Nodet Book Reviews - École biblique et archéologique française de

(* = recension)
1978 (1)
1) *Geninasca Jacques, Groupe dEntreverne, Sémiotique et textes évan-
géliques, Paris, Seuil, 1977. RB 1978, 300-306.
1980 (9)
2) *Giroud J.-C. et L. Panier, Analyse sémiotique des textes, Lyon, Presses
Universitaires, 1979. RB 1980, 286-293.
3) *Greimas A.-J. et J. Courtès, Dictionnaire raisonné de la théorie du
langage, Paris, Hachette, 1979. RB 1980, 286-293.
4) Amiran Ruth, Early Arad. The Chalcolithic Settlement and Early Bronze,
Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 1978. RB 1980, 436-439.
5) Boraas R. S. & S. H. Horn, Heshbon 1968, 1971, 1973, Berrien Springs,
Andrews University Press, 1969, 1973, 1975. RB 1980, 442.
6) Kempinski Aharon, The Rise of An Urban Culture. The Urbanization of
Palestine in the Early Bronze Age, Jerusalem, The Israel Ethnographic
Society, 1978. RB 1980, 436-439.
7) Meyers Eric M., A. Thomas Kraabel & James Strange, Ancient Synagogue
Excavations at Khirbet Shema, Upper Galilee, Israel 1970-72. Durham,
Duke University Press, 1976. RB 1980, 442-444.
8) Stern Ephraim, Excavations at Tel Mevorakh (1973-76). Part I : From the
Iron Age to the Roman Period (Qedem 9), Jerusalem, Hebrew University,
1978. RB 1980, 440-441.
9) Waldbaum Jane, From Bronze to Iron, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag,
1978. RB 1980, 439-440.
10) Williams D. Price, The Tombs of the MB II Period from the “500”
Cemetery at Tell Fara (South), London, Institute of Archaeology, 1977.
RB 1980, 441-442.
1981 (13)
11) *Patte, Daniel & Aline, Pour une exégèse structurale, Paris, Seuil, 1978.
RB 1981, 136-139.
12) *Almeida Yvan, L’opérativité sémantique des récits-paraboles.
Sémiotique narrative et textuelle ; herméneutique du discours religieux,
Paris, Cerf / Leuven, Peeters, 1978. RB 1981, 131-134.
13) Bar-Adon Pessah, The Cave of The Treasure. The Finds from the Caves in
Nahal Mishmar, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 1980.
RB 1981, 457-458.
14) Detweiler Robert, Story, Sign and Self. Phenomenology and Structuralism
as Literary-Critical Methods, Philadelphia, Fortress Press, 1978.
RB 1981, 136.
15) Dever William, H. Darell Lance (ed.), A Manual of Field Excavations.
Handbook for Field Archaeologists, Cincinnati, Hebrew Union College,
1978. RB 1981, 451.
16) Dever William, H. Darell Lance, G. Ernest Wright, Gezer I. Preliminary
Report of the 1964-66 Seasons, Jerusalem, Hebrew Union College, 1970.
RB 1981, 449-451.
17) Dever William, H. Darell Lance, G. Reuben G. Bullard, Dan P. Cole, Joe
D. Seger, Gezer II. Preliminary Report of the 1967-70 Seasons in Fields I
and II, Jerusalem, Hebrew Union College, 1974. RB 1981, 449-451.
18) Karageorgis Vassos, Two Cypriote Sanctuaries of the End of the Cypro-
Archaic Period, Roma, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 1977. RB
1981, 455-456.
19) Merrillees R. S., Introduction to the Bronze Age Archaeology of Cyprus,
Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1978. RB 1981, 453-454.
20) Polzin Robert M., Biblical Structuralism. Method and Subjectivity in the
Study of Ancient Texts, Philadelphia, Fortress Press, 1977. RB 1981,
21) Shiloh Yigal, The Proto-Aeolic Capital and Israelite Ashlar Masonry
(Qedem 11), Jerusalem, Hebrew Un iversity, 1979. RB 1981, 455.
22) Thompson T. L., The Settlement of Palestine in the Bronze Age,
Wiesbaden, L. Reichert Vlg, 1979. RB 1981, 456-457.
23) Zori Nehemiah, The Land of Issachar. Archaeological Survey, Jerusalem,
Israel Exploration Society, 1977. RB 1981, 452-453.
1982 (39)
24) Åström Paul and Sven A. Erikson, Fingerprints and Archaeology,
Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1980. RB 1982, 285.
25) Åström Paul, D. M. Bailey and Vassos Karageorgis, Hala Sultan Tekke I :
Excavations 1897-1971, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1976.
RB 1982, 454-455.
26) Åström Paul, Gunnel Hult and Margareta Strandberg Olofsson, Hala
Sultan Tekke III : Excavations 1972, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag,
1977. RB 1982, 455-456.
27) Åström Paul, The Cuirass Tomb and Other Finds at Dendra. Part I : The
Chamber Tombs, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1977 RB 1982, 458.
