Travaux sur les écosystèmes terrestres subantarctiques

Travaux sur les écosystèmes terrestres subantarctiques
Programme IPEV 136 Subanteco (responsable D. Renault) 2014 2017
Programme IPEV 136 Ecobio (responsable M. Lebouvier) 2006 - 2013
Programme IPEV 136 Biosol (responsable P. Tréhen puis Y. Frenot puis M. Lebouvier) 1976 2005
Programme IPEV 276 Mammintro (responsable J.-L. Chapuis) 2001 2005
Programme IPEV 407 RiSCC4îles (responsable F. Hennion) 2003 2004
et autres programmes IPEV auxquels ont participé les membres de l’équipe
Publications Thèses, Mémoires, Rapports Communications Vulgarisation
Publications, chapitres d’ouvrages
Sous-presse, In press
Ellis L.T. et al., 2016. New national and regional bryophyte records, 46. Journal of Bryology 38
Ledevin R., Chevret P., Ganem G., Britton-Davidian J., Hardouin E.A., Chapuis J.-L., Pisanu B, Luz Mathias (da) M.,
Schlager S., Auffray J.-C., Renaud S. - Phylogeny and adaptation shape the teeth of insular mice. Proceedings of
the Royal Society B
Papierok B., Dedryver C.-A., Hullé M., 2016. First records of aphid-pathogenic Entomophthorales in the sub-Antarctic
archipelagos of Crozet and Kerguelen. Polar Research
Laparie M., Renault D., 2016. Physiological responses to temperature in Merizodus soledadinus (Col., Carabidae), a
subpolar carabid beetle invading sub-Antarctic islands. Polar Biology 39: 35-45. [10.1007/s00300-014-1600-0]
Renault D., Lombard M., Vingère J., Laparie M., 2016. Comparative salinity tolerance in native flies from the
subantarctic Kerguelen Islands: a metabolomic approach. Polar Biology 39: 47-56 [10.1007/s00300-014-1605-8]
Colinet H., Sinclair B., Vernon P., Renault D., 2015. Insects in fluctuating thermal environments. Annual Review of
Entomology 60: 123-140. [10.1146/annurev-ento-010814-021017]
De Smet W., 2015. Description of Pseudingolfiella possessionis n. sp. (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from sub-Antarctic Île
de La Possession, Crozet archipelago: the second freshwater amphipod known from the Antarctic biome, a
human introduction of Gondwanan ancestry? Zootaxa 3941: 221-238. [10.11646/zootaxa.3941.2.3]
Ellis L.T., Aleffi M., Bakalin V.A., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Bergamini A. , Beveridge P., Choi S.S., Fedosov V.E., Gabriel R.,
Gallego M.T., Grdović S., Gupta R., Nath V., Asthana A.K., Jennings L., Kürschner H., Lebouvier M., Nair M.C.,
Manjula K.M., Rajesh K.P., Nobis M., Nowak A., Park S.J., Sun B.-Y., Plášek V., Číhal L., Poponessi S., Mariotti M.G.,
Sabovljević A., Sabovljević M.S., Sawicki J., Schnyder N., Schumaker R., Sim-Sim M., Singh D.K., Singh D.,
Majumdar S., Singh Deo S., Ştefănuţ S., Suleiman M., Seng C.M., Chua M.S., Váňa J., Venanzoni R., Bricchi E.,
Wigginton M.J., 2015. New national and regional bryophyte records, 42. Journal of Bryology 37: 68-79.
Ellis L.T., Asthana A.K., Srivastava A., Bakalin V.A., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Cano M.J., Jiménez J.A., Alonso M., Deme J.,
Csiky J., Dia M.G., Campisi P., Erzberger P., Garilleti R., Gorobets K.V., Gremmen N.J.M., Jimenez M.S., Suárez
G.M., Jukonienė I., Kiebacher T., Kırmacı M., Koczur A., Kürschner H., Lara F., Mazimpaka V., Larraín J., Lebouvier
M., Medina R., Natcheva R., Newsham K.K., Nobis M., Nowak A., Ören M., Özçelik A.D., Orgaz J.D., Peralta D.F.,
Plášek V., Číhal L., Ristow R., Sawicki J., Schäfer-Verwimp A., Smith V.R., Stebel A., Ştefănuţ S., Subkaitė M., Sun
B.-Y., Uselienė A., Uyar G., Váňa J., Yoon Y.-J., Park S.J., 2015. New national and regional bryophyte records, 43.
