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Le Réseau BIO
Plate-forme de réseautage pour les producteurs, transformateurs et commerçants d'aliments
biologiques du Québec
Un site réalisé grâce à un
Bienvenue sur le Réseau BIO, une plate-forme de réseautage pour les
producteurs, transformateurs et commerçants d'aliments biologiques et
intervenants en agriculture biologique au Québec.
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Le gouvernement du Québec annonce une aide financière de plus de deux
millions de dollars
MAPAQ Communiqués - ven, 2012/12/14 - 14:12
14 décembre 2012 - Le gouvernement du Québec annonce une aide financière de plus
de deux millions de dollars
Mise en garde contre un allergène
MAPAQ Communiqués - ven, 2012/12/14 - 02:04
13 décembre 2012 - Mise en garde contre un allergène
Millésime Bio, la plus grande cave Bio au monde a 20 ans - jeu, 2012/12/13 - 19:18
Créé en 1993 par quelques viticulteurs du Languedoc-Roussillon
adhérents à Sudvinbio, association interprofessionnelle des vignerons biologiques de la région,
ce salon se déroule chaque année au mois de janvier et regroupe une offre très large de vins
Le MAPAQ accorde 3,7 millions de dollars pour la rationalisation des
entreprises de pêche de la Basse-Côte-Nord
MAPAQ Communiqués - jeu, 2012/12/13 - 13:56
13 décembre 2012 - Le MAPAQ accorde 3,7 millions de dollars pour la rationalisation
des entreprises de pêche de la Basse-Côte-Nord
Le ministre Gendron appuie l'industrie de la crevette nordique
MAPAQ Communiqués - jeu, 2012/12/13 - 13:56
13 décembre 2012 - Le ministre Gendron appuie l'industrie de la crevette nordique
La certification bio taiwanaise bientôt reconnue par l Europe ? - mer, 2012/12/12 - 19:16
L'UE va étudier l’ inscription de Taiwan sur la liste des pays dont le
système d'agriculture biologique répond à des règles de production et de contrôle équivalentes à
celles fixées au niveau européen, a indiqué Francis Liang, le vice-ministre de l'économie.
The USDA Organic Literacy Initiative: Streamlining Access and Promoting
Modifier eXtension Articles,News,Faqs,Events- organic production (anglais) - mer,
2012/12/12 - 12:40
eOrganic author:
Betsy Rakola, USDA National Organic Program
On September 4, 2012, the USDA launched its first Organic Literacy Initiative. This package of
training and outreach materials highlights the range of USDA programs and services for organic
farmers, ranchers, and processors. The initiative explains what organic means, how certification
works, and how to connect current and prospective organic operations with helpful resources.
The online training modules and accompanying handouts provide a quick, easy overview of the
USDA organic seal. In addition, the UDSA Organic Resource Guide details a multitude of
programs and services available to organic or transitioning producers and handlers, including
contact information and website references.
The brochure, poster, and resource guide are applicable to a broad audience, but they are
particularly useful for field offices, extension agencies, and other on-the-ground services
providers. The materials can serve as quick reference guides and handy outreach materials to
give clients the information they need. The “Is Organic an Option for Me?” brochure answers
many common questions for new and prospective organic farmers. You can explore the range of
resources on your own, or you can view a recorded webinar that explains the different tools and
shows you how you can adapt them to your needs.
The Organic 101 and 201 training modules, key to the initiative, provide learners with the building
blocks to understand how the organic regulations work in practice. The modules are available
publicly, as well as through the USDA’s AgLearn internal training portal for employees. In October
and November, 2012, over 1,200 USDA employees completed the AgLearn training, and
thousands of visitors to the USDA National Organic Program’s (NOP) website viewed the
modules as well. Field office agencies have placed a strong emphasis on the training program.
In December 2012, the NOP added four publications to the Organic Literacy Initiative. Developed
through cooperation with the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT), these
publications provide detailed, point-by-point information on organic certification, crop production,
livestock, and food processing. Two of the publications, the Guide for Organic Crop Producers
and Guide for Organic Livestock Producers, update the NCAT’s 2003 Organic Crops
Workbook and its 2004 Organic Livestock Workbook. The other two publications, Organic
Certification and the Guide for Organic Processors, are new in 2012. These in-depth
overviews of the organic regulations are targeted to new and existing organic operators who want
to improve their understanding of or compliance with the USDA organic regulations.
Take a few minutes to visitand bookmark
This is an eOrganic article and was reviewed for compliance with National Organic Program
regulations by members of the eOrganic community. Always check with your organic certification
agency before adopting new practices or using new materials. For more information, refer to
eOrganic's articles on organic certification.
eOrganic 8436
Le crédit d'impôt prolongé de deux ans - mar, 2012/12/11 - 19:11
Les députés ont prolongé, sur proposition du gouvernement, le crédit
d'impôt sur l'agriculture biologique pour favoriser ce mode de production respectueux de
Partenariat Lyonnaise des Eaux et agriculteurs bio - lun, 2012/12/10 - 19:02
Une convention de partenariat de 5 ans pour développer l'agriculture
biologique sur un territoire couvrant 11 communes des Yvelines a été signée le 21 novembre
avec le groupement des agriculteurs biologiques d'Île de France (GAB IdF).
Marketing and Food Systems in Organic Production
Modifier eXtension Articles,News,Faqs,Events- organic production (anglais) - lun,
2012/12/10 - 18:50
As Farmers' Markets Grow, So Should Management
Business Planning Resources
Consumer Perspectives About Organic and Sustainable Food
Direct Marketing Channels & Strategy for Organic Products
Direct Marketing Introduction for Organic Farms
Direct Marketing of Organic Food with Value-Added Products
Eat Local Campaigns
Farm Direct Marketing Case Studies
Farmers' Guide to Organic Contracts
Farmers' Markets Growing in Popularity But Not All Succeed
Food System Assessments and Toolkits
Food System Consolidation in the Organic Industry
Food Systems Introduction
Local Dirt: Beyond Marketing. Find Buyers, Sell Online, Source and Buy
Product...Yourself Webinar
North Carolina's Statewide Initiative for Building a Local Food Economy Webinar
Organic Farming Financial Benchmarks Webinar by eOrganic
Organic Vegetable Production: Farm Case Studies, Systems Descriptions, and Farmer
Plan For Marketing Your Organic Products Webinar
Planning Your Organic Farm for Profit Webinar
Strategies for Effective Whole-Farm and Business Planning
The Economics of Organic Dairy Farming in New England Webinar from eOrganic
Video Clip: Farmer’s Market from Farmers and their Diversified Horticultural Marketing
Video Clip: Internet Sales from Farmers and their Diversified Horticultural Marketing
Video Clip: Large-Scale CSA from Farmers and their Diversified Horticultural Marketing
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