Unité 2: Qui suis-je?
Madame Zahn
Français 1
In this unit, you will explore the
following topics:
Adjectives of personality
Physical description
Adjective agreement and placement
Likes and dislikes
School subjects
Family vocabulary
Possessive adjectives
-er verb conjugation in the present tense
At the end of lesson 1, you will be able
use a variety of adjectives in their proper forms to describe people’s
conjugate the irregular verbs avoir and être to give people’s ages and zodiac
determine whether the person being described is a male or female based on
the form of the adjective
use a variety of nouns including school subjects to describe your likes and
dislikes and the likes and dislikes of others
conjugate the er verbs aimer, adorer, and détester in the present tense both
affirmatively and negatively
Conjugate the stem-changing verb préférer correctly in the present tense
Lecture: Bonne année!
Activité: Quel animal suis-je?
1.) Je suis né en 1991.
2.) Je suis née en 2008.
3.) Je suis courageux et fort.
4.) Je suis honnête et aimable.
5.) Je suis timide, mais je ne suis pas dépendant.
6.) Je ne suis pas stupide et je suis né en 1968.
Le verbe être
être-to be
je suis nous sommes
tu es vous êtes
il/elle/on est ils/elles sont
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