The direct object pronoun is placed directly in front of the conjugated verb. If
there are two verbs, one conjugated and one infinitive, the pronoun goes in
front of the infinitive.
exemple: Je le regarde. Je vais le regarder.
me, te, le and la become m’, t’, l’ and l’ before a vowel.
E. Indirect Object Pronouns – replace a noun which is the indirect object of the sentence.
(answer the question to or for what or whom). French verbs which are followed by the
preposition à require indirect object pronouns (rather than direct object)
example: I give Mary the tickets. Give to whom? To Mary. I give the tickets to her.
me (to me) nous (to us)
te (to you) vous (to you)
lui (to him or her) leur (to them)
Some common verbs which need à before a person, and thus need indirect object
*acheter; demander; donner; écrire; envoyer ; offrir; parler; plaire (to be pleasing to) ;
répondre ; téléphoner.
***These verbs do NOT use indirect object pronouns: attendre (to wait for); écouter
(to listen to); regarder (to look at)
F. Double Object Pronouns
If there are two object pronouns in the same sentence, use the following order:
me le lui y en verbe
te la leur
nous les
The word order changes in positive commands. The pronouns go after the
verb, joined by hyphens. In positive commands, me and te become “moi” and