Bibliography OP/DIR/GLOBE 1
Selected bibliography: OP/DIR/GLOBE
Islam in general
John L. Esposito (Editor in Chief), The Oxford Dictionary of Islam, Oxford University Press,
("Publication of The Oxford Dictionary of Islam is the next logical step in a long-term
partnership with Oxford to provide major reference works on Islam and the Muslim world. It
began with the four-volume The Oxford Encyclopaedia of the Modern Islamic World, a
collection of entries authored by more than four hundred and fifty Muslim and non-Muslim
scholars. This was followed by The Oxford History of Islam, which combined major articles
with over four hundred illustrations. The Oxford Dictionary of Islam is a natural outgrowth of
this process and adds to the growing library of scholarship on Islam to inform and educate
the general public." see Preface.)
Zidane Mériboute, La fracture islamique : demain, le soufisme ?, Fayard, Paris, 2004.
Marcel A. Boisard, Guide pratique à l’intention des collaborateurs du CICR en terres d’Islam,
Geneva, 1989.
Islam in Africa:
- Zidane Meriboute, Les différentes tendances de l'Islam et leur impact sur l'Afrique Noire,
dans: Diplomatie: Affaires stratégiques et cultures internationales, Nr 11, Novembre
Décembre 2004, pages 32 37.
Shia and Iran
- Wilfried Buchta, Who rules Iran? The structure of Power in the Islamic Republic, A joint
publication of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and the Konrad Adenauer
Stiftung, Washington 2000.
E.G. Fuller, “Islamists in the Arab world: The dance around democracy,” Democracy and
Rule of Law Project, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, September 2004,
Antony Black, The History of Islamic political thought. From the prophet to the present.,
University Press, Edinburgh, 2001.
International Crisis Group (ICG), Saudi Arabia Backgrounder: Who are the Islamists?, Middle
East Report No. 31, September 2004.
International Crisis Group (ICG), Understanding Islamism, Middle East/North Africa Report
No. 37, March 2005.
Gilles Keppel, Fitna. Guerre au Coeur de l'Islam, Gallimard, Paris 2004.
Perception / sondages
Bibliography OP/DIR/GLOBE 2
Pew Global Attitudes Project, A year after Iraq War. Mistrust of America in Europe ever
higher, Muslim anger persists. A nine-country survey, Washington, March 2004.
Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, Humanitarian engagement with armed groups: The
Central Asian Islamic opposition movements, Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, Geneva,
Center for Strategic Studies, Revisiting the Arab Street. Research from within., University of
Jordan, Amman, February 2005.
World Public Opinion, Muslim public opinion on US policy, attacks on civilians and Al Qaeda,
International Policy Attitudes, University of Maryland, USA, April 2007.
Al Qaida
Jason Burke, Al- Qaeda. Casting a shadow of terror, I.B. Tauris, 2003.
Bernard Lewis, “License to kill. Usama bin Ladin’s declaration of jihad”, Foreign Affairs,
November/December 1998, p. 14 ff.
Adam Ward (ed.), James Hackett (assistant ed.), “Combating transnational terrorism”, IISS
Strategic Comments, Vol. 10, Issue 10, December 2004 (
Olivier Roy, L'Islam mondialisé, Editions du Seuil, septembre 2002.
Gilles Kepel et al. Al Qaida dans le texte: Ecrits d'Oussama ben Laden, Abdallah Azzam,
Ayman al-Zawahri, Abou Mussa Al Zarqawi. PUF, Paris, 2005
CICR, La nébuleuse Al Qaida et ses orientations stratégiques depuis le 11 Septembre 2001,
OP/DIR/GLOB, December 2006.
International Humanitarian Law and Sharia
Ameur Zemali, Combattants et prisonniers de guerre en droit Islamique et en droit
international humanitaire, Éditions A. Pedone, Paris, 1997
Sheikh Wahbeh al-Zuhili, Islam and International law, International Review of the Red
Cross, volume 87, number 858, June 2005, pages 269 283.
Mahmood Ahmad Ghazi in Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al -Shaybani, The shorter book on
Muslim international law, edited, translated and annotated by Dr Mahmood Ahmad Ghazi,
Islamabad, 1998.
Relations between Islam and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
James Cockayne, “Islam and international humanitarian law: From a clash to a conversation
between civilizations”, International Review of the Red Cross (IRRC), No. 847, September
2002, pp. 597-625.
Andreas Wigger, “Encountering perceptions in parts of the Muslim world and their impact on
the ICRC’s ability to be effective”, International Review of the Red Cross (IRRC), No. 858,
June 2005, pp. 343-365.
Islamic NGOs
Bibliography OP/DIR/GLOBE 3
Jamal Krafess, The influence of the Muslim religion in humanitarian aid, International
Review of the Red Cross, volume 87, number 858, June 2005, pages 327 342
Abdel Rahman Ghandour, Jihad humanitaire. Enquête sur les ONG islamiques, Flammarion,
Paris, 2002.
Jonathan Benthall and Jérôme Bellion-Jourdan, The Charitable Crescent, I.B Tauris, New
York, 2003.
Gilles Kepel, Jihad, expansion et déclin de l’Islamisme, Gallimard, Paris, 2000.
Marc Sageman, Understanding Terror Networks, University of Pennsylvania Press,
Philadelphia, 2004.
Suicide Bombings
Bernard K. Freamon, “Martyrdom, suicide and the Islamic law of war: a short legal history”,
Fordham International Law Journal, New York, December 27th 2003, pp. 299-369.
CICR, The stance of Muslim scholars on suicide bombings, OP/DIR/GLOB, March 2007.
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