormones to complete maturation. PGF2alpha, was added after 6, 7 or 8 days
of incubation and ovulations were recorded 24 hours later. By this means, trout pituitary extract, pure trout gonadotropin t-GtH, or
17 alpha-hydroxy-20 beta-dihydro-progesterone (17 alpha- 20 beta P) was equally effective for production of fertilizable oocytes
after 7 + 1 days of incubation. After only 6 day maturation incubation, PGF2alpha, was already able to induce successful
ovulation, but fertilizability was near zero ; after 8-day maturation incubation, responsiveness to PGF2alpha, was lost (tables...
Tipo: Journal (Paginated)
Palavras-chave: QP Physiology.
Ano: 1978
Inhibition de la spermatogenèse du guppy (poisson Cyprinodontidae) par le méthallibure [Inhibitory
effect of ICI 33828 (methallibure) on spermatogenesis in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata)]
Provedor de dados: 4
Autores: Billard, R.; Breton, B.; Jalabert, B.
L'utilisation du méthallibure, en bain, aux doses de 1 à 2 p.p.m., entraîne une inhibition de la spermatogenèse du Guppy, qui est
plus lente que celle obtenue après hypophysectomie chirurgicale ; après 30 jours de traitement l'inhibition de la spermatogenèse
n'est pas totale. Le taux de mortalité reste élevé (20 p. 100 au 306 jour à la dose de 1 p.p.m.) mais il est dû en partie au solvant
utilisé. [Administration of methallibure at 1 to 2 p.p.m. rates in water inhibited spermatogenesis in the Guppy. The gonadosomatic
index decreased after day 10 of treatment (fig. I A). A regression of the various germinal cells was also recorded, but at day 30 of
treatment, the inhibition of spermiogenesis was not total (fig. I B.H). In all cases the effects were slower...
Tipo: Journal (Paginated)
Palavras-chave: QP Physiology.
Ano: 1970