Yr 9 French Exam Information
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The semester 1 year 9 French exam will take place in week 3 of term 2.
The exam consists of 5 sections which will be completed in two stages:
1. The written parts (reading comprehension, grammar and writing sections) will take
place during the exam period in week 3
2. The Oral (poem – Berthe Mouchette competition) and listening sections will be done in
class after the exam in week 4 on the following dates:
Madame Lopez
9B1- Monday 12th May
9C1X- Tuesday 13th May
Madame Creak
9A1- Monday 12th May (Listening), Friday 16th May (Oral)
9 C1Y- Tuesday 13th May
Each section is worth 20%.
Overview of the exam and content to revise
The main focus on the examination will be on the grammar and vocabulary studied this
Remember, that language learning is cumulative we will assume that you have retained your
knowledge of grammar and vocabulary from the past years.
For grammar -refer to the following pages in Tricolore Totale 3.
Present tense
Regular verbs –er, -ir and –re p 8, p 149 (12.4)
Irregular verbs : être, avoir, aller, prendre, faire. p 12, p155-158
Reflexive verbs –se reveiller etc. P 16, p 152 (13.1, 13.2)
Passé composé with avoir. P 27, p149 (12.6)
Regular verbs –er, ir, and –re
Irregular- etre, avoir, prendre, faire
The negative form (ne…pas) P 148 (10.1)
Asking questions P 149 (11.1, 11.2)