Embedding French in the Primary Curriculum
A starter activity for PSHE (categories of foods)
Teacher’s Notes:
Learning Objective for PSHE: Identifying which items belong to which food groups
Learning Objective for French: Names of foods; names of food groups
Resources: flashcards or pictures on the interactive whiteboard / powerpoint /
smartboard of foods (dairy products, vegetables, fruits)
Explanation of the activity: Pupils learn the names of various food items (cognates
and non-cognates) and also the food group to which they belong.
Step 1 : Teacher presents pictures and words one at a time; pupils repeat. Best
done with pictures and words together.
Step 2 : Pupils match up words and pictures e.g. slide words on an interactive
whiteboard next to the appropriate picture. Can also be a ‘beat the teacher’ game
where the teacher names a picture; if they name it correctly, the pupils repeat what
the teacher says; if the teacher doesn’t name the item correctly, the pupils remain
silent. Teacher keeps a points’ score on the board. Or a ‘splat game’ : teacher
names an item in French and pupils from two teams try to be the first to swat the
picture of the correct item
Step 3 : Introduce food groups : produits laitiers (dairy products), fruits, légumes
(vegetables). Best done with the pictures arranged into their appropriate groups
Step 4 : (could be cards or words on an interactive whiteboard). Pupils arrange
names of items into the 3 food groups. E.g. teacher points to a word (“carottes”)and
the class together identify the relevant category (“légumes”)
Progression: (different Step 2’s over a series of lessons)
Vocabulary: (teachers are naturally free to adapt this list at their discretion and
add to it over time)
Les produits laitiers
Les fruits
Les legumes
Le fromage
Les pommes
Les tomates
Le lait
Les oranges
Les pommes de terre
Le beurre
Les bananes
Les carottes
Le yaourt
Les fraises
Le choufleur
La crème
Les framboises
Le chou
Teacher’s script (generic)
Translation into English
Répétez s’il vous plaît.
Repeat please
Qu’est-ce que c’est en français ?
What is this in French
Je dis le nom; si c’est correct, vous
répétez; si le nom n’est pas correct, vous
gardez le silence (gesture for répétez
(e.g. hand ‘speaking’) and for gardez le
silence (e.g. finger over mouth)
I say the name; if it’s correct, you repeat
it; if it’s not the correct name, you stay
Vous mettez les cartes en 3 groupes,
produits laitiers, fruits et légumes
Arrange the cards in 3 groups, dairy
products, fruits, vegetables
Vous comprenez ?
Do you understand ?
Qui peut expliquer en anglais ?
Who can explain in English ?