François Gauthier
francois.gauthier[email protected]
-PhD in Roman History. Begun 2010 under the supervision of Pr. Hans Beck. The thesis
focuses on the financial organization of the Roman army during the last three centuries BC.
McGill University
-MA in Roman History obtained in 2009. Under the supervision of Pr. Christian R. Raschle.
Title of thesis: The Defense and Military Organization of the Gallic Provinces from 284 to the
Transfer of the Roman Administrative Services to Arles in the Early 5th Century (La défense
et l’organisation militaire des Gaules de 284 au repli sur Arles des services administratifs
romains au début du Ve siècle).
Université de Montréal
-BA in History obtained in 2007.
Université de Montréal
- The Roman army.
- Republican political culture.
- Roman demography.
- Ancient warfare.
- Late Antiquity.
- Ancient concepts of strategy.
- History of the Second World War.
- English and French (both fluent).
- German, advanced level.
Reading comprehension:
- Latin.
- Ancient Greek.
- Spanish.
- Italian.
Fall 2007-Fall 2009:
Grading of papers and examinations, preparation of course material at Université de
Montréal for:
-HST 2108 Rome : des origines aux Antonins. (Rome: from the Origins to the Antonines).
-HST 2109 Rome : des Antonins à l'empire tardif. (Rome: from the Antonines to the Late
Fall 2007-Summer 2009: Help to students for German and Latin.
Winter 2008-Summer 2010:
Research assistant for Pr. Christian R. Raschle. Tasks include proofreading manuscripts,
building databases and bibliographies and collecting references for prosopographical
Winter 2008-Summer 2010:
Research assistant for Pr. Christian R. Raschle (Université de Montréal). Tasks include
proofreading manuscripts, building databases and bibliographies and collecting references
for prosopographical works.
April 2010:
Contract from Pr. Pierre Bonnechere (Université de Montréal) to translate in French the
article: Henrichs, A. “Blutvergießen am Altar. Zur Ritualisierung der Gewalt im
griechischen Opferkult”, in B. Seidensticker and M. Vöhler (eds.), Gewalt und Ästhetik.
Zur Gewalt und ihrer
Darstellung in der griechischen Klassik (Berlin/New York 2006) 59-87.
Fall 2010:
Teaching Assistant for HIST205 The Ancient Mediterranean at McGill University.
Winter 2011:
Teaching Assistant for HIST305 Ancient Warfare at McGill University.
May 2011: Member of the organizing committee for the international conference Money
and Power in the Roman Republic held at McGill University.
Fall 2011:
Teaching Assistant for HIST379 Greek History: The Hellenistic Period at McGill
Winter 2012:
Teaching Assistant for HIST375 Roman History: The Early Empire at McGill University.
L’analyse de la bataille de Strasbourg chez Ammien Marcellin.” Presented at the McGill
Student Classics Colloquium in March 2008.
“La bataille de Cynoscéphales: au-delà du débat phalange contre légion.” Presented at the
McGill Student Classics Colloquium in April 2009.
Francus ego cives, Romanus miles in armis: La « barbarisation » de l’armée romaine
tardive.” Presented at the conference of the Association des Étudiants Diplômés d'Histoire de
l'Université de Montréal in March 2010.
“Réformes militaires et stratégie à l’époque tétrarchique.” Presented at the conference of the
Association des Étudiants Diplômés d'Histoire de l'Université de Montréal in March 2010.
“Money and the Army.” Presented at the conference Money and Power in the Roman
Republic held at McGill University in May 2011.
“Demography, Poverty, and Army Recruitment in the Last Century BC: Remarks on the So-
Called Marian Reform.” Presented at the McGill Queen’s Graduate Conference in History
held at McGill University in March 2012.
Remarques sur les limitanei et les comitatenses dans l’armée romaine tardive.Presented at
the conference of the Association des Étudiants Diplômés d'Histoire de l'Université de
Montréal in March 2012.
Colloquium proceedings:
Francus ego cives, Romanus miles in armis: La « barbarisation » de l’armée romaine
tardive.” (2011) in Dallali, M. (ed.), Proceedings of the XVIIth conference of the Association
des Étudiants Diplômés d'Histoire de l'Université de Montréal, Cahiers d'histoire, vol. 30, n.
1, Montreal, p. 11-20
“Réformes militaires et stratégie à l’époque tétrarchique.” (2011) in Dallali, M. (ed.),
Proceedings of the XVIIth conference of the Association des Étudiants Diplômés d'Histoire
de l'Université de Montréal, Cahiers d'histoire, vol. 30, n. 1, Montreal, p. 69-82
Money and the Army.Included in the proceedings of the Money and Power in the Roman
Republic conference. Under review for publication at Oxford University Press.
Translation in French of the article by Henrichs, A. “Blutvergießen am Altar. Zur
Ritualisierung der Gewalt im griechischen Opferkult”, in B. Seidensticker and M. Vöhler
(eds.), Gewalt und Ästhetik. Zur Gewalt und ihrer Darstellung in der griechischen Klassik
(Berlin/New York 2006), p. 59-87. French title: "Verser du sang sur l'autel. Sur la ritualisation
de la violence dans le culte grec du sacrifice". Forthcoming 2012 in Bonnechere, P. and
Gagné R. (eds.) La représentation du sacrifice humain : regards croisés, Presses
universitaires de Liège.
Provost's Graduate McGill Fellowship, McGill (5000$), September 2010.
Paul F. McCullagh Award, McGill (4000$), January 2012.
Graduate Excellence Fellowship (2000$), January 2012.
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