1. Abstract
no record of a silicon based laser operating on an interband nor on
an intersubband transition. Gemanium possesses a local conduction
band minimum at the Γpoint. It can be epitaxially grown on silicon
and is thus a good candidate for integration, but also features an in-
direct bandgap. Recently, uniaxially strained germanium exhibited a
strong luminescence, in agreement with a k·p model which predicts a
transition to direct bandgap around 5% strain. In this work we study
the design of optical cavities capable of sustaining the strain imposed
by direct bandgap germanium. We propose a method to estimate the
stress, the gain and the losses of the candidate cavities which combin-
ing the results of optical and mechanical simulations with the results
of a k·p model. A Fabry-Perot cavity with corner-cube reflectors and a
wide distributed feedback cavity stand out as potential candidates. A
recent implementation of a corner-cube cavity exhibited an enhanced
luminescence. The results of this measurement are presented.
In the field of absorption spectroscopy, mid-infrared single mode
quantum cascade lasers are able to resolve the fundamental roto-vibra-
tional resonances of many gas molecules. They enable a detection at
the ppb concentration level. Distributed feedback quantum cascade
lasers, with their kHz intrinsic linewidths and 300 GHz tuning ranges,
are able to resolve gas linewidth of hundreds of MHz, but unfortunately
their facet phase dependant mode selectivity causes an indeterministic
lasing frequency at fabrication. External cavity QCLs have linewidths
around 30 MHz and up to 12 THz of tuning range. They are good can-
didates for multigas spectroscopy, but suffer from mechanical hystere-
sis that limit their accuracy to 200 MHz and require careful handling.
This limits the feasibility of on-field or hand held applications. In this
work we studied a distributed Bragg reflector cavity design with surface
emission, featuring a deterministic frequency selection. An array of 10
devices around 9 µm wavelength was developed to cover a bandwidth of
3 THz. These devices offer the potential for continuous tuning over the
whole gain bandwidth in continuous wave operation with a sequencial
firing of the lasers.