Journal of Bryology 37: 128-147. [10.1179/1743282015Y.0000000003]
Ellis L.T., Alegro A., Šegota, Bakalin V.A., Barone R., Borovichev E.A., Hugonnot V., Lebouvier M., Nobis M., Nowak A.,
Ochyra R., Papp B., Szurdoki E., Piwowarczyk R., Plášek V., Číhal L., Ren Z.J., Sabovljević M.S., Sérgio S., Garcia
C.A., Melo I., Sawicki J., Stebel A., Ştefănuţ S., Ion R., Manole A., Tzioptzis I., Xiong Y., Zhao Z.-T., 2015. New
national and regional bryophyte records, 44. Journal of Bryology, 37 : 228-242.
Ochyra R., Sollman P., Lebouvier M., 2015. Hymenostylium recurvirostrum (Pottiaceae), a moss genus and species
newly discovered in the southern polar regions. Herzogia 28: 599-606
Pansu J., Winkworth R.C., Hennion F., Gielly L., Taberlet P., Choler P., 2015. Long-lasting modification of soil fungal
diversity associated with the introduction of rabbits to a remote sub-Antarctic archipelago. Biology Letters 11:
20150408. [10.1098/rsbl.2015.0408]
Renaud S., Gomes Rodrigues H., Ledevin R., Pisanu B., Chapuis J.-L., Hardouin E. A., 2015. Fast morphological
response of house mice to anthropogenic disturbances on a Sub-Antarctic island. Biological Journal of the
Linnean Society 114: 513-526. [10.1111/bij.12454]
Renault D., Chevrier M., Laparie M., Vernon P., Lebouvier M., 2015. Characterization of the habitats colonized by the
alien ground beetle Merizodus soledadinus at the Kerguelen Islands. Revue d’Ecologie (Terre et Vie) suppt 12: 28-
Soubeyran Y., Meyer J.-Y., Lebouvier M., De Thoisy B., Lavergne C., Urtizberea F., Kirchner F., 2015. Dealing with
invasive alien species in the French overseas territories : results and benefits of a seven-year initiative. Biological
Invasions 17: 545-554. [10.1007/s10530-014-0766-2]
Sulmon C., van Baaren J., Cabello-Hurtado F., Gouesbet G., Hennion F., Mony C., Renault D., Bormans M., El Amrani
A., Wiegand C. Gérard C., 2015. Abiotic stressors and stress responses: What commonalities appear between
species across biological organization levels? Environmental Pollution 202: 66-77 [10.1016/j.envpol.2015.03.013]
Verfaillie D., Favier N., Dumont M., Jomelli V., Gilbert A., Brunstein D., Gallée H., Rinterknecht V., Menegoz M.,
Frenot Y., 2015. Recent glacier decline in the Kerguelen Islands (49°S, 69°E) derived from modeling, field
observations and satellite data. Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface 120: 637-654.
Barrio I.C., Hik D.S., Charrier M., Frenot Y., & Renault D., 2014. Adaptations of a native Subantarctic flightless fly to
dehydration stress: more plastic than we thought? Czech Polar Reports 4 : 123-128. [10.5817/CPR2014-2-12]
Chattova B., Lebouvier M. & Van de Vijver B., 2014. Freshwater diatom communities from Ile Amsterdam (TAAF,
southern Indian Ocean). Fottea, 14: 101-119. [F14-1-2014-08]
Ellis L.T., Afonina O.M., Asthana A.K., Gupta R., Sahu V., Nath V., Batan N., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Beenitez A.,
Erzberger P., Fedosov V.E., Górski P., Gradstein S.R., Gremmen N., Hallingbäck T., Hagström M., Köckinger H.,
Lebouvier M., Meinunger L., Németh C., Nobis M., Nowak A., Özdemir T., Pantavić J., Sabovljević A., Sabovljević
M.S., Pawlikowski P., Plášek V., Čihal L., Sawicki J., Sérgio C., Ministro P., Garcia C.A., Smith V.R., Ştefănuţ S., Stow
S., Suárez G.M., Flores J.R., Thouvenot L., Váňa J., Van Rooy J. & Zander R.H., 2014. New national and regional
bryophyte records, 39. Journal of Bryology, 36 : 135-151. [10.1179/1743282014Y.0000000100]
Hamilton P.B., de Haan M., Kopalová K., Zidarova R. & Van de Vijver B., 2014. An evaluation of selected Neidium
species from the Sub-Antarctic Region. Diatom Research 29: 27-40. [10.1080/0269249X.2013.822020]
Huiskes A.H.L., Gremmen N.J.M., Bergstrom D.M., Frenot Y., Hughes K.A., Imura S., Kiefer K., Lebouvier M., Lee J.E.,
Tsujimoto M., Ware C., Van de Vijver B. & Chown S.L., 2014. Aliens in Antarctica: assessing transfer of plant
propagules by human visitors to reduce invasion risk. Biological Conservation, 171 : 278-284.
