Listes des travaux scientifiques
Publications originales
Wouters K, Cudejko C, Gijbels MJ, Fuentes L, Bantubungi K, Vanhoutte J, Dièvart R, Paquet C, Bouchaert E, Hannou SA,
Gizard F, Tailleux A, de Winther MP, Staels B, Paumelle R. Bone marrow p16INK4a deficiency does not modulate
obesity, glucose homeostasis or atherosclerosis development. PLoS One. 2012; 7(3):e32440
Fuentes L, Wouters K, Hannou SA, Cudejko C, Rigamonti E, Mayi TH, Derudas B, Pattou F, Chinetti-Gbaguidi G,
Staels B, Paumelle R. Downregulation of the tumor suppressor p16INK4a contributes to the polarization of human
macrophages toward an adipose tissue macrophage (ATM)-like phenotype. Diabetologia. 2011; 54(12):3150-6.
Cudejko C, Wouters K, Fuentes L, Hannou SA, Paquet C, Bantubungi K, Bouchaert E, Vanhoutte J, Fleury S, Remy P,
Tailleux A, Chinetti G, Dombrowicz D, Staels B and Paumelle R. p16INK4a-deficiency promotes IL-4-induced polarization
and inhibits pro-inflammatory signaling in macrophages. Blood. 2011; 118(9):2556-66.
Hannou SA, Bantubungi K, Caron-Houde S, Vallez E, Baron M, Lucas A, Bouchaert E, Paumelle R, Tailleux A, Staels B,
CDKN2a/p16INK4a regulates fasting-induced hepatic gluconeogenesis through the PKA-CREB-PGC1A pathway.
En révision dans Diabetes
Publications en préparation
Hannou SA., K.Wouters, R. Paumelle, and B. Staels. Functional genomics of the CDKN2A/B locus in cardiovascular and
metabolic disease: what have we learned after the GWAS studies? Revue
Hannou SA, Haas J, Deleye Y, Caron-Houde S, Vallez E, Staels B and Paumelle R. Role of the tumor suppressor
CDKN2A/p16INK4a in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
K. Wouters, S.A. Hannou, C. Cudejko., J. Vanhoutte, A. Lucas, K. Bantubungi, E. Vallez., E. Bouchaert, A. Tailleux, B.
Staels, and R. Paumelle. Role of the tumor suppressor CDKN2A/p16INK4a in the development of perivascular adipose
Hannou SA., Bantubungi K., Caron-Houde S., Vallez E., Lucas A., Wouters K., Bouchaert E., Staels B.,Tailleux A.,
Paumelle R. “Control of hepatic gluconeogenesis through the tumor suppressor p16INK4a ” 12eme Journée André
Verbert, 11 septembre 2012, Lille, France. Présentation orale.
Hannou,SA., Bantubungi, K., Caron-Houde, S., Vallez, E., Lucas., Wouters,K., Bouchaert, E., Staels, B.,
Paumelle,R., Tailleux, A. Control of hepatic gluconeogenesis through the tumor suppressor p16INK4a .2nd EGID
symposium diabetes research breakthroughs : the vintage 2012, 10 et 11 septembre 2012 , Lille, France. présentation
Hannou, SA., Bantubungi, K., Caron-Houde, S., Vallez, E., Baron, M., Lucas, A., Bouchaert, E., Staels, B., Paumelle, R.,
Tailleux, A. “Role of the cell cycle regulator p16INK4a in the control of glucose homeostasis”. 81e congrès de l’European
Atherosclerosis Society (EAS), Lyon 2-5 juin 2013. présentation affichée.
Hannou SA, Bantubungi K, Caron-Houde S, Vallez E, Baron M, Lucas A, Bouchaert E, Paumelle R, Tailleux A, Staels B.
The tumor suppressor p16INK4a, a new regulator of hepatic gluconeogenesis. EGID Journée “Think-Tank” 2013, Lille.
Présentation orale.
Hannou SA, Bantubungi K, Caron-Houde S, Vallez E, Baron M, Lucas A, Bouchaert E, Paumelle R, Tailleux A, Staels B.
cdkn2a/p16INK4a régule la néoglucogenèse hépatique via la voie PKA-CREB-PGC1a. Congrès annuel de la Société
Francophone du Diabète SFD, Paris Mars 2014. Présentation orale.