:E-mail sonny1181@hotmail.com :Phone 240-242-4860
:Address 259 Congressional Ln, Apt 301, ROCKVILLE MD 20852 USA
NIH / NCI / CCBB, Bethesda, MD (USA) August 2009 — Present
CNRS / Centre Leon Berard, Lyon
(France) February 2007 — April 2009
UMR 754 INRA /UCLB/ENVL “Retrovirus
and compared pathology”, Lyon (France) September 2002 — September 2006
UR454 INRA, Unité de microbiologie,
Clermont-Ferrand Theix, France September 2001 — June 2002
Work experience
Postdoctoral Scientist
Role of the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors, Ascl1, in pulmonary neuroendocrine (NE) differentiation
and tumorigenesis.
Establishment of a model of conditional deletion of Ascl1 directed to the lung.
Characterization of the spatio-temporal pattern of expression of markers of neuroendocrine cells the during embryonic
lung development.
Establishment of a mouse model with an unique pattern of multiple neuroendocrine tumors by deleting tumor
suppressors genes in Ascl1-expressing cells
Postdoctoral Scientist
Molecular and functional characterization of the interaction of BRCA1 tumor suppressor protein with PABP1, a
central component of translation machinery.
Recipient of a grant from the Ligue contre le Cancer. Declined funding for the third year.
Validation of a protocol of double cell transfection DNA/RNA to analyze the effect of BRCA1 on translation of in vitro-
transcribed mRNA
Analysis of the translation complex involving BRCA1
PhD Training
Study of the mechanisms of carcinogenesis in Ovine Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma, a retrovirus lung-associated
lung cancer
Recipient of a grant (MenRT) from the French government
Demonstrate that telomerase activation and Akt activation participate to oncogenesis using notably an elegant and
original model of primary cultures of lung epithelial cells (type II pneumocytes)
Master (DEA) Research Project
Real-time PCR quantification of cellulase and xylanase genes expression in Fibrobacter succinogenes, a major
ruminal fibrolytic bacterium.
UR66 INRA. Unité de Pharmacologie,
Toulouse, France September 2000 — July 2001
PhD in Virology September 2002 — June 2006
Master (DEA) Degree in Ecological
Microbiology September 2001 — June 2002
Establishment of protocols of RNA extraction from complex media (rumen) and qRT-PCR
DESU Research Project
Molecular Basis of biosynthesis of the mycotoxin Ochratoxin A
2002-2006 PhD in Virology. Ecole Doctorale Evolution Ecosysmes Microbiologie Molisation (E2M2)
Ecole Doctorale Evolution Ecosystèmes Microbiologie Modélisation (E2M2), University Claude Bernard,
Research project management
Experimental design
Establishment of collaborations
Supervision (lab technician, animal caretakers, students)
Technical skills
Mouse related works: Lox-P technology, mouse processing and organs harvesting, IP injections, colony establishment
and management (>400 mice) . Level 1 of animal experimentation (France).
Molecular Biology: DNA and RNA isolation, cloning, RT-PCR, Real-time-PCR, in vitro transcription, sequence analysis
Cellular Biology: Cell culture, DNA, siRNA and mRNA transfection
Biochemistry: Western-Blot, Immunoprecipitation, cosedimentation, production of fusion proteins,
immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence
Microbiology: Basic techniques of bacteriology, Culture of anaerobic bacteria, culture of filamentous fungi
French (native), English, German (scholar)
Siu MK, Abou-Kheir W, Yin JJ, Chang YS, Barrett B, Suau F, Casey O, Chen WY, Fang L, Hynes P, Hsieh YY ,Liu YN,
Huang J and Kelly K.Loss of EGFR signaling regulated miR-203 promotes prostate cancer bone metastasis and tyrosine
kinase inhibitors resistance. Oncotarget (accepted)
Ray H, Suau F, Vincent A, Dalla Venezia N. Cell cycle regulation of the BRCA1/acetyl-CoA-carboxylase complex.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2009, 378, 615-619.
Béra-Maillet C, Mosoni P, Kwasiborski A, Suau F, Ribot Y, Forano E. Development of a RT-qPCR method for the
quantification of F. succinogenes S85 glycoside hydrolase transcripts in the rumen of gnotobiotic and conventional
sheep. J of Microbial Methods 2009 Apr;77(1):8-16
Dizin E, Ray H, Suau F, Voeltzel T, Dalla-Venezia N. Caspase-dependant BRCA1 cleavage facilitates chemotherapy-
induced apoptosis. Apoptosis. 2008 Feb;13:237-46.