Ochyra R., Zander R.H. & Lebouvier M., 2014. Antipodal mosses: XVIII. Syntrichia christophei (Pottiaceae), a new
species from subantarctic Îles Kerguelen. Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 35: 37-46. [10.7872/cryb.v35.iss1.2014.37]
Váňa J., Ochyra R., Lebouvier M. & Cykowska-Marzencka B., 2014. Bryophytes of Ile Amsterdam in the South Indian
Ocean : 1. Liverworts. Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 35: 335-371. [10.7872/cryb.v35.iss4.2014.335]
Van de Vijver B., 2014. Analysis of the type material of Navicula brachysira Bbisson with the description of Brachysira
sandrae, a new raphid diatom (Bacillariophyceae) from Iles Kerguelen (TAAF, sub-Antarctica, southern Indian
Ocean. Phytotaxa 184: 139-147. [10.11646/phytotaxa.184.3.3]
Van de Vijver B. & Kopalo K., 2014. Four Achnanthidium species (Bacillariophyta) formerly identified as Achnanthes
minutissima from the Antarctic Region. European Journal of Taxonomy 79: 1-19. [10.5852/ejt.2014.79]
Van de Vijver B., de Haan M. & Lange-Bertalot H., 2014. Revision of the genus Eunotia (Bacillariophyta) in the Antarctic
Region. Plant Ecology and Evolution 147: 256-284. [10.5091/plecevo.2014.930]
Van de Vijver B., Kopalová K., Zidarova R. & Levkov Z., 2014. Revision of the genus Halamphora (Bacillariophyta) in
the Antarctic Region. Plant Ecology and Evolution 147: 374-391. [10.5091/plecevo.2014.979]
Bokhorst S., Huiskes A. , Aerts R. , Convey P., Cooper E.J., Dalen L., Erschbamer B., Gudmundsson J., Hofgaard A.,
Hollister R.D., Johnstone J., Jónsdóttir I.S., Lebouvier M., Van de Vijver B., Wahren C.-H. & Dorrepaal E., 2013.
Variable temperature effects of Open Top Chambers at polar and alpine sites explained by irradiance and snow
depth. Global Change Biology, 19: 64-74. [10.1111/gcb.12028]
Charrier M., Marie A., Guillaume D., Bedouet L., Le Lannic J., Roiland C., Berland S., Pierre J.-S., Le Floch M., Frenot Y.
& Lebouvier M., 2013. Soil calcium availability influences shell ecophenotype formation in the sub-Antarctic land
snail Notodiscus hookeri. PlosOne, 8: e84527 [10.1371/journal.pone.0084527 ]
Ellis L.T., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Ochyra R., Benjumea M.J., Saïs L.V., Caparrós R., Lara F., Mazimpaka V., Dulin M.V.,
Garilleti R., Gremmen N., Grundling P.L., Heras P., Infante M., Huttunen S., Ignatov M.S., Korvenpää T., Lebouvier
M., Lewis Smith R.L., Lin S.-H., Yang J.-D., Linström A., Plášek V., Rosselló J.A., Sawicki J., van Rooy J. & Smith V.R.,
2013. New National and Regional Bryophyte Records, 35. Journal of Bryology, 35: 129-139
[10.1179/1743282013Y.0000000049 ]
Ellis L.T., Bakalin V.A., Baisheva E., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Ochyra R., Borovichev E.A., Choi S.S., Sun B.-Y., Erzberger P.,
Fedosov V.E., Garilleti R., Albertos B., Górski P, Hájková P., Hodgetts N.G., Ignatov M., Koczur A., Kurbatova L.E.,
M Lebouvier, Mežaka A., Miravet J., Pawlikowski P., Porley R.D., Rosselló J.A., Sabovljevi M.S., Pantovi J.,
Sabovljevi A., Schröder W., Tefaňu S., Suárez G.M., Schiavone M., Yayinta T., Váňa J. & Lomonosov M.V., 2013.
