Homola-cv Sept 2014
“The Fortunes of a Scholar: When the Yijing Challenged Modern Astronomy”.
19th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS), Paris, September
4th-8th, 2012.
“Judging destiny: how Taiwanese diviners cope with uncertainty”.
Workshop “Of doubt and proof: ritual and legal practices of judgment”, 12th Conference of
the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), Paris X Nanterre, July 10th-13th,
“From jianghu to liumang: working conditions and cultural identity of wandering fortune-
tellers in contemporary China”.
Conference “Divinatory Traditions in East Asia: Historical, Comparative and Transnational
Perspectives”, Rice University, Houston, February 17th-18th, 2012.
“Divination and modernity: fortune-telling in contemporary Taiwan”.
6th Conference of the European Association of Taiwanese Studies (EATS), Madrid, April
16th-18th, 2009.
“A Divination Manual on Hand Mnemonics - The Yizhangjing 一掌經, attributed to the
monk Yixing 一行 of the Tang Dynasty”, with Marta Hanson.
Reading session, International Consortium for Research in the Humanities, Erlangen, June
25th, 2014.
“Correlating the Yijing and Modern Science: the Case of Liu Zihua 刘子华 (1899-1992)”.
Lecture series, International Consortium for Research in the Humanities, Erlangen, May 27th,
“Un dragon chinois: légende, destin et chance autour d’un jeu divinatoire”.
Conference “Destin, chance et jeux de hasard en Chine”, French Association of Chinese
Studies - Research Center on Modern and Contemporary China, Paris, May 20th, 2014.
“Conditions de vie et identité culturelle d’un "vagabond des lacs et des rivières" du 21e siècle”.
PhD fellows’ workshop (UMR 8173 Chine, Corée, Japon): “Techniques, Objets et Patrimoine
en Chine, en Corée et au Japon (XVIe-XXIe)”, EHESS, June 18th, 2013.
“Jeux de main: les usages populaires du petit et du grand liuren en Chine contemporaine”.
Young scholars’ conference, French Association of Chinese Studies, Paris, April 17th, 2013.
“Standing for Chinese science through 20th-century France and China: Liu Zihua and the
"Cosmology of the eight trigrams"”.
Young scholars’ workshop “Science, Technology and Medicine in East Asia, 1850-2000”,
Research center Sciences, Philosophie, Histoire (SPHERE) and the Kim Foundation, Paris
Diderot University, January 8th, 2013.
“Gérer sa vie: les pratiques de divination dans la société taïwanaise contemporaine”.
Conference “Figures de l’individualisme dans le religieux contemporain”, Center for the
Interdisciplinary Study of the Religious Factor (CEIFR), EHESS, December 12th, 2008.