• Stage postdoctoral (recherche sur les services relatifs
à la santé mentale), University of British Columbia.
• Stage postdoctoral (recherche en psychiatrie sociale),
Centre de recherche de l’Hôpital Douglas, Québec.
• Doctorat (Ph. D.) (psychologie du travail, counseling),
Université de Montréal, Québec.
• D.E.S.S. (psychologie du travail et psychologie sociale),
Université de Toulouse, France.
• Maîtrise (M.A.) (psychologie sociale), Université de
Toulouse, France.
• Baccalauréat (B. Sc.) (Licence en psychologie générale
et en ergonomie), Université de Toulouse, France.
Quelques publications
• Corbière, M, Zaniboni, S, Coutu, MF, Franche, RL,
Guzman, J, Yassi. A. (2011). Evaluation of the fear-
avoidance model with healthcare workers experiencing
acute/subacute pain. Pain, 152, 2543–2548.
• Corbière, M., Lanctôt, N., Lecomte, T., Latimer, E.,
Goering, P., Kirsh, B., Goldner, E.M., Reinharz, D.,
Menear, M., Mizevich, J., Kamagiannis, T. (2010). A Pan-
Canadian evaluation of supported employment programs
dedicated to people with severe mental disorders.
Community Mental Health Journal, 46, 44-55.
• Corbière, M., Shen, J., Rouleau, M., Dewa, C. (2009). A
systematic review of preventive interventions regarding
mental health issues in organizations. Work, 33 :81-116.
• Corbière, M., Lecomte, T. (2009) Vocational services
offered to people with severe mental illness. Journal of
Mental Health, 18(1):38-50.
• Corbière, M. (2008). Le point sur l’insertion
socioprofessionnelle de personnes atteintes de
schizophrénie et autres troubles mentaux graves. Revue
Québécoise de Psychologie, 29(1) : 95-110.
• Corbière, M., Bisson, J., Lauzon, S., Ricard, N. (2006).
Factorial Validation of a French short-form of the
Working Alliance Inventory. International Journal of
Methods in Psychiatric Research, 15(1), 36-45.
• Corbière, M., Bond, G.R., Goldner, E.M., Ptasinski, T.
(2005). The Fidelity of Supported Employment
Implementation in Canada and the United States.
Psychiatric Services, 56(11), 1444-1447.