2009-2012 trivago (Düsseldorf, Germany)
Pure Player - the world n°1 hotel search
Director of communication, trivago France
- Optimization of the awareness and the image of the brand in the french market
Achievements : from scratch, created strong business relationships with the
main media (e.g. Le Monde, Metro, Ouest France, Glamour, TF1...) and the
main news agencies (e.g. AFP...) to set trivago’s economic and travel trends
data as trustful and relevant. Live interviewed by BFM Business, France
Info, RTL, France Inter and Sud Radio for my trend analysis about the
evolution of the european hotel prices and the travel trends.
2009 (6 months, full-time) BNP Paribas (Paris, France)
http://www.atelier.net – main French new technologies news website
New Technologies journalist
Daily selection and analysis of IT news and research papers, interviews of
international specialists and redaction of 3 articles per day
Examples : http://bit.ly/HJos2w - http://bit.ly/IW68xQ
2008 (7 months, full-time) Publicis Consultants Verbe (Paris, France)
Editorial Agency
Copywriter and project leader
Involvement into editorial projects for clients and for invitations to tender, from
the initial brainstorming until the final presentation
Examples : livre d’entreprise Essilor, publireportages Axa et Nestlé,
Newsletter GDF Suez et BNP Paribas, affichage Galerie Lafayette et
Geodis, Magazines Canal +, Fnac, Thiriet, Alliance Healthcare
2007 (4 months, full-time) TBWA Textuel La Mine
Editorial Agency
- Involvement into projects for non-profit organizations
Examples : Annual report for Mc Donald’s foundation, content for the
websites Msn solidarity, RATP, SNCF, Apec, Lyonnaise des Eaux
2008-2009 Master 2 Digital Creation and Edition
University of Paris 8
Honours Degree
Project: e-commerce platform for young fashion creators
2006-2008 Master Corporate and Brand Communications
ISCOM institute for communications and advertising
Final Thesis : from print to web, mutations in the
2005-2006 Master 1 Information and Communications
University of Paris 8 and Humboldt University, Berlin
Final thesis : city, department, region, which kind of power
2002 A-levels
European : german
Work experience
Personnal skills
Pack Office , Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, In Design)
Daily personnal watch, Klout score : 61
Diploma for youth leaders and workers
Music DIY concerts organisation + DIY label
women rugby, roller derby, skateboard, snowboard
Travel city Breaks in cities with a strong historical background
Learn Innovation, classic and modern movies, sciences, web, philosophy,
comics, painting, DIY, litterature, street art, dancehall, punk hardcore
Marie Laforge.
Nationality : French / Date of Birth : 29/06/1985
Parkstrasse 45 40477 Düsseldorf GERMANY
Wired, Contagious, Mashable, Techcrunch, Juxtapoz, Fast
Company, New York Times, Fubiz, L'Atelier BNP Paribas,
Pew Research, Le Monde, Ads of the World, MIT news, Slate,
TNS Sofres, Strategies, Toxel, Google news fr / uk / de / com,
Ipsos, Inspirationfeed, Angie blog, Design Milk, New Scientist,
Ernst&Young, PR Newswire, France Info, Ifop, EurekAlert,
Frenchweb, emarketing.fr, Read Write Web, Internet Actu,
Owni, Monocle, Citizen K, XXI, the FWA, Socialmediatoday,
Social Media Club, La Netscouade, Trendwatching, Faber
Novel, Elle, La Cantine, Rue 89, TNW...
Article about the economy of attention mentionned by Le Monde
communication of the local authorities.
Final oral examination : the web ergonomics
leading to which kind of public communication ?
and Ogilvy Paris : http://bit.ly/HGlDOL - http://bit.ly/HIrCDQ
Topics : Advertising, Facebook, Science, Technology, Painting
Twitter : https://twitter.com/marielaforge
New blog : http://marielaforge.wordpress.com/
Former blog : http://incision.over-blog.com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/laforgemarie
Mother tongue
English and German