941 - BC Laws

JUN. 5
Pursuant to the
Natural Products Marketing
(British Columbia)
Act, and upon the recommendation
of the undersigned, the Lieutenant-Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council,
orders that
The Minister of Agriculture or his Deputy, S.B. Peterson,
representing Her Majesty in right of the Province of
British Columbia, be empowered to enter into a FederalProvincial Agreement in respect of the establishment
of a Comprehensive Marketing Plan for the purpose of
regulating the marketing of eggs in Canada substantially
in the form attached hereto.
Minister of' Agriculture
Presiding Member of the
Executive Council
Minister of Agriculture for Canada
(hereinafter called the 'Federal Minister')
La Ministre de l'Agriculture du Canada
(Cl-apris dfsigrifi le 'ministre Feddca/ - )
- let ■
Minister of Mines, Agriculture, and
Resources for Newfoundland
Minister of Agriculture and Forestry
for Prinz* Edward Island
Minister of Agriculture and Marketing
for Nova Scoria
Minister of Agriculture and Aural
Development for New Brunswick
Minister of Agriculture for Quebec
Minister of Agriculture and Food
for Ontario
Minister of Agriculture for Manitoba
Minister of Agriculture for SIskat:nevan
Miniiter of Arlculture for Alberta
Minister of Agriculture for DrItISA Columbia
(hereinafter called the 'Provincial Ministers')
• and-
National Farm Products Marketing Council
(hereinafter called the 'Council')
- and Canadian Egg Marketing Agency
(hereinafter called the 'Agency .)
- and Newfoundland Log Marketing Board
Prince Edward Island Egg Commodity
Marketing Soard
Nova Scotia Egg and Pullet Producers'
Marketing bard
New Brunswick Egg marketing Board
Federation of tne Producers of Eggs
for Consumption
Ontario CA Producers' Marketing Board
Manitoba Log Produ,err . marketing Board
Saskatchrdsn Commercial Egg Producers'
Marketing Moir]
Alberta Egg and Fowl Marketing Board
Britian :oiumbia Egg Marketing hoard
(hereinafter called the "Commodity
La Ministre des Mines, do l'Agriculture et '
des Resources de Tern.-Neuve
Le Ministre de l'Agriculture it des locate
de l'Ile-du-Prince-Fdouard
Le Ministre de l'Agriculture it de la
Commercialisation de to Nouvelle-Ecosse
Le Ministre de l'Agriculture it de
l'AmOnagement Rural du Nouveau-dronswick
Le Ministre de l'Adrtculturs du Quebec
Le Ministre de l'Agriculture at de
l'Alimentation de l'Ontarlo
Le Ministry) de l'AericuLture du Manitoba
Le Ministre de l'Aoriculture oe la LIaskatchewan
Le Ministre de l'Agriculture de l'Alberta
IA Ninistre de l'Agriculture de la ColomoleBritannigue
(ol-apris cifsignis les "Miniatres Provinclaux")
- •t Le Conseil national de commercialisation des
produits do [erne
(Ci-apria ddsigrid le 'Conseil')
- et L'OfFice canadien de commercialisation des Oeufs
(ei-apcie ddsigna 1"Office")
- •t
Newfoundland Egg Marketing Board
Prince Edward Island Egg Commodity Marketing
Nova Scotia Erg and Pullet Producers'
Marketing Board
New Brunswick Egg Marketing Board
Fliddration des producceurs d'oeufs de
consommation du Qufbec
Ontario Egg Producers' Marketing
Manitoba Egg Producers' Marketing Board
Saskatchewan Commercial Egg Producers'
Marketing Board
Alberta Egg and Fowl Marketing Board
British Columbia Egg M enacing Board
(ci-aprfs dtsignOs 'Offices de Commercialisation')
hay, anlo‘d in
wviRLAn too. ProvinciAl
tap lm,e.ee a mtricl ventral On
m.rch le,
Cttawa ii.
