7 Juin 2010
Annual meeting of the French Society for Immunology
24-26 November 2010 - Palais du Pharo - Marseille
Abstract submission 13 April - 15 June 2010
Early registration until 15 June 2010
Workshop on
"Cell death mechanisms and their therapeutic manipulation"
23 November 2010 - Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy
Programme et inscription pour le Congrès Annuel de la SFI, ainsi que
pour l'Atelier thématique : www.sfi2010ciml.com
Continuing Medical Education
"Focus on Monoclonal Antibodies"
23 November 2010 - La Timone
1st Joint Vaccinology Meeting
French Society for Immunology and Institute for
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
22 - 23 November 2010 Palais du Pharo - Marseille
Programme et inscription pour la Formation Médicale Continue, ainsi que
pour les journées Vaccinologie 2010 :
Advanced Course in
Innovative immunologically-based therapies
1st EFIS-EJI Intensive Educational Course in Clinical
1-4 December 2010 - Paris, France
Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers,
15 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine
Contact: Marie Beuzard
EFIS Coordinator - PR Manager
c/o Equipe 13, UMR 872
Cordelier Research Center, 15 rue de l'Ecole de Medecine, 75006 Paris, France.
Tel : + 33 6 61 57 11 86 - Fax : + 33 1 40 51 04 20 - E-mail: [email protected]
Back ground
Inflammation is an expanding public health problem as it intervenes in diverse chronic
diseases (IBD, RA, chronic respiratory disease, atherosclerosis, asthma…) as well as in
cancer and transplantation.
Progress in the treatment of these immune mediated inflammatory disorders depends upon
the successful application of immunology to clinical medicine. Innovative strategies for
immunotherapy for cancer, autoimmune diseases, transplantation have been developed. An
increasing number of clinicians is using immunotherapeutic approaches or protocols and
particularly for chronic diseases with immunological features (ie chronic inflammatory
disease, transplantation, oncology) The immune system also plays a key role in the
rejection of transplanted organs, and in defense against invading cancer cells. Moreover
the relatively new field of regenerative medicine relies upon tolerance of the immune
system to stem cells.
There is therefore a clear need for a regular update in immunology and innovative
therapies based on the immune system for practitioners and biomedical scientists.
Course Directors
Pr. Steffen Gay, MD.
Director, Center of Experimental Rheumatology -Department of Rheumatology, University Hospital
Gloriastrasse 25, CH-8091 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone: + 41 44 255 5737 - Fax: + 41 44 255 4170 - E-mail: [email protected]
Pr. Wolf-Hervé Fridman
Director, Cordeliers Research Center - Chairman Department of Immunology
European Hospital Georges Pompidou, 75015 Paris, France
Cordeliers Research Centre, 15, rue de l’Ecole de Médecine, 75006 Paris, France
Phone: +33 1 44 27 91 02, +33 1 42 34 68 01 (secr.)
Fax: + 33 1 40 51 04 20
Pr. Catherine Sautès-Fridman
EFIS President
Director, Department of Immunology, Cancer & Inflammation
Cordeliers Research Center, UMRS 872, 15, rue de l'école de médecine, 75006 Paris
Phone: + 33 1 44 27 91 03 - Fax: + 33 1 40 51 04 20
Intensive educational course on the principles and practice of innovative Immunology-
based therapies
Systematic high quality exposure to immunology, focusing on new advances in immune
intervention of chronic diseases (cancer, autoimmune diseases, transplantation, allergy)
The program covers the
- Basic principles of the immune system and immune-mediated diseases
- Mechanisms and monitoring of innovative immunologically-based therapies
- Recent developments of immune-based pathologies
Courses will be given by European lecturers in Immunology from the academics. Sessions
include major topics of basic and clinical immunology, and cover new advances in the
field of immune intervention in chronic diseases.
Number of participants
Minimum 100, maximum 150
Target participants
Clinical Immunologists, allergists, dermatologists, transplant experts, rheumatologists,
gastroenterologists. It includes clinicians and scientists from academia, pharmaceutical
industry and biotech companies whose research is aimed at moving immunological
discoveries from the bench to clinical trials. In order to provide a high level of interaction
with our Course Lecturers, ample time is allocated for discussions during tutorial and
poster sessions.
