SET à interagir avec les éléments régulateurs (promoteur/enhancer) situés en amont des gènes LHβ
et FSHβ et à réguler les marques épigénétiques des histones présentes dans les promoteurs de ces
gènes. Ces différents résultats permettront de mieux comprendre le rôle de SET dans la régulation par
la GnRH des gènes des hormones gonadotropes.
Techniques mises en œuvre par le stagiaire :
Culture cellulaire (lignée gonadotrope LβT2), transfection (plasmides et siRNAs), immunoprécipitation
de la chromatine (ChIP), activité de promoteurs, fractionnement subcellulaire, qPCR et techniques de
biologie moléculaire
Publications des Responsables de stage au cours des 5 dernières années :
1- Avet C, Denoyelle C, L’Hôte D, Cohen-Tannoudji J, Simon V. SETting the stage for GnRH
signalling: Evidence for a regulatory loop between GnRH receptor and its interacting protein SET
relying on SET down-regulation. Soumis à Mol. Cell. Endocr.
2: Garrel G, Racine C, L'Hôte D, Denoyelle C, Guigon CJ, di Clemente N, Cohen-Tannoudji J. Anti-
Müllerian hormone: a new actor of sexual dimorphism in pituitary gonadotrope activity before puberty.
Sci Rep. 2016 Mar 31;6:23790.
3: Palandri A, L'hôte D, Cohen-Tannoudji J, Tricoire H, Monnier V. Frataxin Inactivation leads to
steroid deficiency in flies and human ovarian cells. Hum Mol Genet. 2015 May 1;24(9):2615-26.
4: Lannes J, L'Hôte D, Garrel G, Laverrière JN, Cohen-Tannoudji J, Quérat B. Rapid communication:
A microRNA-132/212 pathway mediates GnRH activation of FSH expression. Mol Endocrinol. 2015
5- Garrel G, Simon V, Denoyelle C, Ishaq M, Rouch C, Dairou J, Magnan C, Migrenne S, Cruciani-
Guglielmacci C, Cohen-Tannoudji J.Unsaturated fatty acids disrupt Smad signaling in gonadotrope
cells leading to inhibition of FSHβ gene expression. Endocrinology, (2014), 155(2):592-604
6: Georges A, L'Hôte D, Todeschini AL, Auguste A, Legois B, Zider A, Veitia RA. The transcription
factor FOXL2 mobilizes estrogen signaling to maintain the identity of ovarian granulosa cells. Elife.
2014 Nov 4;3. 04207
7- Avet C, Garrel G, Denoyelle C, Laverriere JN, Counis R, Cohen-Tannoudji J, Simon V. SET
interacts with intracellular domains of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor and differentially
regulates receptor signaling to cAMP and calcium in gonadotrope cells. J Biol Chem, (2013), 288 (4) :
8- Schang AL, Querat B, Simon V, Garrel G, Bleux C, Counis R, Cohen-Tannoudji J, Laverriere
JN.Mechanisms underlying the tissue-specific and regulated activity of the Gnrhr promoter in
mammals? Frontiers in endocrinology, (2012), vol 3, article 162.
9- Cohen-Tannoudji J, Avet C, Garrel G, Counis R, Simon V. Decoding high gonadotropin-releasing
hormone pulsatility: a role for GnRH receptor coupling to the cAMP pathway? Frontiers in
endocrinology, (2012), vol 3, article 107.
10- Simon V, Oner SS, Cohen-Tannoudji J, Tobin AB, Lanier SM. Influence of the accessory protein
SET on M3 muscarinic receptor phosphorylation and G protein coupling. Molecular Pharmacology
2012, 82(1):17-26
11: L'Hôte D, Georges A, Todeschini AL, Kim JH, Benayoun BA, Bae J, Veitia RA. Discovery of novel
protein partners of the transcription factor FOXL2 provides insights into its physiopathological roles.
Hum Mol Genet. 2012 Jul 15;21(14):3264-74