'the peuduoine or marketing of ...1q3 within their
reepwetive prnwince;
WIWPEAS all the Honourahle Ministers are Annney
the eienataliee to the feeernl-Provincial Auto...meet
in respect of the establisneont of a Compronensive
Marketing ?1A0 for the purpose of regulating the
pocketing of eggs in Canada;
Vlo.viswiJux no tont
entendus 5 Ottawa is In ear, leis pun. kopes,r
prod.,lion n. to
un contrtle riaaenru,
Commercialisation den IWOIS dams lug province
respect Ivo;
ATTENDU CUE tons lee Honotobles Ministres sont perm&
lee elrinatalres do l'Accoid 1:d:rat-Provincial relstif
1 la seise en place d'un systbme glooal de commercialisation
visant a rdolementer la Commercialiaacion de* recurs au
and this Aa.eceent have as a main oojectivo that over
• period of Lime the producers of cogs in Canada
will realife their costa of production plus a
reasonable return;
ATTENDU Out ledit syscdme global de; COmMerCidalliatiOn
'Pt cette Entente ont pour objectif principal qu'aores
un certain temps, lee producteurs d'oeufs au Canada
poutront cOoertr lours coats do production et rt;a1L$Or
un profit raisonnsble;
mmuns the said Comprehensive marketing Plan
contemplates Quota Regulations with reference to
the global allocation to numbers of do:ens of eggs
attributed to each province;
ATTENDU OUE ledit systdme global de commercialisation
dontemplo des raglements cur it contingentement
relativemenl I la quantitj globale do douzaines d'oeufs
attrlbudo A cheque province;
WHEREAS the Honourable Provincial Ministers have
not been sule to agree on the nurser of laying hens
necessary and the rate of toy apolisable in earn
province in order to market the nurser of dozens of
eggs allocated to the provinces under the
Comptehensive Marketing Plan:
ATTENDU CUE lee Ministres Provinciaue no se soot pas
entendus sur le noebre de posies poeueuses ndeesseires
et le faux do pont* utilisd dans cniaue province a:In
de commercieliser le nombre de douzaincs d'oeufs attrioud
11 cheque province en vertu de systAme glooal ee
WWERZAS all the honourable Ministers have
accepted, on March 19, 1975, that the appropriate
number of laying hens and the applicable rate of lay
should be decided by the Council after consultation
pith the Agency;
ATTENDU OUC lee Ministres Provinclaux ont accept.,
le 19 mars 1975, que le nombre approprie de poules
pondeuses at le taux de ponce utilise soient dAtermines
par le Conseil en consultation avec l'Office;
WNERCAS the Honourable Provincial Ministers have
agreed to submit to en,. Council detailed plans as to
tins, and ,l'hin what time limits the above
adjustr:enta will be accomplished in tonic province
in a manner satisfactory to the Council and the
ATTENDU CUE les Militate.. Provinciaux se soot entendus
pour sounettre eu Conseil un plan datailla euent a la
method. utilisee et la c.,dule qui ?tut 4tre reseectee
pour rendre effecti:s lee apisterents 7entionns ?las
haat dens leer province respective A la satistaction du
Conseil et de l'Off ice;
WIRIAS the Provincial ilinisters have agreed that
they would tae tmmediace steps to make sure that
the ingividusi producers in their respective province
would adjust tick nuaber of laying hon. or dozens
of eggs marketed;
ATTENDU Cut les Ministres Provinciaux se soot entendus
pour prendre les opens inmediets *fin de s'asseeer ;-e
les producteers individuals dans lour province respective
ajuntent en consequence lair nonce de poules pondouses
ou le sombre de dots:eines d'oeufs commercialise;
WWEREAS the Provincial Ministers and the Commodity
boards agree teat, in the event progress is not
consistent with comoithents made, a penalty be paid
to the Agency far production and marketing in
quantities exceeding provincial allocations.
