Phase and mode control of structured semiconductor lasers

Diss. ETH No. 23410
Phase and mode control of
structured semiconductor
A thesis submitted to attain the degree of
(Dr. sc. ETH Zurich)
presented by
Dipl. Phys., Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
born on may 29, 1983
Nationality: Swiss, English
citizen of
Ormont-Dessous, VD
accepted on the recommendation of
Prof. Dr. Jérôme Faist, examiner
Prof. Dr. Raffaele Colombelli, co-examiner
Prof. Dr. Jürg Leuthold, co-examiner
Nowadays, the number of applications based on semiconductor lasers is
increasing. This trend started in the field of long range telecommunica-
tions, where optical fibers are replacing coaxial cables, to increase the
operation bandwidth and reduce the attenuation. At a smaller scale,
on-chip and inter-chip data transfer suffer from bottlenecks and would
benefit from the same advantages, if the conventional microstrip lines
would be replaced by laser-coupled optical interconnects. The transi-
tion to all-optical interconnects would especially augment the perfor-
mance of silicon complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technology
enabling potential switching speeds on the order of 100s of GHz. This
transition requires a compact light source compatible with silicon tech-
nology. Silicon itself features an indirect electronic bandgap, there is
1. Abstract
no record of a silicon based laser operating on an interband nor on
an intersubband transition. Gemanium possesses a local conduction
band minimum at the Γpoint. It can be epitaxially grown on silicon
and is thus a good candidate for integration, but also features an in-
direct bandgap. Recently, uniaxially strained germanium exhibited a
strong luminescence, in agreement with a k·p model which predicts a
transition to direct bandgap around 5% strain. In this work we study
the design of optical cavities capable of sustaining the strain imposed
by direct bandgap germanium. We propose a method to estimate the
stress, the gain and the losses of the candidate cavities which combin-
ing the results of optical and mechanical simulations with the results
of a k·p model. A Fabry-Perot cavity with corner-cube reflectors and a
wide distributed feedback cavity stand out as potential candidates. A
recent implementation of a corner-cube cavity exhibited an enhanced
luminescence. The results of this measurement are presented.
In the field of absorption spectroscopy, mid-infrared single mode
quantum cascade lasers are able to resolve the fundamental roto-vibra-
tional resonances of many gas molecules. They enable a detection at
the ppb concentration level. Distributed feedback quantum cascade
lasers, with their kHz intrinsic linewidths and 300 GHz tuning ranges,
are able to resolve gas linewidth of hundreds of MHz, but unfortunately
their facet phase dependant mode selectivity causes an indeterministic
lasing frequency at fabrication. External cavity QCLs have linewidths
around 30 MHz and up to 12 THz of tuning range. They are good can-
didates for multigas spectroscopy, but suffer from mechanical hystere-
sis that limit their accuracy to 200 MHz and require careful handling.
This limits the feasibility of on-field or hand held applications. In this
work we studied a distributed Bragg reflector cavity design with surface
emission, featuring a deterministic frequency selection. An array of 10
devices around 9 µm wavelength was developed to cover a bandwidth of
3 THz. These devices offer the potential for continuous tuning over the
whole gain bandwidth in continuous wave operation with a sequencial
firing of the lasers.
1. Abstract
In the field of astronomy, spectroscopic images of high-energy gas
clouds contain important information on their chemical composition.
The coincident measurement of a carbon (CII) and an oxigen (OI)
cooling line at 1.9 and 4.7 THz respectively are the signature of the
ionization of a CO or a CO2molecule by a high energy ray. Hetero-
dyne detection techniques are employed to measure the spectrum of a
source. The collected terahertz light is mixed with a local oscillator on
a hot electron bolometer. The heterodyne detection scheme requires
a local oscillator with a gaussian output beam within a 5 GHz range
of the emission lines. As an exemple, the instrument GREAT recently
took an image of the sky using a heterodyne detection scheme. THz
quantum cascade lasers are good local oscillator candidates because of
their high power and ability to operate in continuous wave. Quantum
cascade lasers with double metal waveguides show the best temperature
performance but have the drawback of being multimode and having a
structured far-field. In this work we developed antenna coupled THz
quantum cascade lasers in order to produce muli-mode far-fields with
95% gaussicity at 1.9 THz. Additionally using an impedance-matched
antenna we achieved to reduce the facet reflectivity to 3%, a result that
paves the way to external cavity THz quantum cascade lasers using a
double metal cavities at 4.7 THz. At 3 THz we investigated a photonic
crystal cavity structure producing narrow far-fields, single mode emis-
sion in continuous wave operation, that could be a good candidate for
a upscaling at 4.7 THz.
In the field of THz spectroscopy, frequency combs are the emerg-
ing technology for high-resolution dual-comb spectroscopy. It was re-
cently shown that THz quantum cascade lasers can operate as frequency
combs, with a bandwidth of 25%, and operation over the bandwidth of
an octave has been recently shown by our group. Unfortunately, the
dispersion introduced by the gain hinders the octave spanning comb op-
eration. The integration of a double chirp mirror at the end of the laser
ridge is of high interest to compensate the dispersion of the gain and
extend the comb operation bandwidth to the full octave, enabling 1f-2f
1. Abstract
stabilization techniques. In this work, we measured the non-trivial dis-
persion of an ultra-broadband THz quantum cascade laser and designed
compensating dispersive mirrors. The non-trivial dispersion can’t be
compensated by existing designs of dispersive mirrors, thus we em-
ployed a genetic optimization algorithm to find a design able to com-
pensate the desired dispersion. Preliminary results are presented and
exhibit an over-compensated dispersion, but show the potential of the
mirror design and the genetic optimization algorithm.
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