From Stock Markets to Cosmic Structures : the Stochastic Behavior of Dark Matter Halos
density field filtered at different scales. Click on the image to enlarge it Richard Bond, Shaun Cole, George
Efstathiou and Nick Kaiser introduced the stochastic model of halo formation, also known as excursion set theory, in
the early 90. In the original formulation, the derivation of an analytical formula for the halo mass distribution is limited
to few ideal cases for which there is no physically meaningful definition of the halo mass. In a realistic case, the mass
definition has to be consistent with that inferred from observations, however the stochastic equations of the model
cannot be solved analytically, but only through time consuming numerical Monte Carlo simulations. This is because
the way the mass is defined alter the filtering process of the density field such that the pseudo-time evolution of the
random walks is no longer independent of their past history. Their evolution as function of the filtering scale becomes
correlated. It is like having a stock whose price smoothly changes over time (instead of discontinuous jumps)
because all investors buy and sell according to a pre-arranged set of past prices. To overcome this limitation the
researchers have used a path-integral formulation of the halo random trajectories. The path-integral is a
mathematical technique that allows the computation of transitional probabilities by summing up over all possible
paths of a random process. Developed in the context of quantum mechanics by Richard Feynman, such
methodology has analogs in statistical mechanics and is applicable to stochastic systems. Recently, Michele
Maggiore at the University of Geneva and Antonio Riotto at CERN have been able to formulate the excursion set
theory in terms of path-integrals. They have shown that in such formulation one can solve analytically the halo mass
function for mass definitions that are consistent with observational estimates of halo masses.
It is within this mathematical framework that LUTH's theorists have performed their calculation. However, to improve
the theoretical modeling of the halo mass distribution they had to consider a further element. In the excursion set
theory the density threshold reached by the random walks that form dark matter halos is inferred from a simplified
model of the non-linear gravitational collapse of matter. Initial density fluctuations on very large scales tend to
collapse approximately as isolated systems. Thus the gravitational infall is similar to that of a homogeneous sphere of
matter. This is not the case at smaller scales, where distortions due to the shear of the velocity field associated to
matter density fluctuations and other environmental effects make the collapse more anisotropic, approximately like
that of a homogeneous ellipsoid. Because of this the collapse conditions change over different scales and randomly.
On average the collapse follows at large scales that of a spherical object, while at small scales that of an ellipsoidal
one. The astronomers have therefore implemented the excursion set theory in its path-integral formulation with a
stochastic model of the halo collapse condition that mimic these peculiar features. The result of this computation is
a mathematical formula of the halo mass distribution which manifestly depends on physical parameters that encodes
the main features of the halo collapse. These parameters provide a physical explanation for the shape of this function
over the all range of masses probed by numerical simulations. Even more important is the fact that the derived
formula matches the halo mass distribution measured in N-body simulations with unprecedented accuracy (Figure 3).
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