microacidic pH and modified glucose concentration : two pathological patterns of metabolic
microenvironment of tumors cells. (5th-8th October, 2011, Berder, France)-Fifth Berder meeting
« Apoptosis, Angiogenesis and Hypoxia in Tumor Microenvironment : Biological aspects and
Imaging »
(Poster) Oussama Achour*, Nicolas Bridiau, Jean-Marie Piot, Thierry Maugard, Ingrid Fruitier-
Arnaudin. Aide au ciblage du microenvironnement tumoral par le développement d’un nano-système
de détection et de traitement des tumeurs avec inhibition ciblée de l’héparanase. 6ème réunion
plénière 19 au 21 mars POITIERS 2012 "Nanoparticules d'Or : de la Théorie à l'application"
(Communication orale) Achour* O., Bridiau, N., Piot, JM., Maugard, T., Fruitier-Arnaudin, I. Tumor
microenvironment targeting by the development of a nanosystem for the detection and treatment of
tumors by targeted inhibition of heparanase. "Nanomedicine in Oncology" from the 26th to 29th
of September 2012 in Berder Island, France
(Communication orale) Achour O, Bridiau N., Piot J.M., Arnaudin I., Maugard T. Tumor micro
environment targeting by the development of a nano-system for the detection and treatment of tumors
by targeted inhibition of a glycosidase.
International symposium on Nanomedicine in Oncology. Cancéropôle Grand-Ouest 26-29 septembre
2012, Ile de Berder, Morbihan, France.
(Communication orale) Achour O, Bridiau N., Piot J.M., Arnaudin I., Maugard T. Tumor micro
environment targeting by the development of a nano-system for the detection and treatment of tumors
by targeted inhibition of a glycosidase. International symposium on Defeating Cancer, 24-25 septembre
2012, Studium, Orleans, France
(Communication orale) Achour O, Bridiau N, Le Joubioux F, Bordenave S, Sannier F, Piot JM,
Fruitier I, Maugard T. Production d’héparines de bas poids moléculaire à activité anticoagulante, par
dépolymérisation de l’héparine. 25e Colloque du Club Bioconversion en Synthèse Organique. Carry
Le Rouet, 3-6 juin 2014, France.
(poster) Poupard N, Bridiau N, Piot JM, Fruitier I, Maugard T. Development of a nano-system
targeting the tumor micro-environment for the detection and treatment of tumors by inhibition of a
specific glycosidase. Workshop canceropôle grand ouest « Immune and stromal responses in
cancerology: New challenges for therapeutic targeting”, Octobre 2014, La Turballe-Penbron-
(poster) Poupard. N, Bridiau. N, Achour. O, Piot. JM, Maugard. T, Arnaudin. I. Production of sulfated
oligosaccharides using different depolymerization methods: Evaluation of bioactivity on Hemostase and
a specific β-endoglycosidase responsible for angiogenesis in cancer. 11th Carbohydrate Bioengineering
Meeting. Espoo, 10-13 mai 2015, Finland.
(poster) Poupard. N, Bridiau. N, Achour. O, Piot. JM, Maugard. T, Arnaudin. I. Production
d'oligosaccharides sulfatés via différentes méthodes de dépolymérisation: Evaluation de leur activité sur
l'Hémostase ainsi que sur une β-endoglycosidase promotrice de l'angiogénèse tumorale. Workshop
canceropôle grand ouest: "Immune and stromal responses in cancerology: New challenges for
therapeutic targeting", 18-19 juin 2015, Sables d'Olonnes.
(poster ) Poupard. N, Bridiau. N, Achour. O, Piot. JM, Kieda. C, Grillon. C, Maugard. T, Arnaudin. I.
Design of a nano-system targeting the tumor micro-environment for the treatment of tumors by
inhibition of a specific β-endoglycosidase responsible for angiogenesis.11th Jenner glycobiology and
medicine symposium, 19-21 avril 2015, Paris.