•WHO Symposium on Person-centered
Medicine and Primary Health Care.
•Symposium on Ethics and the Person-
centered Approach.
•Symposium on Person-centered Basic
Communication Skills.
•Symposium on Person-centered Clinical
Care Activities.
•Initiatives for Person-centered Care
•Team Approach in Person-centered
Health Care.
•Symposium on Person-centered Care in
the Context of Surgical & Intensive
•Symposium on Life Cycle and Person-
centered Care
•Symposium on Cultural Diversity and
Person-centered Health Care.
•Thailand : People-centred care in
•El Salvador: Empowering women,
families and communities to improve
maternal and newborn health
•Tanzania: Improving care for patients
on ART - Applying the ART Framework in
Sabasaba Clinic, Morogorro Region,
•Rwanda: Dealing with mental health
MAY 5, 2010
People-Centred Care in Low and
Middle Income Countries
May, 3-4, 2010
Person-centered Medicine