2. Complétez :
1) « Who is this woman ? Why are you looking at …………….. ? »
2) Sally is married. ………… husband works in a bank.
3) « It’s ……………….. (Tom and Steve’s) problem, not ……………….. (Sophie’s) ! »
4) I’m talking to you, please listen to ………. !
5) We are going to invite all ……….. friends at the party.
6) Be careful, the plate is very hot ! Don ‘t burn ……………………….. !
7) The year we turned 18, we went on holiday by ………………………………. .
8) John is a teacher but …………. sister is a nurse.
9) I like that camera, I’m going to buy ………… .
10) This is Paul’s money. It’s …………… . Give ………….. back or you’re a robber !
3. Traduisez
1) Ils ont oublié de prendre leur passeport.
2) Quand il est seul, il se parle.
3) La peinture est fraiche : ne mets pas les mains dessus (sur elle).
4) Ce livre n’est pas le mien.
5) Il peut faire ça lui-même !
6) Le gouvernement est bizarre : je n’ai pas confiance en lui ! (to trust)
4. Complétez l’histoire avec des pronoms personnels.
A group of friends are of a seaside holiday together. After breakfast, they are getting ready to walk
down to the beach.
Gary Tina isn’t here. Where has ……….
gone ?
Amy ……..’s upstairs. …….’ll go and fetch
……. .
Gary And what about Mark ?
Rose ……….’s bringing some chairs for the
Robin ………’ll go and help ………….. . Oh, here
…… is now. Let ……. help ……., Mark.
Mark Oh, thanks Robin. The rest of the
chairs are in the garden. No one put
……. in last night.
Rose Are ………. wet ?
Mark No, …… don’t think so.
Lydia Are there enough chairs for all of
……. ?
Mark Yes, plenty.
Rose Where are ……. going Neil ?
Neil ……..’ve forgotten my watch. ……’m
just going to get ….. . Can you wait for
…… ?
Gary Well, hurry up, or …..’ll never get to
the beach. And if ……… see Amy and
Tina, tell …… to hurry up too.