New National and Regional Bryophyte Records, 36. Journal of Bryology, 35: 228-238
Ellis L.T., Aranda S.C., Asthana A.K., Bansal P., Nath V., Sahu V., Bayliss J., Asthana G., Srivastava S., Yadav S., Brugués
M., Cano M.J., Dulin M.V., Fudali E., Fuertes E., Gabriel R., Pereira F., Silva J.A.F., Gradstein S.R., Hájková P., Hájek
M., Heras P., Infante M., Lebouvier M., Marka J., Newsham K.K., Ochyra R., Pantović P., Sabovljević M.S., Phephu
N., van Rooy J., Philippov D.A., Porley R.D., Puche P., Schäfer-Verwimp A., Segarra-Moragues J.G., Sérgio C., Smith
V.R., Ştefănuţ S., Váňa J. & Wigginton M.J., 2013. New National and Regional Bryophyte Records, 37. Journal of
Bryology, 35: 290305 [10.1179/1743282013Y.0000000073]
Hardouin E.A. & Tautz D., 2013. Increased mitochondrial mutation frequencey after an island colonization: positive
selection or accumulation of slightly deleterious mutations?. Biology Letters, 9, 20121123
Hermant M., Prinzing A., Vernon P., Convey P. & Hennion F., 2013. Endemic species have highly integrated
phenotypes, environmental distributions and phenotype/environment relationships. Journal of Biogeography,
40: 1583-1594. [10.1111/jbi.12095]
Hidalgo K., Laparie M., Bical R., Larvor V., Bouchereau A., Siaussat D. & Renault D., 2013. Metabolic fingerprinting of
the responses to salinity in the invasive ground beetle Merizodus soledadinus at the Kerguelen Islands. Journal of
Insect Physiology, 59:91-100. [10.1016/j.jinsphys.2012.10.017]
Laparie M., Renault D., Lebouvier M. & Delattre T., 2013. Is dispersal promoted at the invasion front? Morphological
analysis of a ground beetle invading the Kerguelen Islands, Merizodus soledadinus (Coleoptera, Carabidae).
Biological Invasions, 15: 1641-1648. [10.1007/s10530-012-0403-x]
Lowe R.L., Kociolek J.P. & Van de Vijver B., 2013. Two new Orthoseira species (Bacillariophyceae) from lava tubes on
Ile Amsterdam and Big Island (Hawaii). Phytotaxa , 111: 39-52. [10.11646/phytotaxa.111.1.3]
Renaud S., Hardouin E.A., Pisanu B. & Chapuis J.-L., 2013. Invasive house mice facing a changing environment on the
Sub-Antarctic Guillou Island (Kerguelen archipelago). Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 26: 612-624.
Siaussat D., Laparie M., Maria A. & Renault D., 2013. Heat shock protein responses to salinity, food deprivation and
temperature in the invasive ground beetle Merizodus soledadinus at the Kerguelen Islands. Polar Biology, 36:
201-209. [10.1007/s00300-012-1252-x]
Svanella-Dumas L., Candresse T., Hullé M. & Marais A., 2013. Distribution of Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV in the
sub-Antarctic Kerguelen islands and characterization of two new Luteovirus species. PlosOne, 8(6): e67231.
Van de Vijver B. & Cox E.J., 2013. New and interesting small-celled Naviculoid Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) from a
lava tube cave on Ile Amsterdam (TAAF, Southern Indian Ocean). Cryptogamie, Algologie, 34: 37-47.
[10.7872/crya.v34.iss1.2013.37 ]
Van de Vijver B., Cocquyt C., de Haan M., Kopalová K. & Zidarova R., 2013. The genus Surirella (Bacillariophyta) in the
sub-Antarctic and Maritime Antarctic Region. Diatom Research 28: 93-108. [10.1080/0269249X.2012.739975]
Van de Vijver B., Moravcová A., Kusber W.-H. & Neustupa J., 2013. Analysis of the type material of Pinnularia
divergentissima (Grunow in Van Heurck) Cleve (Bacillariophyceae). Fottea 13: 1-14.
Van de Vijver B., Wetzel C., Kopalova K., Zidarova R. & Ector L., 2013. Analysis of the type material of Achnanthidium
lanceolatum Brébisson ex Kützing (Bacillariophyta) with the description of two new Planothidium species from
the Antarctic Region. Fottea, 13: 105-117.