EFIS grants 20 free registrations to young participants.
A Certificate will be provided to all participants. 3 ECTS will be validated.
Recognized as component of training program: ECME, EMEA accreditation.
To be announced soon. For more information, please contact Marie Beuzard
Registered participants will receive a printed programme including speaker’s abstracts and
poster presentations at the conference and speakers’ slide presentations after the
December 1
Session I : The immune response
Introduction to the Immune System: Catherine Sautès-Fridman (France)
Monitoring of the immune responses: Eric Tartour (France)
Keynote lecture & Gala Diner
“Vaccines, successes and limits: the case of TB” Stefan Kaufmann (Germany).
December 2
Session II : Hyperactivity
Antibody mediated Inflammation: Reinhold Schmidt (Germany)
Inflammation diseases resulting from complement regulator deficiencies:
Véronique Frémeaux-Bacchi (France)
Allergy : Rudolf Valenta (Austria)
Novel drugs in development for dermatology: Georg Stingl (Austria)
Session III : Antibody and Cell therapies
Transplantation: Jean-Paul Soulillou (France)
Antibody therapy of autoimmune diseases and transplantation: Lucienne Chatenoud (France)
Mesenchymal stem cells for tissue repair: Christian Jorgensen (France)
Tutorial session
December 3
Session IV : Bases of immunodeficiencies and autoimmunity
Genetics: Jane Worthington (United Kingdom)
Transcriptomics and proteomics: Cornelius Verweij (The Netherlands)
Epigenetics: Steffen Gay (Switzerland)
Physiopathology and treatment of immunodeficiences: Alain Fischer (France)
Session V : Immunology and action
Tumor immunity and immunotherapies: Wolf-Hervé Fridman (France)
Cancer and Inflammation: Antonion Sica (Italy)
Modeling multiple sclerosis in laboratory animals: Burkhard Becher (Switzerland)
Tutorial session
December 4
Session VI : Therapies of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases
Novel therapeutic strategies in Rheumatoïd arthritis: Paul Emery (United Kingdom)
The inflammasome a target for therapy in diverse diseases: Alexander K So (Switzerland)
New targets in gastroenterology: Gerhard Rogler (Switzerland)
Tutorial session
proposition de thèse à Rennes (Inserm U917)
Niche stromale et Lymphomes B: caractérisation phénotypique, génomique et fonctionnelle
Le lymphome folliculaire (FL) est un cancer dont l'incidence s'accroit depuis 40 ans et qui
reste incurable. Il correspond à l'amplification de lymphocytes B des ganglions et les
lymphocytes B tumoraux conservent les principales propriétés de leur contrepartie
normale, en particulier une forte dépendance à un microenvironnement cellulaire de
soutien complexe et spécifique. Notre unité s'intéresse aux différents constituants de la
niche tumorale notamment aux cellules souches mésenchymateuses dont nous avons
démontré qu'elles peuvent acquérir des propriétés fonctionnelles permettant le recrutement
et la survie des lymphocytes B tumoraux de lymphome. Nous cherchons aujourd'hui, en
collaboration avec plusieurs équipes nationales et européennes, à mieux comprendre le
dialogue hôte/tumeur dans cette pathologie, plus particulièrement les mécanismes par
lesquels les cellules tumorales modulent leur niche et qui pourraient constituer des cibles
thérapeutiques nouvelles.
La thèse proposée ici s'attachera à décrire, par des approches combinant les puces à ADN,
la microscopie time-lapse et la cytométrie multicouleurs, les principales étapes du dialogue
entre les cellules B tumorales et les cellules stromales, incluant les cellules natives obtenues
et caractérisées à partir des tissus tumoraux. Nous ciblerons également le dialogue entre
ces cellules stromales et l'autre acteur majeur de la niche tumorale, les lymphocytes TCD4.
Le candidat devra avoir des compétences en biologie cellulaire et si possible en
immunologie et présenter un intérêt pour la cancérologie.
Financement acquis mais nécessité de passer le concours de l'Ecole Doctorale VAS
(Université Rennes I)
Inserm U917
Microenvironnement et Cancer
Faculté de médecine, Rennes
Courriel : [email protected]
Téléphone : 02 23 23 45 12
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