deux critères centraux pour la reconnaissance de l’autisme autrement dite ; le noyau central de
leurs représentations se compose de ces deux éléments considérés comme non-négociables.
Nous avons vérifié également l’effet de différents variables comme le sexe, le statut
professionnels des éducateurs sur les représentations sociales de l‘autisme chez les éducateurs
non-formés. Et dans une deuxième étape nous avons essayé d’analyser les pratiques
professionnelles des éducateurs formés et les éducateurs non-formés dans leurs travaux avec
les enfants autistes au niveau des centres spécialisés de l’autisme ainsi que les centres
psychopédagogiques qui accueillent des enfants avec déficience intellectuelle.
Mots clefs : autisme, représentations sociale, pratiques éducatives, centre psychopédagogique
Despite its heuristic interest, very few studies have been made about social representations
of autism. And in this study, we use the concept of social representations to analyze how
educators exercise their profession in these psycho-educational centers, and had no training in
autism, perceive children affected by autism, and we wondered about the way that these
professionals recognize these children in terms of signs observed.
This research is involved in understanding and explaining the difficulties in the recognition
and differentiation of autism found by educators, according to the social representation that
they have this disorder.
Our first objective is autism as an object of social representation and in particular to identify
the criteria of differentiation and non-differentiation of autism in their social representations.
We will interrogate the fundamental representation, the "core" that determines both the
meaning and organization of the representation and check how educators prioritize the
identification of autism criteria which will allow knowing the subjective nature of these signs.
This research can also be seen in the context of a search for innovation insofar as it seeks to
bring up new things to the system. In fact, it is interesting insofar as it reveals their belief
systems, stereotypes, values produced and shared by individuals within a group and their