I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Pierre Talbot for first accepting me into
his lab in September 2013, and allowing me the opportunity to undertake my Master’s
degree in French and his full support and mentorship during my studies. J'ai beaucoup
apprécié la communauté de l'INRS, mon équipe de laboratoire ainsi que tous les
autres membres de l'institut, qui ont tous participé à mon apprentissage de la
science en français. C'était une expérience unique et je suis très contente d'être
maintenant bilingue et d'avoir bien intégré la culture québécoise. Merci
I would like to thank the members of the laboratory during my stay: Élodie B,
Mathieu MP, Alain LC, Guillaume D, Mathieu D and Julie G for their support, advice and
corrections of my French these past two years and the great scientific environment of
the lab which helped enormously in my studies and research. Importantly, I would like to
thank my co-director, Marc Desforges for his continuous guidance, advice and support
for my project; without his direction, I would not have been able to produce an article
during my short stay. I would be in remiss to not thank the Fondation Universitaire
Armand-Frappier INRS and Mr. and Mrs. Bellini for their support in granting me a
bursary to support my studies.
I would also like to thank Karine and Constance for being science sounding-
board and for their friendship during my French-immersion experience, something I truly
appreciated. I would like to acknowledge the support of my parents and brothers during
all my studies; always asking me if my viruses were “happy.” And finally, a thank you to
my love, Rob, who kept me motivated and happy even though we were always a
province apart. Thank you.