Document n°2 The Night of the Hunter
Film sequence: Ben Harper’s farewell to his children.
What has Ben Harper (the father) given John (the son)?
What does he want from John?
Film sequence: Ben Harper and Harry Powell in the same cell.
What does Harry Powell try to do while is Harper sleeping?
According to Powell, how could Harper find salvation and a place in Heaven?
Film sequence: Harry Powell’s monologue at the jail window.
What is Powell actually doing?
What are his intentions?
Film sequence: Bart gets back home.
What is his present job? What was his job before?
What doesn’t his wife want?
Grammaire: la structure Sujet1 + Verbe1 (+ Sujet2) + Verbe2
… donc le Verbe 2 prend
la forme :
implique une intention,
Ben wanted to tell John a secret.
Ben wanted John to keep the secret.
n’implique pas une
Ben can’t stand seeing poor children.
à la voix active
est un auxiliaire modal:
A la voix passive : John was made to swear.
You mustn’t tell anyone, not even your mother.
John saw the police arrest his father.
L’action désignée par ARREST est perçue en entier, du
début à la fin.
Powell heard Harper speaking in his sleep.
L’action désignée par SPEAKING est perçue dans son
déroulement, Powell n’a entendu ni le début ni la fin de
ce qu’a dit Harper.
PRACTISE : a multiple choice test.
The children stopped ... when their dad arrived.
John stopped ... at the sky.
John never let Pearl ... their secret.
Powell tried to make Ben ... in his sleep.
Ben was made ... in his sleep.
Ben tried to avoid ... with Powell.
Ben refused ... what he did with the money.
Bart can’t stand … a hangman any more.
His wife is used ... to his grievances.
He used ... a miner, but now he is a hangman.