F-Complétez avec himself, herself, themselves or each other.
1-M.L.King hoped white people would look at THEMSELVES closely to see what they were doing wrong.
2-Both blacks and whites were being rude to EACH OTHER
3-He and Rosa Parks expressed THEMSELVES with clarity on racism.
4-When they met, they talked to EACH OTHER for a long time.
5-Rosa Parks was not just speaking for HERSELF but for all black people.
6-When M.L.King was in prison he and his wife wrote to EACH OTHER / ONE ANOTHER all the time.
G-Remplacer les mots soulignés avec une des expressions ci-dessous puis traduisez en français en utilisant des
verbes pronominaux. get on with - get used to - get angry with - get married - get through
1-King never accustomed himself to / GOT USED TO how the blacks were treated.
2-With his speech, he made himself heard / GOT THROUGH all over the whole country.
3-Martin Luther King was friends with / GOT ON WITH everybody.
4-But he became furious with / GOT ANGRY people who wouldn't let the blacks do what they wanted.
5-Martin Luther King met Coretta Scott at university and they became husband and wife /GOT MARRIED in 1953.
H-Lisez ces phrases. Qu'expriment les expressions en gras? Comment ces notions pourraient -elles être exprimées
dans un contexte présent.
a.We will be able to work together. IDEE DE POUVOIR = CAPACITE
b.We will have to fight together. IDEE DE DEVOIR
c.One day the Blacks will be allowed to vote too. IDEE DE POUVOIR = PERMISSION
I-Martin Luther King pense que tout ira mieux dans l'avenir. Terminez ces phrases.
1-Today people can make you feel that you're nobody, but tomorrow ...............................................................................................
2-Today you can't feel that you count, but soon .................................................................................................................................
3-Today you must sweep streets, but tomorrow ................................................................................................................................
4-Today you must put up with racism, but in the future ......................................................................................................................
5-Today you can't use the same restaurants as whites, but tomorrow ...............................................................................................
6-Today you must accept less pay than your white brothers but in the future ....................................................................................