BANOUN A., BRIGHT M. J. (2007), « La Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie, comme Centre de
Services Partagés : soutien et générateur de démarches industrielles innovantes », Revue Vie et
Sciences Economiques, n°176-177, décembre.
• Other publications in reviews and journals:
DEBETS M., BANOUN A. (2013), « Achats : quelle interface hôpital / industrie ? La gestion de la
relation client-fournisseur », Revue Hospitalière de France, n°554, octobre.
BANOUN A., BRIGHT M. J. (2007), “De la valorisation à la coopération industrielle”, Aviation Civile
Magazine, n° 343, septembre-octobre.
ALIOUI S., BANOUN A. (2007), « Vers une « approche managériale » de l’information financière »,
Revue Echanges, n° 243, mai.
• Scientific communications in refereed conferences
and entrepreneurial intentions: A theoretical and methodological approach, International
gamification for business conference, 21-22 September 2015, Aston Business School Birmingham.
BANOUN A., DUFOUR L. (2015), The evolution of shared services centers: a Service-dominant logic
approach, 31ème Congrès de l’AFM, May 20-21, Marrakech
BANOUN A., DUFOUR L., (2014), “Tell me how you feel and I will tell you how you will act: The role of
stakeholder decision making in the corporate reputation damage process”, EURAM, June 4-6,
DUFOUR L., BANOUN A. (2013), Double standards for wrong-doing: a theoretical model of the
corporate reputation damage process, The first management theory conference, San Francisco,
September 28.
BANOUN A., DUFOUR L. (2012), ”Same action, same consequences? Theorizing the corporate
reputation damage process”, EGOS, July 5-7, Helsinki.
BANOUN A., DUFOUR L., ANDIAPPAN M. (2010), Controlling corporate reputation through the
management of image gaps, EGOS colloquium, 28 june – 2 july, Lisbonne.
DUFOUR L., BANOUN A., ANDIAPPAN M. (2010), Managing image gaps: how to maximize reputation,
EURAM conference, May 19-22, Rome.
DUFOUR L., BANOUN A. (2009), « Dealing with resistance to management », Academy of
Management Conference, August 7-11, Chicago.
BANOUN A., DUFOUR L. (2009), « L’image corporate : une solution aux problématiques
contradictoires des organisations ? », 25ème congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing, 14 et
May 15, London.
BANOUN A., BRIGHT M.-J. (2009), “A Business marketing approach of intraorganizational
relationships. The case of shared services centres”, 4th Conference on Business Market Management
March 18-20, Copenhagen Business School.