Introduction 3
(#.ŲÅŲěAdmission d’un patient àl’hôpital / Admissions 5
΍DIALOGUE 1 Admitting a patient to the hospital 5
Le verbe «be» 7
Les deux principaux présents en anglais: 8
présent simple / présent continu (ouprogressif) 8
ͷLe présent simple 8
ͷAdverbes de fréquence
always / never / sometimes / often / usually 9
ͷLe présent continu ou présent progressif (be + verbe en -ing) 9
΍DIALOGUE 2 Trouver son chemin / Finding the way 12
Prépositions 13
ͷPrepositions of movement 14
ͷPrepositions of place 15
Le corps humain / The human body 17
(#.ŲÆŲěAdmission dansleservice / Admission to the ward 23
΍DIALOGUE 3 Interroger un patient / Questioning a patient 23
Autres symptômes / Other symptoms 26
ěŲ Quelques expressions complémentaires 27
Le prétérit ou «past simple» 27
ͷLe prétérit du verbe «be» 29
ͷÀ quel(s) temps français correspond le prétérit? 29
DIALOGUE 4 Informer un patient sur son séjour
Installer un patient dans sa chambre /
Informing patients about their stay
Installing patients in their room 31
ěŲ Vocabulaire 33
ěŲ La chambre d'un patient / A patient’s room 34
(#.ŲÇŲěLe soin quotidien / Dayto day care 39
DIALOGUE 5 Discussing a patient with the Head Nurse
Le cas de David / David’s case 39
L’impératif 41
DIALOGUE 6 Le cas de David (suite) / David’s case (cont’d) 41
΍DIALOGUE 7 Changer un pansement et enlever un plâtre /
Changing a dressing and taking off a plastercast 43
΍DIALOGUE 8 Poser une perfusion / Putting up a drip 44
DIALOGUE 9 Parler du drain et du retrait des fils
Discussing a drain and removing stitches 45
DIALOGUE 10 Demander un prélèvement d’urine
Asking for a urine sample 45
Going to (Future) 48
Medication and side effects 49
ěŲ Posologie des médicaments /
Dose and Time of Medication Administration 50
Les analyses médicales les plus courantes
(sang et urine) / The most common medical
(blood and urine) tests 52
(#.ŲÈŲěOrgans / Les organes 55
΍DIALOGUE 11 Telephoning / Téléphoner 58
ěŲ A telephone conversation / Une conversation téléphonique 59
The modals / Les auxiliaires modaux : can / could / may / might 62
΍DIALOGUE 12 Audio script for the exercise 66
(#.ŲÉŲěAt the A and E department 69
΍DIALOGUE 13 Asking about a patient’s comfort
and offering help / S’enquérir du confort
du patient et offrir son aide 69
Vital signs 70
ͷ Saying temperature and blood pressure 70
Past continuous / Le passé continu 74
(#.ŲÊŲěPain 79
΍DIALOGUE 14 Talking about pain (1) 79
DIALOGUE 15 Talking about pain (2) 80
ěŲ Simple conversation eases pain during operations 82
ěŲ Intrathecal drug pump 84
Future Tenses 85
ͷWill 85
(#.ŲÊŲěŲ),,.#)(-Ų 88
(#.ŲËŲěPreparing a patient foranoperation 91
DIALOGUE 16 Preparing Mrs Harris for her operation 91
ěŲ Ordinal Numbers 92
ěŲ Zero, nought and Oh all = 0 93
ěŲ Fractions 93
ěŲ Limbs and joints 93
΍DIALOGUE 17 In the Operating theatre 94
Modal Verbs 95
(#.ŲËŲěŲ),,.#)(-Ų 99
(#.ŲÌŲěDigestive system 101
ěŲ Questioning 101
ěŲ Describing stools 102
ěŲ Inserting a nasogastric tube 102
ěŲ Giving an enema 103
Present Perfect Simple 103
ͷPast Participle Crossword 104
DIALOGUE 18 Explaining a colostomy 105
DIALOGUE 19 Explaining how to change a colostomy bag 105
ͷThe Present Perfect is often used with the following adverbs… 106
DIALOGUE 20 Explaining colonoscopy 108
Adverbs 109
DIALOGUE 21 Temperature and Blood Pressure Charts 110
Past Simple versus Present Perfect 111
(#.ŲÌŲěŲ),,.#)(-Ų 113
(#.ŲÍŲěNutrition 115
΍DIALOGUE 22 Giving advice about nutrition 115
Should 118
Some or any 120
Diabetes surveillance:
showing a patient how to use aglucometer 121
(#.ŲÍŲěŲ),,.#)(-Ų 123
(#.ŲÅÄŲěExaminations / Heart and cardiovascular system 125
DIALOGUE 23 Examinations 125
Heart and cardiovascular system 128
ěŲ The heart 128
ěŲ Questioning a patient 128
ěŲ Cardiovascular diseases and pathologies 130
ěŲ Prevention – Advising a patient 131
DIALOGUE 24 Explaining anti-coagulants to the patient 132
Relative clauses 133
(#.ŲÅÅŲěEar Nose Throat (ENT) /
Respiratory system (Pneumology) 137
΍DIALOGUE 25 Ear Nose Throat 137
ěŲ An appointment with an ENT specialist 137
ěŲ Questioning a patient 138
Respiratory system (Pneumology) 140
ěŲ Main parts of the Respiratory system 140
DIALOGUE 26 Tracheal aspiration 140
ͷQuestioning the patient 141
ěŲ Dealing with an asthma attack 142
ěŲ Providing a patient with oxygen 143
Comparisons / Comparatives 144
ͷLe comparatif de supériorité: plus… que 144
ͷLe comparatif d’infériorité: moins… que… 144
ͷLes comparatifs irréguliers 144
ͷLe comparatif d’égalité: aussi… que… 145
The eye / Lœil 147
The Main parts of the eye 147
DIALOGUE 27 Advising a patient after a cataract surgery 147
ěŲ Advice on applying drops 150
(#.ŲÅÆŲěFemale reproductive system (Gynaecology) 155
DIALOGUE 28 A gynaecological consultation 155
ěŲ Female reproductive system 156
DIALOGUE 29 A second consultation 156
Menstrual Cycles and periods 157
ěŲ Questioning the patients 157
Contraception 158
STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) 160
Pregnancy and childbirth 161
Superlatives 162
ͷ1. Le superlatif de supériorité: le plus ou d’infériorité: le moins 162
ͷ2. Les superlatifs irréguliers 164
(#.ŲÅÇŲěPaedriatrics 167
DIALOGUE 30 Breastfeeding – Giving advice 167
ěŲ Additional vocabulary – Postnatal care and baby care 169
From cord cutting to APGAR score – Explaining
tothenew mother 169
Transferring the baby to a neonatal unit 170
“Why does my baby cry? 170
Giving the baby a bath 172
΍DIALOGUE 31 Having your child’s tonsils and adenoids removed 173
Life milestones 173
Questioning the mother and the child 174
Little / Few / A little / A few 176
ěŲ Diseases, disorders and vaccination 177
(#.ŲÅÈŲěUrinary system / Male reproductivesystem 181
ěŲ The main components of the urinary system 181
ěŲ How the urinary system works 181
ěŲ Questioning the patients 181
Sarah’s story about renal colic 183
“Yes / No questions”/ Les questions fermées 184
ͷLes auxiliaires 184
ͷRépondre par «oui» ou par «non» à une question fermée 185
Male reproductive system 187
ěŲ Questioning patients 187
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