Bartish I.V., Aïnouche A., Dongrui J., Bergstrom D., Chown S., Winkworth R. & Hennion F., 2012. Phylogeny and
colonization history of Pringlea antiscorbutica (Brassicaceae), an emblematic endemic from the South Indian
Ocean Province. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 65: 748-756. [10.1016/j.ympev.2012.07.023]
Caut S., Angulo E. Pisanu B., Ruffino L., Faulquier L., Lorvelec O., Chapuis J.-L., Pascal M., Vidal E. & Courchamp F.,
2012. Seabird modulations of isotopic nitrogen on islands. PLoS ONE, 7(6): e39125
Chown S.L., Huiskes A.H.L., Gremmen N.J.M., Lee J.E., Terauds A., Crosbie K., Frenot Y., Hughes K.A., Imura S., Kiefer
K., Lebouvier M., Raymond B., Tsujimoto M., Ware C., Van de Vijver B. & Bergstrom D.M., 2012. Continent-wide
risk assessment for the establishment of nonindigenous species in Antarctica. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109: 4938-4943. [10.1073/pnas.1119787109]
Chown S.L., Lee J.E., Hughes K.A., Barnes J., Barrett P.J., Bergstrom D.M., Convey P., Cowan D.A., Crosbie K., Dyer G.,
Frenot Y., Grant S.M., Herr D., Kennicutt II M.C., Lamers M., Murray A., Possingham H.P., Reid K., Riddle M.J.,
Ryan P.G., Sanson L., Shaw J.D., Sparrow M.D., Summerhayes C., Terauds A. & Wall D.H., 2012. Challenges to the
future conservation of the Antarctic. Science, 337: 158-159. [10.1126/science.1222821]
Ellis L.T., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Cykowska B., Ochyra R., Garcia C., Sérgio C., Lebouvier M., Manolaki P., Giannouris E.,
Kadis C., Marková I., Papp B., Szurdoki E., Peralta D.F., Plášek V., Ristow R., Sabovljević M., Sim-Sim M., Smith
V.R., Tsakiri E., Váňa J., Virchenko V.M. & Barsukov O.O., 2012. New National and Regional Bryophyte Records,
30. Journal of Bryology, 34: 45-51. [10.1179/1743282011Y.0000000042]
Ellis L.T., Alegro A., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Ochyra R., Bergamini A., Cogoni A., Erzberger P., Górski P., Gremmen N.,
Hespanhol H., Vieira C., Kurbatova L.E., Lebouvier M., Martinčič A., Asthana A.K., Gupta R., Nath V., Natcheva R.,
Ganeva A., Özdemir T., Batan N., Plášek V., Porley R.D., Randić M., Sawicki J., Schroder W., Sérgio C., Smith V.R.,,
Sollman P., Ştefǎnuţ S., Stevenson C.R., Suárez, G.M., Surina B., Uyar G. & Modrič Surina Z., 2012. New National
and regional bryophyte records, 31. Journal of Bryology, 34: 123-134. [10.1179/1743282012Y.0000000009]
Ellis L.T., Alegro A., Bansal P., Nath V., Cykowska B., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Ochyra R., Dulin M.V., Erzberger P., Garcia
C., Sérgio C., Claro D., Stow S., Hedderson T.A., Hodgetts N.G., Hugonnot V., Kucěra J., Lara F., Pertierra L.,
Lebouvier M., Liepina, L., Mežaka A., Strazdina L., Madžule L., Rēriha I, Mazooji A., Natcheva R., Phephu N.,
Philippov D.A., Plášek V., Cíhal L., Pócs T., Porley R.D., Sabovljević M., Salimpour F., Behroozmand Motlagh M.,
Sharifnia, F., Akhoondi Darzikolaei S., Schäfer-Verwimp A., Šegota V., Shaw A.J., Sim-Sim M., Sollman P., Spitale
D., Hölzer A., Stebel A., Váňa J., van Rooy J. & Vončina G. 2012. New national and regional bryophyte records, 32.
Journal of Bryology, 34: 231246. [10.1179/1743282012Y.0000000019]
Ellis L.T., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Ochyra R., Cykowska B., Dulin M.V., Ezer T., Kara R., Flores J.R., Suárez G.M., Garcia C.,
Martins A., Sérgio C., Garilleti R., Kırmacı M., Agcagil E., Kurbatova L.E., Lebouvier M., Papp B., Szurdoki E.,
Philippov D.A., Plášek V., Pócs T., Sabovljević M., Sawicki J., Sim-Sim M., Szücs, P., Bidló A., Váňa J., Vigalondo B.,
Lara F., Draper I., Virchenko V.M. & Wolski G.J. 2012. New national and regional bryophyte records, 33. Journal of
Bryology, 34: 281291. [10.1179/1743282012Y.0000000030]
Greenslade P., Vernon P. & Smith D., 2012. Ecology of Heard Island Diptera. Polar Biology, 35: 841-850.