Suau F, Cottin V, Archer F, Croze S, Chastang J, Cordier G, Thivolet-Bejui F, Mornex JF, Leroux C. Telomerase
activation in a model of lung adenocarcinoma. Eur Resp J. 2006, 27, 1175-1182.
Suau F, Girard N, Archer F, Cottin V, Croze S, Mornex JF, Leroux C. JSRV (Jaagsiekte Sheep RetroVirus) et cancer du
poumon associé chez le mouton. Virologie, 2006 10 (4). 287-99.
Puel,O., Suau,F., Castera,J. and Galtier,P. Byssochlamys nivea 6-methylsalicylic acid synthase (6MSAS) gene,
complete cds. Genbank AF360398, 14 March 2001.
Other communications
Suau F, Xu N, Kai Y, Eckhaus M, Kebebew E, Pacak K, Anver M and Linnoila I. Deletion of Common Tumor
Suppressor Genes in Ascl1-expressing Cells Leads to Neuroendocrine Carcinomas in Multiple Organs. 2014 NCI
Intramural Scientific Investigators Retreat, January 14, 2014, Washington DC.
Suau F, Kai Y Xu N, Eckhaus M and Linnoila I. Rb1 and p53 deletion in Ascl1-expressing cells lead to the development
of multiple tumors of neuroendocrine origin. The Translational Impact of Model Organisms in Cancer, November 5-8,
2013, San Diego, CA. (accepted).
Suau F, Xu N, Kai Y, Eckhaus M and Linnoila I. A novel mouse model for aggressive glucagonomas and
neuroendocrine (NE) carcinomas of pancreas. Current Progress and Future Challenges in Pancreatic Cancer, September
23, 2013, Bethesda, MD.
Suau F, Naizhen X and Linnoila I. Subpopulations of lung neuroendocrine cells mirror neuronal development. AACR
104th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2013. (poster and published abstract)
Suau F, Ascl1 and lung neuroendocrine development. Oral presentation. CCBB Annual Retreat, May 2012, Bethesda,
Naixhen, X, Wang XY, Suau F and Linnoila I. Ascl1 Modulates Asymmetric Division of Human Lung Cancer Cells.
CCBB Annual Retreat, May 2012, Bethesda, MD, USA.
Dacheux E, Vincent A, Suau F, Dalla Venezia. BRCA1 is a modulator of the protein metabolism. 5e Joures
Scientifiques du Cancérole Lyon Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (CLARA), March 20-21 2010, Lyon, France.
Suau F, Fize AL, Dizin E, Ray H and Dalla Venezia N. le cytoplasmique de la protéine BRCA1: régulation de la
synthèse protéique face au stress cellulaire? Journée de l’IFR 62 Lyon-Est, Lyon, December 13 2007.
Suau F, Cottin V, Charles RP, Archer F, Chastang J, Mornex JF, et Leroux C. Activation de la télomérase au cours de
l’adénocarcinome pulmonaire ovin induit par le trovirus JSRV. Rev Mal Respir 2005 ;22 :1S13, me congrès de
pneumologie de langue française, Lille, 4-7 février 2005, (oral presentation and poster).
Archer F, Suau F, Lyon M, Cottin V, Mornex JF, et Leroux C. Telomerase activation but not Akt phosphorylation in lung
adenocarcinoma induced by JSRV infection. AACR 96th Annual Meeting, 2005, Anaheim, CA, (poster and published
Suau F, Cottin V, Archer F, Mornex JF, et Leroux C (2004). Activation de la télomérase au cours de l’adénocarcinome
pulmonaire ovin. 15e édition des Rencontres Régionales de la Recherche : « Recherche et Société» lundi 18 octobre
2004, Lyon (communication affice).
Leroux C, Cottin V, Lyon M, Suau F, et Mornex JF. Molecular events during retrovirus- induced ovine pulmonary
adenocarcinoma, an animal model of human bronchioloalveolar carcinoma. AACR 94th Annual Meeting, 2003,
Washington, DC (poster).
Suau F, Béra-Maillet C, et Forano E. Real-time PCR quantification of cellulase and xylanase genes expression in
Fibrobacter succinogenes, a major ruminal fibrolytic bacterium. RRI-INRA 2002Beyond antimicrobials the future of gut
microbiologyAberdeen 12-15 Jul.
References available upon request.
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