ATTENDU Out lee Ministres Provinciaus et les Offices
de Commercialisation s'entendent sur le fait gas, at le
progrde ne no ralise oaa ae ryinme des engacemants pris,
one pgnalite Sara payee A l'Orfice pour la proc.ption at
la coroercialisation gm occident des attributions
cheque province.
covenants and agreements herein contained each
Minister. the Council, the Agency and each Commodity
board hereby agree:
PAR LES PIESCNTES cheque Panistre, le Conseil,
Patties et lee Offices de Commercialisetaon Conviunnent
I. The Honourable Provincial Ministers will
recommend to their respective Lieutenant-Governors
in Council. provincial Agricultural Marketing
boards or provincial Councils and provincial
producer marketing aosrds to stow* by the terms
set out in this agreerent.
1. Les Ministres Provincieux recommanderont respectiverent aux Lieutenant-Governeurs en Conseil, aux 96qies
ou Constils provinciaux de commercialisation at .34x
offices provincioux de predacteure de respecter lee
stipulations de La presence kntenee.
?. TN,Council le authorized by the parties to this
Agteement to determine, in consultation with the
Agency and on n periodical barts,the number of laying
hens and he rate of lay applicable to each category of
layers that Applies to race province lndividuelly in
order to rAr6 ,C to the number of dotens of eggs set out
in Column 11 of en Item of the following table In
respect of the province set out in Column I of that item,
2. Le Conseil est sutorisi par les parties A carte
Entente 1 dftermlner, en consultation aver ;'Office et
sur use base periodlque, le nombro de poules pondeuses
at to teux de ponte utilise pour claque categerie de
pondeuses s'appliquent I cnaque province arin d'arriner
A correrclaliscr le comber de douzntnen d'oeufs indiaud
dans la Colonne 11 en regard du nom de la province
indiqud dans is Colones 1.
ul1mS•AS :he said Comprehensive Marketing Plan
Column It
British Colombia
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
( •
( •
( •
( •
( •
(less 10%)
3. If, after this Agreement is in force and for a
.od of 28 days (4 marketing weeks) (hereinafter called
:toe), the number of laying hens is in excess of the
err determined pursuant to the Agreement by Council in
.ultation with the Agency,
Colon,,,' it
(main,. 10%1
( '104)
( '1341
' 10a)
78,647,000 ( ' 101)
19,504,000 (moans 10%)
3. Si, apres que cette Entente est en vinueur et pour
une pdriode de 23 lours (4 semaines de march6) (ci-aptis
designee 'Oriode"), in nor.bre de poulcs pondeuses
*scads le nombre determine en vertu de cette Entente
par le Conseil en consultation avec l'Office,
(a) in a province where production controls
are enacted, the Commodity aoard shall
pay to the Agency the sum of one dollar
(41.00) per han per period for every
laying hen that is in excess of tne
number of laying hens determined for
that province by the Council, and
dans une province oa le central. do la
production est effectue, l'Office de
Commercialisation dolt paver 3 l'Office
la some de un dollar (01.00) par ?caul*
per pdriode pour tout. poulo pondeuse qui
set en excedent du nombre de poulos pondauses
determine pour cette province par le Conseil,
Ibl' in • province where a marketing control
system ls enacted for dozens of eggs,
the Commodity Board shall pay to the
Agency an amount of sixty cents (10.60)
per dozen eggs that is pro:ucod in the
province and marketed anywnere in a
period in excess of the allocation for
that province, such excess being
dans une province ca1 le contrele de la
commercialisation des douzaines d'oeufs est
effectud, l'Office de CommercialisatIon doit
payer a 1'Office la somme de soixante cents
(40.601 par douzaine d'oeufs produitg dans
la province et commercialHd4 n'imoor:e o0
durant une periods en excedent de l'allocation pour cette province. tel excedent scant
determine par le Conseil en apoliquant :e
taux de ponce au total cu nomzre de eoucaines
d'oeufs produit dans cette province et tommercialisd n'importe oa et out ensuite atermin
determined by Council loo:ying the rate
of lay to the total number of dozens of
eggs produced in that province and
marketed anywhere and then determining
whether the number of laying hens so
calculated for the sane period is in
excess of tn. numoer of laying hens
determined by Council for that province
pursuant to this Agreement.
