Bulletin N°1, Activity blong Gaua Volkeno, Gaua Isl and, 30

Bulletin N°1, Activity blong Gaua Volkeno, Gaua Isl and, 30 September 2009
14°16’0”S 167°30’0”E Summit 2615ft (797m
Ol ripot we I kam long Gaua long Torba Povince is soem se aktiviti blong Gaua volkeno, emi stap kam
antap. Ol ai witness long Gaua oli bin ripotem tedei long 11am se I gat inkris long amount blong asis or
sanbis blong volcano, we Gaua volkeno emi stap sakem mo wind emi stap karem asis or sanbis ia iko
long west mo afektem at lis 5 komuniti long west blong Gaua. I gat wan bigfala saon blong wan
explosen we ol vilija oli harem long 29 Septemba 2009 mo afta volkeno I sakem fulap asis mo stil stap
sakem asis nao ia. Asis ia hemi spolem tu ol wota blo dring mo kala blong ol wota we oli stap long ol
risev emi jenis tu. Ol vilija oli ripotem tu se oli smelem strong smel blong kas blong volkeno. Hemia
hemi fes obsevesen afta long activity blong 1982.
Ol Satelaet pikja blong Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) blong 29 Septemba 2009 hemi comfemem
inkris ia blong kas blong Gaua volkeno (luk image ia).
Satellite (OMI) Image
Ol kaen aktiviti folem ol different Alet Level blong ol
volcano blong Vanuatu.
http://satepsanone.nesdis.noaa.gov/pub/OMI/OMISO2 vanuatu.html
Wetem hemia Volcano Alert level blong Gaua volkeno I go antap long Level 1 long Vanuatu
Volcano Alert Level (VVAL). Hemia hemi min se igat bigfala denja emi stap kolosap long crater
mo hemi no sef blong approjem volkeno ia.
Blong kasem moa infomesen yu save kontactem Geo-Hazard Unit blong Department blong Geology,
Mines mo Water Resources, telephone 22907/22423 email gesline@vanuatu.gov.vu, mo
stodman@vanuatu.gov.vu , or luk long internet long www.geohazards.gov.vu
VVAL Gaua volcano
0 Nomol o lo-level aktiviti. Aktiviti Istap
semak nomo o hemi olsem oltaem.
1 Aktiviti blong volkeno ikam antap
smolsmol. Tingbaot denja kolosap
long maot blong volkeno.
2 Volkeno istap faerap be ino bikwan
tumas be ikat denja finis klosap long
maot blong volkeno, insaed long Red
Kala Eria (especially eria insaed long
black circle)
3 Volkeno ifaerap bikwan naoia. Ikat ol
strong nois blong volkeno (explosen).
Denja istap long bikfala eria araon long
volkeno mo long insaed long ol men hol
blong wota mo krik. Espeseli folem
direksen we win istap blo long hem.
Denja hemi stap long insaed long Red
mo Yelo Kala Eria.
4 Volkeno ifaerap bikwan olketa. Ikat
bikfala denja long aelan, ol pipol mo haos
mo ikat bikfala efek long ol aelan
kolosap. Denja hemi stap insaed long
Red mo Yelo mo Grin Kala Eria.
Department of Geology, Mines and Water Resources
Geo-Hazard Section
Port Vila
Telephone: 22907 Fax: 22213
Bulletin blong activiti blong volkeno
Bulletin N°1, Gaua Volcano activity
Gaua Island, 30 September 2009
14°16’0”S 167°30’0”E Summit 2615ft (797m)
Reports of unusual volcanic activity, from Gaua in Torba Province have indicated that there has been
an increase in the activity of Gaua volcano. Eye witnesses on Gaua have reported today at 11am, an
increase in the amount of volcanic ash released by the volcano. The ashfalls were carried by wind
westwards affecting at least 5 communities on the west coast of Gaua. An explosion was heard by
villagers in the west on the 29
September 2009. This was followed by ash falls which are currently
ongoing according to the report. Drinking waters were contaminated by ash and there was discoloration
of water reserves. There is also strong smell of volcanic gas reported by the villagers. This is the first
observation they ever have of this kind after the 1982.
Satellite images from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) taken on the 29
September 2009
confirm the increase of volcanic gas release from Gaua (see image below).
Satellite (OMI) Image
Vanuatu Volcano Alert Level Description
As a result, the Volcano Alert level of Gaua volcano is increased to Level 1 according to the
Vanuatu Volcano Alert Level (VVAL). This means that there is danger particularly near the
crater. Therefore approaching the volcano is risky.
For specific information, please contact the Geo-Hazards Unit of the Department of Geology, Mines
and Water Resources, telephone 22907/22423 email gesline@vanuatu.gov.vu, and
stodman@vanuatu.gov.vu or web: www.geohazards.gov.vu .
VVAL Gaua volcano
0 Normal low-level activity
1 Increased activity, danger near
crater only
2 Moderate eruptions, danger close to
the volcano vent, within parts of Red
Zone (especially areas within the
black circle).
3 Large eruption, danger in specific
areas within Red and Yellow Zones
4 Very large eruption, island-wide
danger (including areas within Red,
Yellow and Green Zones) and
potential impacts on neighboring
Department of Geology, Mines and Water Resources
Geo-Hazard Section
Port Vila
Telephone: 22907 fax: 22213
Volcano Activity Bulletin
Bulletin N°1, Activité volcanique de Gaua, le 30 Se ptembre 2009
14°16’0”S 167°30’0”E Summit 2615ft (797m)
Un rapport sur l'activivolcanique inhabituelle de Gaua, dans la province de Torba ont indique une
augmentation de l'activité volcanique du Mont Garet. Des témoignages du bureau de la province de
Sola ont reporte une augmentation dans la quantité de cendres rejetée par le Volcan de Gaua. Les
retombées de cendres ont été transportées par le vent d'Ouest affectant les villages côtiers à l'Ouest
de Gaua. Ceux-ci ont contamine le l’eau potable. La décoloration des réserves d’eau a été également
observe et de fortes odeurs de gaz volcaniques ont été senties par les villageois de la partie ouest de
l’ile. Ces observations sont les premières de ce type depuis 1982.
Les images satellitaires provenant du Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) ont confirme une
augmentation d’émission de gaz volcanique du volcan (voir image ci-dessous).
Image Satellitaire (OMI)
Description du Niveau d'Alerte Volcanique
En conséquence, le niveau d'alerte volcanique du volcan de Gaua est actuellement au niveau 1,
selon le Niveau d'Alerte Volcanique du Vanuatu (VVAL). Il y a un danger direct près du cratère et
du lac au sommet. L'approche du volcan est vivement déconseillée.
Pour plus d’information spécifique, contacter la section Risques Géologiques du Département de la
Géologie, Mines et Ressources en Eaux, téléphone 22907, email gesline@vanuatu.gov.vu, et
stodman@vanuatu.gov.vu ou consulter le site internet www.geohazards.gov.vu
Volcans de Gaua
0 Normal low-level activity
1 Increased activity, danger near
crater only
2 Moderate eruptions, danger close to
the volcano vent, within parts of Red
Zone (especially areas within the
black circle).
3 Large eruption, danger in specific
areas within Red and Yellow Zones
4 Very large eruption, island-wide
danger (including areas within Red,
Yellow and Green Zones) and
potential impacts on neighboring
Department of Geolo
gy, Mines and Water Resources
Geo-Hazard Section
Port Vila
Telephone: 22907 Fax: 22213
Bulletin d’activité volcanique
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