In Humans, IgG+- and IgA+ memory B lymphocytes are key cells for the
maintenance of humoral immunity. Memory B lymphocytes are long-lived cells
maintained as a memory repertoire throughout our lives. Memory B lymphocytes
can establish an efficient and rapid defense against previously encountered
infections. These cells rapidly differentiate into short-lived plasma cells secreting
high levels of antibodies. Their counterpart, the long-lived plasma cells are the
memory populations present in the bone marrow microenvironment. The long-lived
plasma cells release protective antibodies into the peripheral blood, maintaining a
permanent immune protection. Plasma cells can remain active for years or even for
the entire life of an individual. Conversely, patients treated for cancer receive
massive doses of chemotherapy or radiotherapy, which are detrimental for immune
memory cells as well as cancerous cells. Those patients become highly vulnerable
to infectious diseases and their survival depends on the regeneration of their
hematopoietic system. Our research group has established an in vitro model
enabling to prepare large quantities of IgG and IgA-secreting memory B
lymphocytes. The present study aims to further investigate in vitro conditions to
generate plasma cells with high survival capacity and able to secrete antibodies.
Our experimental strategy intends to establish culture conditions similar to the
bone marrow environment. The first step was to study parameters involved into
differentiation of memory B lymphocytes into plasma cells. The importance of the
redox balance in the bone marrow environment led us to measure the impact of N-
acetyl cysteine (NAC), an antioxidant. Our results showed that NAC decreased
STAT3 activation by inhibiting the phosphorylation of two kinases namely JAK2
and JAK3. Surprisingly, the addition of NAC had a negative effect on the
differentiation of memory B lymphocytes in our culture conditions using a high level
of CD40 stimulation. By comparing the levels of CD40-CD154 and CD27-CD70
interactions, we then confirmed that a low level of CD40-CD154 interaction was