• The rate of lay referred to in this Agreement shall
determined by the Council after consultation with
Agency and based on the average nu-Ser of dozens
eggs the'. each category of laying hens is deemed to
_duce in Canada.
Each Co-modity
Boned shall guarantee the
-nsitments made in this Agreement by a bond or such
er means as are /Acceptable to the Agency and to the
Sure of money payable pursuant to section 3
e lls shall be paid by each Commodity Board to the
ncy on the basis of a 23 day marketing period
shall be used by the Agency for the disposition
the excess of egg production in Canada or in any
a of Canada as the Agency sees fit.
. Notwithstanding sections 3 and 13 of this
cement, the penalties Imposed urder this
- ■ement and the sums of money paysole
rounder, with respect to a Province for
:h tolerances are set out in tin schedule
this Agreement, shall be paid to the
icy subject to the terms of the said
edule applicable to that Province.
The parties agree then
the Agency
el le nombre he pondeuses ainsi
la rime pdriode est en excidant du no-bre
de pondeuses determine par le Conseil pour
cette province suite a cette entente.
4. Le taux de ponce mentionne dans cette Entente doit
titre determine par le Conseil en consultation avec
1'Office ct base sur le nomore coven de douraines d'oeufs
qua cheque categoric de poules pondeusee est tense'
produire au Canada.
S. Chagu.Office de Commercialisation dolt oarantdr
les engagements pris dans cette Entente oar un cautionnement ou touts eutre suretd qui convient 1 l'Office et as
6. Les sommes d'argent payables en vertu de l'article
3 cl-haut doivent 'etre payees par chaaue Office de
commercialisation I l'Office stir is base d'une period.
de commercialisation de 24 jours it doivent etre utilisees par l'Office pour l'alimination des surplus de
production d'oeufs au Canaderou dans tout. parties du
Canada comma l'entend l'Office.
7. Nonobstant lee articles 3 et 13 de cette
Entente, les p6nalitds imposees en vertu de cette
Entente et les sommes d'azoent payables -n consequence, pour ce qui est d'une province pour laquolle des
tolerances sons indiqw,ees a l'annexe de certe Entente,
doivent Ztro payees 3 l'Office salon les dispositions
de ledite annexe qui se rapportent 3 Lidice province
1. Les parties s'entendent sur le fait que is structure de l'Office doit titre modifide.
The parties further agree that authorities
for quote AJminastrotipo 0' transfeired to Inc
Agency or x...c.- imed by prOri,Cel ut16:r a firm
contract With the Agency. except with I'CrpvCr to
the allocation of a quota to an individual
producer within a province.
9. Les patties conviennent de plus our. l'autOrit.,
pour l'adminintration des contingents colt rianSI.'ne
3 l'Office nu appliquCe par 1.:1 provinces sous
contrat avec l'Offtce, eau( (cur ce our a trait A
l'attribution du contingent as productcur individaul
dans unc province.
10. The parties further agree that all
necessary authorities be transferred to the
Agency or esercixed by provinces under • firm
contract with too A4Chry to provide for •
uniform pricing system.
10. Les parties convicnnent de plus que touts
eutoriti necossalro sett transfOree 3 l'Office ou
execute° sous contrat avec l'Office par lee provinces
en vu. d'etablir un systOme do prix uniformc.
11. Uniform pricing system as referred to
in section 10 shall mean a System whereby the
Agency through its General manse's., miter consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Cnaitmen,
will sot prices at basic points throughout Canada
which priers shall differ by no more tnan transportation and marketing costs provided that where
the authority is exercised by a province under
• contract the province may depart from the price
set for points within such province by not more
than one cent ($0.011 per dozen.