28) Ben-David Arye, Talmudische Ökonomie. Die Wirtschaft des jüdischen
PalÄstina zur Zeit der Mischna und des Talmud, Heidesheim, Georg Olms
Vlg, 1974. RB 1982, 462-463.
29) Betancourt Philip P. & al., Vasilike Ware, An Early Bronze Age Pottery
Style in Crete, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1979 RB 1982, 286.
30) Braude William G. and Israel J. Kapstein, Tanna dbe Eliyyahu. The Lore
of The School of Elijah, Philadelphia, Jewish Publication Societyy or
America, 1981. RB 1982, 467-468.
31) Cazelles Henri, A la recherche de Moïse, Paris, Cerf, 1979.
RB 1982, 157-158.
32) Del Valle, La Misná, Madrid, Editora Nacional, 1981. RB 1982, 463-
33) Dickinson O. P. T. K., The Origin of Mycenaean Civilisation, teborg,
Paul Åströms Forlag, 1977. RB 1982, 456-457.
34) Dothan Trude, Excavations at the Cemetery of Deir el Balaå (Qedem 10),
Jerusalem, Hebrew University, 1979. RB 1982, 453.
35) Engvig Olaf T. and Paul Åström, Hala Sultan Tekke II : The Cape Kili
Survey. An Underwater Archaeological Survey, Göteborg, Paul Åströms
Forlag, 1976. RB 1982, 455.
36) Feldman Emanuel, Biblical and Post-biblical Defilement and Mourning :
Law as Theology, New Tork, Yeshiva University Press, 1977.
RB 1982, 464-465.
37) Fischer Peter M., Applications of Technical Davices in Archaeology.
Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1980. RB 1982, 287-288.
38) Green William Scott, Persons and Institutions in Early Rabbinic Judaism,
Missoula, Scholars Press, 1977. RB 1982, 465-466.
39) Haas Peter J., A History of the Mishnaic Law of Agriculture. Tractate
Maaser Sheni, Chico, Scholars Press, 1980. RB 1982, 466-467.
40) Hellbing Lennart, Alasia Problems, teborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1979.
RB 1982, 456.
41) Helms S. W., Jawa, Lost City of the Black Desert, London, Methuen,
1981. RB 1982, 452-453.
42) Hermary Antoine, Amathonte II. Testimonia, deuxime partie : les
sculptures découvertes avant 1975, Paris, Éd. A. D. P. F., École française
d’Athènes, 1981. RB 1982, 283-284.
43) Hirsch Ethel S., Painted Decoration on the Floors of Bronze Age Struc-
tures in Crete and the Greek Mainland, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag,
1977. RB 1982, 285-286.
44) Hope Simpson R. and O. T. P. K. Dickinson, A Gazetter of Aegean Civi-
lisation in the Bronze Age, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1979.
RB 1982, 457.
45) Hult Gunnel and Dan McCaslin, Hala Sultan Tekke IV : Excavations in
Area 8 in 1974 and 1976. The 1977 Underwater Report, teborg, Paul
Åströms Forlag, 1978 RB 1982, 455-456.
46) Hult Gunnel, Hala Sultan Tekke VII. Excavations in Area 8 in 1977, Göte-
borg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1981 RB 1982, 455-456.
47) Johnson Jane, Maroni de Chypre, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1979.
RB 1982, 286.
48) Kanta A., The Late Minoan III Period in Crete : A Survey of Sites, Pottery
and Their Distribution, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1980.
RB 1982, 457.
49) Kaplan Maureen F., The Origin and Distribution of Tell el-Yahudiyeh
Ware, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1980. RB 1982, 458-459.
50) Kenna V. E. G., Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities, 3 : Catalogue of Cypriote
Seals of the Bronze Age in the British Museum, Göteborg, Paul Åströms
Forlag, 1971. RB 1982, 284-285.
51) Kenyon Kathleen & al., Excavations at Jericho. III The Architecture and
Stratigraphy of the Tell, London, British School of Archaeology in Jeru-
salem, 1981. RB 1982, 280-283.
52) Maredsous, Centre Informatique et Bible, Brepols, 1981 RB 1982, 277-
53) McCaslin Dan E., Stone Anchor in Antiquity : Coastal Settlements and
Maritime Trade-Route in the Eastern Mediterranean ca. 1600-1050 B.C.,
Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1980. RB 1982, 453-454.
54) Öbrink Ulla, Hala Sultan Tekke V : Excavations in Area 22, 1971-73 and
1975-78, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1979. RB 1982, 455-456.
55) Öbrink Ulla, Hala Sultan Tekke VI : A Sherd Deposit in Area 22,
Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1979. RB 1982, 455-456.
