A functional nervous system results from the coordinated generation and assembly of billions
of neural cells into highly structured and well organized networks. Building blocks for these
networks are neurons, which arise from neural progenitors that are deployed from specialized
neuroepithelia. These neuronal precursors migrate along specific pathways populating
different areas within the developing brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system. Once
correctly positioned, differentiated neurons send out axons along highly stereotypical
pathways, specifically linking neurons within different parts of the nervous system,
generating a high number of functional neuronal networks. The use of appropriate migratory
routes as well as directed axonal outgrowth along specific predetermined pathways is
achieved by specific receptor-ligand interactions that are characteristic for each subpopulation
of migratory cells or growing axons.
Several families of cell surface receptors and axon guidance cues involved in directing cell
migration and/or axonal outgrowth have been described over the last decade. One of the
largest families of axon guidance receptors is the plexin family. Plexins and their semaphorin
ligands have been shown to be involved in several aspects of axonal targeting and cell
migration. However, numerous studies describe also functional roles for plexins in the
development outside the nervous system, notably in the development of the cardiovascular
system. In this respect, PlexinD1 (PD1) has been extensively studied in vasculogenesis, and
several groups document its implication in heart development as well as in vessel patterning.
However, PD1 is also expressed in several regions of the developing brain, but no available
data describe its potential role in the nervous system.
Experiments in the first part of this thesis demonstrate that PD1 transcripts are not only found
in mouse brain but also in chicken spinal motor neurons during the period motor axons sort in
the limb plexus. PD1 knock down, using in ovo RNAi, results in motor axon misguidance in
the dorsal as well as the ventral crural nerve trunk, suggesting PD1 involvement in motor
axon guidance and/or sorting of the crural nerve. Interestingly, PD1 loss of function
experiments showed also unexpected defects in dorsal sensory root formation and
abnormalities in the area of motoneuron exit points. In PD1 knock down animals, dorsal roots
are less compact, and several axon bundles grow erroneously into neighboring segments
whereas motor exit points display a severely altered morphology appearing much broader
than usual, and the ventral motor roots show axons with aberrant courses.