Thematic sessions (submitted by convenors)
Individual papers (oral presentation)
Poster presentations
Discussion groups
a. Thematic sessions/symposia
This format should typically contain four presentations or three presentations plus a
discussant. All contributions should address a relatively homogeneous topic of P & L.
The convenor(s) of thematic sessions should send an email to the conference organizers
that contains the title of the session, the names of the contributors and the titles of their
presentations (see contact details on the bottom of the page). The contributors to the
thematic session should submit their abstracts like an individual presentation. The
general format of the abstract submission is shown below.
b. Individual oral presentations
Individual presentations by one or several authors are directly submitted on the
conference website. The program committee will group the presentations into sessions
on a broader topic and designate a chairperson. If a submitted abstract does not fit to
any other submissions of oral presentations, the program committee may decide to
present the respective contribution as a poster. The general format of the abstract
submission is shown below.
c. Poster presentations
To avoid too many parallel oral presentations, posters become more and more
important at conferences. The criteria and process for poster submissions will be the
same as for oral presentations. In addition to the submission of individual poster
presentations there is also the possibility to submit a pre-organized poster session on a
specific topic. The convenor(s) of such poster sessions should follow the guidelines for
the thematic sessions (see above). The general format of the abstract submission is
shown below.
d. Discussion groups
This format will address actual topics of psychology and law and related policy issues. A
convenor should submit the title of the discussion group, an abstract, the names and
contact details of the discussants via email directly to the conference organizers (see
contact details on the bottom of the page). This format should not contain more than five
2. General guideline for the submission
All abstract submissions must contain the title of the presentation, the name(s) of the
author(s), affiliations, addresses and email contacts. Please, aim to make the titles
attractive and not too long. The abstracts should not exceed 2.500 characters (about 300
words) in length. The program committee will review all abstracts. You will get the
respective decision soon after submission, i.e. ‘early birds’ will not have to wait until the
general deadline for submissions. Please do not ask for specific time slots for your
presentation because we aim to avoid parallel sessions on similar topics.
In case of co-authored submissions the first author is expected to present the
contribution. There is a maximum of one presentation per first or single authors. At the
date of the conference presenters must be registered and have paid the conference fee.
You may pay the fee before or after acceptance of your submission.
In principle, abstract submissions must be in English. However, there is also the
opportunity to submit presentations in French. In this case, these should normally focus