Hennion F., Bouchereau A., Gauthier C., Hermant M., Vernon P. & Prinzing A., 2012. Variation in amine composition
in plant species: how it integrates macroevolutionary and environmental signals. American Journal of Botany, 99:
36-45. [10.3732/ajb.1100211]
Hullé M., 2012. Myzus ascalonicus, an aphid recently introduced to sub-Antarctic islands, prefers native to exotic
host-plants. Environmental Entomology, 41: 1398-1404. [10.1603/EN12057]
Lalouette L., Williams C.M., Cottin M., Sinclair B.J. & Renault D., 2012 - Thermal biology of the alien ground beetle
Merizodus soledadinus introduced to the Kerguelen Islands. Polar Biology, 35: 509-517. [10.1007/s00300-011-
Laparie M., Larvor V., Frenot Y. & Renault D., 2012. Starvation resistance and effects of diet on energy reserves in a
predatory ground beetle (Merizodus soledadinus; Carabidae) invading the Kerguelen Islands. Comparative
Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 161: 122-129. [10.1016/j.cbpa.2011.09.011]
Laparie M., Bical R., Larvor V., Vernon P., Frenot Y. & Renault D., 2012. Habitat phenotyping of two sub-Antarctic
flies by metabolic fingerprinting: evidence for a species outside its home? Comparative Biochemistry and
Physiology, Part A, 162: 406-412. [10.1016/j.cbpa.2012.04.022]
Renault D. & Lalouette L., 2012. Critical thermal minima of three subantarctic insects from the French southern
Indian Ocean islands. Antarctic Science, 24: 43-44. [10.1017/S0954102011000782]
Teets N.M., Peyton J.T., Colinet H., Renault R., Kelley J.L., Kawarasaki Y., Lee,R.E. Jr., & Denlinger D.L., 2012. Gene
expression changes governing extreme dehydration tolerance in an Antarctic insect. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109: 20744-20749. [10.1073/pnas.1218661109]
Van der Putten N., Verbruggen C., Björk S., de Beaulieu J.-L., Barow C.J. & Frenot Y., 2012. Is palynology a credible
climate proxy in the Sub-Antarctic? The Holocene, 22: 1113-1121. [10.1177/0959683612441804]
Van de Vijver B., 2012. Aulacoseira principissa sp. nov., a new ‘centric’ diatom species from the sub- Antarctic
region. Phytotaxa, 52: 33-42.
Van de Vijver B. , Chattova B., Metzeltin D. & Lebouvier M., 2012. The genus Pinnularia (Bacillariophyta) on Ile
Amsterdam (TAAF, Southern Indian Ocean). Nova Hedwigia Beiheft, 141: 201-236.
Aptroot A., Van de Vijver B., Lebouvier M. & Ertz D., 2011. Lichens of Ile Amsterdam and Ile Saint-Paul (TAAF,
southern Indian Ocean). Nova Hedwigia, 92: 343-367. [10.1127/0029-5035/2011/0092-0343]
Bokhorst S., Huiskes A., Convey P., Sinclair B., Lebouvier M., Van de Vijver B. & Wall D., 2011. Microclimate
impacts of passive warming methods in Antarctica: implications for climate change studies. Polar Biology, 10:
1421-1435. [10.1007/s00300-011-0997-y]
Brodier S., Pisanu B., Villers A., Pettex E., Lioret M., Chapuis J.-L. & Bretagnolle V., 2011. Responses of seabirds to the
rabbit eradication on Ile Verte, sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Archipelago. Animal Conservation, 14:459-465.
Chapuis J.-L., Pisanu B., Brodier S., Villers A., E., Pettex M., Lioret M. & Bretagnolle V., 2011. Eradication of invasive
herbivores: usefulness and limits for biological conservation in a changing world. Animal Conservation, 14: 471-
473. [10.1111/j.1469-1795.2011.00499.x]
Ellis L.T., Asthana A.K., Sahu V., Srivastava A., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Ochyra R., Chlachula J., Colotti M.T., Schiavone
M.M., Hradilek Z., Jimenez M.S., Klama H., Lebouvier M., Natcheva R., Pócs T., Porley R.D., Sérgio C., Sim-Sim M.,
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