Sciences de la vie et de la Terre Syllabus 2012-2013 For 12th S grade
Instructor: Mrs. Lundberg
Room: lab biology
PTVH: Friday 11:30-12:15
Textbook: SVT Nathan.
Course Description: Biology is devoted to the study of living things and their processes.
Throughout the year this course provides an opportunity for students to develop scientific
process skills, laboratory techniques, and an understanding of the fundamental principles of
living organisms. Students will explore biological science as a process, cell structure and
function, genetics and heredity, evolution and classification.
Teach students practical scientific skills, which they can use to investigate, study and explain
the world around them.
Give students a deeper understanding of the how biology impacts their daily lives.
To encourage the spirit of scientific investigation and with it the attitudes of accuracy in
thought and work.
Students learning outcome:
Learn how to do and analyze a graph
Learn how to analyze a document and use it to answer to a science question
Learn how to prepare and participate in a debate
Learn how to use a microscope
Learn how to use an electrophoresis
Everything asked for the baccalaureat
Classroom Expectations:
Students are expected to be in their seat and ready when the bell rings.
Materials (textbook, pencil, paper, and notebook) must be brought to class each day.
If you do not bring needed materials to class you will be sent to your locker to get them and will
also receive a tardy if you are not in the room when the bell rings.
The laboratory or room must be clean at the end of the period before leaving.
Treat everyone with respect.
Follow the instructions given by teacher or lesson.
All school rules will be followed as stated in the student handbook.
Keys for Success in Biology
Have a positive attitude
I am here to help you succeed, so feel free to ask me for help. I am available before and after
school in my room.
Ask lots of questions. If you are unclear about something from the textbook, lab, or from
discussion, ask.
Make sure that you understand how the lecture, homework, and labs interrelate.
Labs and homework are designed to reinforce significant ideas from the text. Make sure that
you see these connections.
Start studying for tests early. By studying and reviewing each night you are not only helping to
prepare for the test more effectively, you are also more prepared for class each day and any
quizzes that may be given.
Thème 1 La Terre dans l’Univers, la vie, l’évolution du vivant
A. Génétique et évolution
1. Le brassage génétique et sa contribution à la diversité génétique
2. Diversification génétique et sa diversification des êtres vivants
3. De la diversification des êtres vivants à l’évolution de la biodiversité
4. Un regard sur l’évolution de l’Homme
5. Les relations entre organisation et mode de vie, résultat de l’évolution : l’exemple de la
vie fixée chez les plantes.
B. Le domaine continental et sa dynamique
1. La caractérisation du domaine continental : lithosphère continentale, reliefs et épaisseur
2. La convergence lithosphérique : contexte de la formation des chaînes de montagnes
3. Le magmatisme en sone de subduction : une production de nouveaux materiaux
4. La disparition des reliefs
Thème 2. Enjeux planétaires contemporains
A. Géothermie et propriétés thermiques de la Terre
B. La plante domestiquée
Thème 3. Corps humain et santé
A. Le maintien de l’intégrité de l’organisme : quelques aspects de la réaction immunitaire
1. La réaction inflammatoire, un exemple de réponse innée
2. L’immunité adaptative, prolongement de l’immunité innée
3. Le phénotype immunitaire au cours de la vie
B. Neurone et fibre musculaire : la communication nerveuse
1. Le réflexe myotatique, un exemple de commande réflexe du muscle
2. La volonté au mouvement
3. Motricité et plasticité cérébrale
Student who takes biology in specialty:
Thème 1 La Terre dans l’Univers, la vie et l’évolution de la vie
Énergie et cellule vivante
Thème 2 Enjeux planétaire contemporains
Atmosphère, hydrosphère, climats : du passé à l’avenir
Thème 3 Corps humain et santé
Glycémie et diabète
SVT students’ book, microscope, Internet and biological material.
Types of Assignments:
Each time, there will be homework for the next week.
Each time, the lesson has to be understood and known. If something is not clear, at the beginning
of the class I will answer at all the questions.
Sequence of Assignments:
Monday between 3:30 and 4:15
Wednesday between 11:30 and 12:15
Friday between 1:50 and 3:15
Monday between 4:15 and 5:45 (for biology specialty)
Basis for Assigning the Course Grade:
Noted homework: coefficient 1
Quiz: coefficient 1
Test: coefficient 3
Make-up Policy:
If a student is absent, when he’ll be back, at the beginning of the class, we will explain to him
what he missed.
But there are 2 cases:
He comes back the same day of the biology class; he will have to complete his notebook for the
next biology class.
He comes back few days before the biology class, he will have to complete his notebook for the
class and try to do the homework.
If a student is not here for a test, he will have to do it when he comes back.
Other classroom considerations:
All tests or quizzes below 10/20 have to be signed by one parent or tutor.
If an exercise is not done, the student has to bring back a note from his tutor.
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