Fondements pour la v´erification
des syst`emes temps-r´eel et concurrents
Lecture 3
Alternation and LTL extensions
St´ephane Demri
October 8th, 2007
Summary from previous lecture
Bφ= (Σ,S,S0, ρ, F1,...,Fk)
Sis the set of maximally consistent sets wrt φ,
Σ = P(PROP),
S0={X S:φ X },
Y ρ(X,a) iff
X PROP =a,
for Xψcl(φ), Xψ∈ X iff ψ∈ Y,
If ψ1Uψ
koccurs in φ, then
={X S:either ψiUψ
i6∈ X or ψ
i X }
If U does not occur in φ, then k= 1 and F1=S.
St´ephane Demri Fondements pour la v´erification des syst`emes temps-r´eel et concurrents
Simple complexity properties
L(Bφ) = Models(φ).
Checking whether X cl(φ) belongs to S[resp. S0,F1, . . . ,
Fk] can be done in polynomial-time in |φ|.
Checking whether Y ρ(X,a) can be done in
polynomial-time in |φ|.
|S|is in 2O(|φ|).
Elements in Scan be encoded in polynomial-space in |φ|.
St´ephane Demri Fondements pour la v´erification des syst`emes temps-r´eel et concurrents
NPSpace algorithm
1. Guess s0S0,s1F1, . . . , skFk;
2. i:= 0; s:= s0(current state);
3. While s6=s1and i<|S|do
3.1 Guess ssuch that sa
sfor some aΣ;
3.2 i:= i+ 1; s:= s.
4. If s6=s1, then abort otherwise
4.1 i:= 0; j:= 2;
4.2 While i:= 0 or (j6= 1 and i<|S| × k) do
4.2.1 Guess ssuch that sa
sfor some aΣ;
4.2.2 i:= i+ 1; s:= s.
4.2.3 if sFjthen nondeterministically choose either
j:= (j mod k) + 1 or skip;
4.3 If s=s1, then accept, otherwise abort.
St´ephane Demri Fondements pour la v´erification des syst`emes temps-r´eel et concurrents
Bφis in exponential size in |φ|.
Testing on-the-fly the nonemptiness of Bφcan be done in
By Savitch’s theorem: NPSpace =PSpace.
Satisfiability for LTL is in PSpace.
St´ephane Demri Fondements pour la v´erification des syst`emes temps-r´eel et concurrents
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