11. Un systeme de prix uniforme mentionnd A
l'erticle 10 est un systismo en vertu duquel l'Office.
par son gerant gen.erst, aprio consultation avec le
prteident at is vice-presidont. ataplira les Nix I
des points stratensques A [ravers le Canada, lesouels
prix tiendront commute des codes do transport et do
commercialisation pourvu quo, 1] 03 l'autorite not
exercee sous contrat par ume province. cette province
puisse varier ces prix aux points dtsignds pour recce
province par la marge de un cent ($0.011 la •
12. The parties further agree that the said
Comprehensive earseting Plan will be amended as soon
an possible in order to reflect the changes
contemplated in this Agreement and tno following
12. Les parties consentent 1 es que to systtme •
global de commercialisation soil modifii aossiebt
que possible pour sncorporer les changements de :etc*
Entente et suivant lee principes suivants:
steps will be taken in provinces to
prevent the growth of unregulated
flocks at the expense of the portion
of the market available to regulated
producers: such steps incluee.
les provinces vont entreprendre des actions
sfin d'arrater la croissaace des trouceaux
reglementes au detriment des prcducteurs
rtglement6st telles que
(1) all owners of regulated or unregulated (loess shall have to
obtain a pullet pureness permit
from the Commodity Board before
purchasing pullets,
(i) tous les propridtaires de troupoaux
rtglementlis ou non rtqlementes devront
obtenir un permis d'achat de poulettes
de l'Office do Commercialisation avant
fill all unregulated flocks of over
100 hens shall register with the
Commodity Board but will not be
required to pay levies to the
Agency or the Commodity Board,
(10 toes its troupesox non rtglementes
de plus de 100 poules dotient s'enreeistrer auerts de l'Office de Commercialisation mats n'aiiront pas 1 paver
de redevances A l'Office ou
de Commercialisation,
(iii) tout. personne desirant devenir producteur at commercialsser des oeofs
par is voles nominal.. de commospi tCation dolt obtcnir un ;welts de 1 Office
de Commercialisation pour commercialises
des oeufs,
(iii) all persons wishing to become
producers and to maraet eels
through the norral ma:Settee
channels 0'1411 ootatn a permit
from trio Commodity board in
order to market eggs,
all egg producers, dealers, graders.
Vendors or any other person who markets
eggs shell be a licensed agent of either
• Commodity Board or the asency or both
for such purposes as reporting, monitoring,
resitting of levies, etc.,
taus lee producteurs d'oeufs, negociants,
clessificateurs, vendeurs ou butt autre
personne gut C0e,,
qlrenaillie des oeuts doivent
ttre mandataires licencies de sole un Offico
de Commercialisation, sot! de 1.0ffict ou des
deux pour fins de production de raoports, de
contrOle, de remise des redevances, etc.,
• total count of all regulated flocks is
necessary and sample count, whenever
deemed nece ssary by the aneney shall be
nada by an independent authority at the
expense of the hooncy. Such continued
ronttnring is essential and equivalent
measures will be necessary where a
marketing control system is being used,
un comptage exhaustif de tous les troueoaux
reglementes salon les besoins et del ...C,Antillonnages baroque )tages nice sssss es par
l'Office doivent etre mends oar un organism*
ind.lpondant aux frets do l'Offico. in cal
cents-81e centime est essential it des mesures
equivalent's 'pee:int ni1c sssss res lorsgu'un
systAme de controls do la commercialioation
est utilisd,
fil the Agency chill control the iclllng
of all within quota cods suLplus to
table requiroccnos and the adcncy
Appoint the Commodity boards to
act as its agents.
(11) the Agency shall direct each Commodity
board In the disoosal of eggs in
excess of quota prodaccd in its province,
such eggn as well broad sublmet to
the penalty provided an section I shall
be subject to tne conenses of the
Agency and the Commodity board related
to the disposal of such eons, so that
the not return if any to the producers
will act as a real deterrent.