56) Papadopoulos Thanasis J., Mycenaean Achaea. Part I : Text & Part 2 :
Figures, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1979. RB 1982, 457.
57) Poswick R.-Ferdinand et al., Concordance de la Bible de Jérusalem. Paris,
Éd. du Cerf & Turnhout, Brepols, 1982. RB 1982, 277-278.
58) Pritchard James B., The Cemetery at Tell es-Saidiyeh, Jordan,
Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, 1980. RB 1982, 453.
59) Rosenthal Renate & Renee Sivan, Ancient Lamps in the Schloessinger
Collection (Qedem 8), Jerusalem, Hebrew University, 1978.
RB 1982, 461-462.
60) Stanley Price, Early Prehistoric Settlement in Cyprus. A Review and
Gazetteer of Sites, c. 6500-3000 BC, Oxford, B. A. R., 1979.
RB 1982, 284.
61) Todd Jan A., The Prehistory of Central Anatolia. I : The Neolithic
Period, Göteborg, Paul Åströms Forlag, 1980. RB 1982, 286-287.
62) Zahavi Tzvee, The Traditions of Eleazar Ben Azariah, Missoula, Scholars
Press, 1977. RB 1982, 465.
1984 (1)
63) Davies William David, The Territorial Dimension of Judaism. Berkeley,
University of California Press, 1982. RB 1984, 151-153.
1985 (16)
64) *Leiman Sid Z., The Canonization of Hebrew Scripture : The Talmudic
and Midrashic Evidence, Hamden, Archon Books, 1976. RB 1985, 589-
65) *Neusner Jacob, A History of the Mishnaic Law of Appointed Times,
Leiden, Brill, 1981. RB 1985, 466-472.
66) *Neusner Jacob, A History of the Mishnaic Law of Purities, Leiden, Brill,
1977. RB 1985, 466-472.
67) *Neusner Jacob, A History of the Mishnaic Law of Women, Leiden, Brill,
1980. RB 1985, 466-472.
68) *Neusner Jacob, From-Analysis and Exegesis : A Fresh Approach to the
interpretation of Mishna, with Special Reference to Mishna-Tractate
Makhshirin, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota. RB 1985, 466-472.
69) *Neusner Jacob, The Tosefta, Translated from the Hebrew, New York,
Ktav, 1977. RB 1985, 466-472.
70) *Rengstorf Karl Heinrich (ed.), A Complete Concordance to Flavius
Josephus, Vol. IV, Leiden, Brill, 1983. RB 1985, 581-589.
71) Brooks Roger, Support for the Poor in the Mishnaic Law of Agriculture :
Tractate Peah, Chico, Scholars Press, 1983. RB 1985, 472-473.
72) Calloud Jean et François Genuyt, La première épître de Pierre. Analyse
Sémiotique, Paris, Cerf, 1982. RB 1985, 611-612.
73) Feldman Louis H., Josephus and Modern Scholarship (1937-1980), Berlin
New York, W. De Gruyter, 1984. RB 1985, 473-476.
74) Jaffee Martin S., Mishnahs Theology of Tithing : A Study of Tractate
Maaserot, Chico, Scholars Press, 1981. RB 1985, 472.
75) Mandelbaum Irving, A History of the Mishnaic Law of Agriculture :
Kilayim, Translation and Exegesis, Chico, Scholars Press, 1982.
RB 1985, 472.
76) Neusner Jacob, A History of the Mishnaic Law of Purity. Part XXI : The
Redaction and Formulation of the Ordre of Purities in the Mishna and
Tosefta (Studies in Judaism in Late Antiquity, VI/XXI). Leiden, Brill,
1977. RB 1985, 467.
77) Neusner Jacob, The Academic Study of Judaism. Essays and Reflexions,
Chico, Scholars Press, 1982. RB 1985, 466.
78) Newman Louis E., The Sanctity of the Seventh Year : A Study of Mishnah
Tractate Shebiit, Chico, Scholars Press, 1983. RB 1985, 473.
79) Peck Alan J., The Priestly Gift in Mishna : A Study of Tractate Terumot,
Chico, Scholars Press, 1981. RB 1985, 472.
1986 (27)
80) Chavanne Marie-José, Vases de Bronze du Musée de Chypre (9e-4e s. av.
J.-C.), Paris, de Boccard, 1982. RB 1986, 460.
81) Clarke E. G. & al., Targum Pseudo-Jonathan on the Pentateuch. Text and
Concordance, Hoboken, Ktav, 1984. RB 1986, 605-608.
82) Gueuret Agnès, L’engendrement dun récit. Lévangile de lenfance selon
saint Luc, Paris, Cerf, 1983. RB 1986, 613.
83) Hengel Martin, Rabbinische Legende und Frühpharisaische Geschichte ;
Schimeon ben Schetach und die achtzig Hexen von Askalon, Heidelberg,
Carl Winter, 1984. RB 1986, 619.
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