During our second year, we have the occasion to realize a cross-subject project, I'm interest
myself to the graph representation and graph length algorithms representation. I have therefore
realized a software which permit to present the graph and the algorithms actions.
The graph theory is used in various domain as mathematics, networks, etc ...
For its realization, the mathematical bases on graph theory, on geometry and object oriented
design are needed. The main difficulty was to plug algorithms animation with the graph
The project is implemented in JAVA a powerful and portable programming language. The
project followed the MVC Design Pattern (Model, View, Controller), which is an adapted
conception model to answer recurrent problem in the software conception. I make use of
libraries, to change the graphic interface appearance (Look&Feel) and for the main window left
To run correctly the software, the user just need the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) installed
on his operating system, and he can acceded the software by a Web browser. It is fast and easy.