The Agency or Commodity Soard shall identify
all eggs marketed by a producer sales record,
steep or other monitoring device.
l'Offico dast auto'r to contalle On la
ventm des races pavduits a l'int,:rivur
den continaents mat, en eactdent des
exigences Jr I., consoor4tton en coquille
et 1 'Off leo pcut nOnv.,t lei Offices do
Commercialisation CQTAV mandatatces.
fill l'Of•ice Jolt dirawr cnaque Oftiro le
Cormercialisation dins la di,iposition
des oeufs en else:dent du continvent produito
dans sa province. tole oeufs, on olus
d'ecre •u)cta .1 IA pionalit prem , A
l'artiele 3 seront Cgalement mow... aux
(leptons's encaurues par l'Office in par
l'Office do Commercialisation pour en
disposer, de acme gue to revenu net au
producteur n'encourrige pas la surproduettor
(oe) L'Office ou l'Otfice de Commercialisation dolt
identifier tot,' les oeufs commeretalisCo par le
r4gistre de vento du producteur, un timbre ou UG
autre systame de control..
13. This Agreement shall be effective from May 5th, 1973
until °calm/Del 31st, 1975.
13. Cette Entente dolt itre en vigueur 1 pectic du
S saL 1973 jusgu'au 31 decembre 1979.
AFFIXED THEIR SIGNATURES as of the day, month
ONT APPOSE LEUR SIGNATURE 1 la date indiguee au doiout de
and year first above written.
cette Entente.
Minister o. .Agriculture tar Cana,a
Lo Ministre de !'Agriculture du Canada
Minister of mines, Agriculture, and Resources tar 4ewreendland
Le Ministre des Mines, de !'Agriculture at des Resources de Terre-Neuve
MInIster of Agriculture and Forestry for Prince P ,Loard Island
Le Mintstre Co !'Agriculture at doe Foras de !'Ile-du-Prince-idouard
Lo Mlnietro do
0( Alt,,717,Ico
or14 siarketing Inr Nora :,ccAla
!'agriculture et du la Co,
morci,lilation olg Is rnu4011e-Ecosse
Minister of Agriculture and Rural ocuvloyment for New Brunswick
Le Mintier* de l'Agrsculture et Jo l'Amenagseent Rural du Nouveau-Drunewiek
Minister of Agriculture for QuelacC
do l'Agriculture du Ouilsec
Le Mi
Minister of Agriculture and Food for Ontario
Le Millilitre de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation de 1'Ontario
mAgister o. Agriculture for Manitooa
Le Manistre de l'Agrieulture du Manitoba
Minister of Agriculture for Saskatchewan
Le Minietre de l'Agricultura de la Saskatchewan
SI,Irstrr of A;riculturc for Alberta
Ls Mlnistre di l'Agrieulture de l'Alberta
Minister of A•7riculture for nritish Lolumsna
Mlnistre d• 1'Agricultur• do la Colombia-Orttsnnique
National ann., Prodi.cts marketing Council
is Conseil national de commercialisation des products do forme
Canadian rgg Marasting agency
l'Office canadlen da commercialisation des oasts
Levfoundland Lgg Maraeting Board
Prince Ldward Island Egg Commodity Marketing isoTrd-
Orun•reics Lqg Marketing Soar].
La IN:Oration dee productcurs d °outs as coneoemation du OuBbee
Ontario tgq Producers Marketing Board
Manitoba t.g Producers' Marketinq Board
Easkatchevan Cospercial Egg Producers' Marketing Board
Alberta Log and Fowl Marketing board
brittsn,tol!iaota Egg,. amount] board
This Part applies to the Provinces of
Manitoba. Ontario and Quebec
Cette partir ■ 'applique aux provinces du
• Manitoba, do l'Ontario or du Quebec.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the
attached Agreement, the tollowing tolerances
will be allowed before the penaltiys provided
for In the Agreement are calculated.
