Abstract :
The Development of a new Philosophy of Physics in the 18th Century.
The study of books on physics published in the 18th century shows that the evolution
since the 17th century is much more than just a furthering of the discoveries of Newton, as we
often tend to present it these days.
Descartes’s mechanistic physics, severely criticized by Newton, was to develop with
help from many scientists, particularly from the Academy of Sciences in Paris. The
discussions between Cartesians and Newtonians did not end in the 1740’s. This real scientific
duel, which lasted over half a century, was the heart of a broader way of thinking about
physics which operated on several levels:
- Mathematization
- Concepts, definitions, laws, the role of experimentation and hypotheses
- Philosophical problems: principles, the search of the causes, theological problems.
The aim of this thesis is to show that the variety of the approaches and the methods
throughout the early 18th century was to allow the creation of a new conception of physics.
This variety appears in the works of many authors, who were either scientists
themselves, or transmitters of science, who played a very important role, too.
Keywords: Physics, Philosophy of Science, Newtonianism, Cartesianism,
experimentation, rationalism, Mathematization.