Imagerie et maltraitance des enfants en 2008 Règles de

La clé: les bonnes pratiques
médicales radiologiques
Alain Rahmouni, PU-PH,
Coordonateur groupe de travail Téléradiologie,
Conseil Professionnel
de la radiologie
The 10 Professional Responsibilities in the
Charter ACR
1. Commitment to professional competence: Physicians must
commit to lifelong learning and professional development, as
well as to ensuring the competence of colleagues.
2. Commitment to honesty with patients: Informed consent and
patient empowerment in decision-making, honesty concerning
medical errors, and analysis of mistakes as the basis for
improvement strategies are the cornerstones.
3. Commitment to patient confidentiality: The trust and confidence
of patients depends upon this ideal. It must be upheld, except
when confidentiality must yield to overriding considerations in
the public interest.
4. Commitment to maintaining appropriate relations with patients:
Patients are inherently vulnerable and dependent. Sexual,
financial, and all other forms of exploitation must be avoided.
5. Commitment to improving quality of care: This entails working
individually and collaboratively to reduce medical error, increase
patient safety, minimize overuse of resources, and optimize
outcomes of care. It also means encouraging others to do the
same. It includes working to develop the measures of quality care.
6. Commitment to improving access to care: The objective of all
health systems should be to provide a uniform and adequate
standard of care by eliminating barriers to access based on race,
education, finances, geography, etc.
7. Commitment to a just distribution of finite resources: Physicians
should avoid unnecessary services. They should provide healthcare
based on wise and cost-effective management of limited clinical
resources, and participate in the development of guidelines for
cost-effective care.
8. Commitment to scientific knowledge: This involves upholding
scientific standards and promoting research, as well as creating
new knowledge and ensuring its appropriate use.
9. Commitment to maintaining trust by managing
conflicts of interest: The personal or organizational
pursuit of interactions with for-profit industry can
compromise professional responsibility. Physicians
must recognize, disclose publicly, and take an active
role in managing conflicts of interest arising in the
course of professional duties (patient care,
writing/editing, reporting results of clinical trials,
taking part in creating clinical guidelines).
10. Commitment to professional responsibilities:
Physicians must work collaboratively to optimize
patient care, respect each other, and participate in
the profession’s process of self-regulation. This
includes a commitment to discipline and remediation
of physicians who have failed to meet professional
standards, and entails internal assessment, as well as
acceptance of external scrutiny.
CPR/G4 et recommandations
Retour d’expériences
Charte de Téléradiologie
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