Monobstant lee dispositions de Prntente
cl- jointe, on tlendra comote des tolerances
suivantes avant qua les penalites pavuss X
l'Entente no count calculees.
Any individual producer who purchased.
received or placed In production twenty fa/
week pullets between .anuary 1, 1975 and
Pebruery 15, 1975 01%11 be allowed to adjust
his allocation on the following basis,
Tout producteur individual qui. a achetd,
rtes ou isle en production des poulottea de vingt
(20) semalnes entre le for janvicr 1975 or to 15
f4vrier 1975 doit pouvoir ajuster son attribution
sur la base suivantes
up to June 1. 1375, such producer
shall be allowed a tolerance of six
per cent MI over his quota,
from June 1, 1975 up to July 31st,
1975, such producer ::hall be allowed
a tolerance of tare* par cent (35)
over his quota,
from August 1, 1975. such producer
shall comply exactly with his quota.
tC3 1 partir du ler salt 1975, un tel producteur dolt so conformer exactemont I
son contingent.
jusqu'au for juin 1975, un tel produetour dolt pouvoir bend:icier d'une
tolorance de six pour cent (61) en
excedent de son contingent,
This Part applies only to the Province
du for juin 1975 au 31 Jolliet 1975 un
tel producteur doit pouvoLr bendficier
d'une toldrance de trots pour cent ()))
en exadent de son contingent.
Alberta -and British Columbia.
Cette partie ne s'applique qu'l la Province
de l'Alberta.
Notwit.iistankhiN section 13 of the attached
Agreement, this Agree^ent shall be effective
for the Province of Alberts from June 2, 1975.
Nonobstant Particle 13 de l'Entente ci-joints,
cette Entente dolt entrer en vigueur pour la province de l'Alberta 1 partir du 2 :ain 1975.
•. — ----- - -,..... — _
____, ..r.-:-,--,-..
.. 77M A I LI N3 A 331SSS
P.O. :0:( 3:0
A5d07SF01(3. S.C.
V:i -:?Z
roy 21st, 1975.
National Form Product; Narkating Council,
165 Sparks Stroat,
Ottawa, Ontario.
Oaar Sirs:
Please be advised that further to the Addenda attached to the
April Bth, !975 Agreement enclosed hereAth, the British Columbia Egg
Marketing Board understands from information sup2lisd by your Mr. Paul
Babey and by your Mr. -!inuk that prcvlded the layer numbers in British
Columbia do not exceed the layer numbers sat for British Columbia under
the Agreement no penalty shall be applied to British Columbia pursuant
to Section 3(a) or (b) of said Agreement notwithstanding that the
quantity of eggs laid by said layers during any period concerned
exceeds a number pro rated to 19 dozen per layer per annum.
We ask .also that although the British Columbia Egg Marketing
Board has chosen Part 2 of the schedule as that which shall apply to
British Columbia, recognition be given by you to tha fact that fowl
slaughter facilities are currently extremely limited with the result
that although layers may be booked For slaughter to meet layer number
requirements under the Agreement killing plants nay be unable to kill
all the birds offered within the time available to reduce British
Columbia flock size to the level required under the Agreement. If such
is the case, we request that due allowance will be made by you and by
CEMA when calculating any penalty which thus ray be applicable to
British Columbi,pursuant to Section 3(a) of the Agreement.
Yours vary truly,
Ed Morgan,
Secretary r172nog-Jr.
PMONit 333-3343
AREA CO3: :534)
TELEX 34-3633:3
These signatures are effective insofar as Sections 10
and 11 are concerned, provided that:
(1) All Provincial quotas arc in accordance with
Section 2;
(2) Controls on imports into Canada are in:force; and
(3) The uniform price setting shall not interfere
with the overriding principle that the producer
shall realize his cost of production plus a
reasonable return.
Minister of Agriculture for British Columbia
British Columbia Ege, M:irketing hoard