Autobiography of Mohammed Arkoun
Mohammed Arkoun was born in Taourirt-Mimoun, a town in Grande Kabylie in
Algeria. He spent his primary education in Taourirt-Mimoun and his secondary
education in Oran. He majored in philosophy in Algeria and France at the University
of Sorbonne. He lectured Arabic language in Paris in 1956, and he attained his PhD in
philosophy at the University of Sorbonne in 1968. From 1961-1991, Dr. Arkoun was
a lecturer at Sorbonne and a visiting lecturer at the following universities:
Wissenschaftskolleg (Berlin 1977-1979)
Prinston University (USA 1992-1993)
Los Angeles (1969)
Prinston (1985)
Lofan Laneef (1977-1979)
Pontificial d’ Etudes Arabes (Rome)
Philadelphia (1988-1990)
Amsterdam (1991-1993)
New York university (2001-2003)
Edinburgh-Gifford Lectures (2001)
An advisor on Islamic Studies at the Congress library since 2000.
Lectures and Conferences
Dr. Mohammed Arkoun attended conferences and lectured at the following: Rabat,
Fas, Casablanca, Aljadeedah, Safi, A’nnabah, Talmasan, Jardayah, Wahran, Tunis,
Cairo, Tabrak, Tripoli, Beirut, Damascus, Halab, Amman, Baghdad, Almadeenah
Elmonawarah, Reyad, San’a’, Masqat (Oman), Al Manamah (Bahrain), Kuwait,
Zinjibar, Mumbasa, Dakar, Tahran, New Delhi, Bombay, Peking, Jakarta, Samarqand,
Moscow, Helsinki, Turku, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, London, Birmingham,
Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Rotterdam, Tal Burj, Brussels, Hamburg, Hanover,
Berlin, Heidelberg, Burn, Zurich, Geneva, Turin, Rome, Napoli, Barcelona, Madrid,
Qurtoba, Granada, New York, Boston, Washington, Chicago, Miami, Houston,
Denver, Birkly, San Diego, Los Angeles, Montreal, Toronto, Pisa, Venice etc etc.
Occupation and current activities
Dr. Mohammed Arkoun is a retired lecturer at the Sorbonne. He is also a member and
a visiting lecturer at the board of directors in the Islamic Institute in London. In
addition to that, he is scientific director at the Magazine ARABICA (Brill, Leiden)
since 1980. He is on the board of directors of the arbitration committee for Aga Khan
d’Architecture between 1989-1998. From 1995 to 1998 he was member of the High
Council for Family and population. Between 1990 and 1998 he was member of the
National Committee for Ethics, Philosophy of Life (Weltanschauung) and Health. In
2002, he was a member of the international jury of the UNESCO Prize for the