D - disease
5) Même question :
" a particularly frightening experience "
A - a
B - particularly
C - frightening
D - experience
6) Laquelle des 4 propositions se rapproche le plus du sens du passage suivant :
"a manner that had to do with ..."
A - a manner that had done with ...
B - a manner that could have been related to ...
C - a manner which did with ...
D - a manner that must do with ...
7) Laquelle des 4 propositions se rapproche le plus du sens du passage suivant :
"He used art as a kind of probing device."
A - He had got into the habit of probing devices.
B - For him, art was a kind device to probe.
C - Thanks to art, he could explore.
D - His art was like a gentle machine.
8) Dans le passage suivant ("He pursued art deadly seriously, she recalls, with a kind of
seriousness that only a scientist or someone like that would have."), lequel des 4 termes
se rapproche le plus du sens de "deadly" :
A - lethal
B - death
C - very
D - many
9) Donnez la traduction des groupes verbaux suivants :
They might be chosen =
She must have forgotten =
10) Donnez la traduction des phrases suivantes
Voilà deux jours qu'ils travaillent.
Elles étaient parties depuis 1999
Text 2 Physical gestalten - Wolfgang Köhler, 1938
1. When spatial, visual, auditory and intellectual processes are such as to display
properties other than ...