10- Financial development or financial liberalization : growth and (in)stability
effects :
Is financial development an engine of growth and investment ? Is there a cost in
terms of financial instability and crises ? Is there a gain in terms of “insurability” and
“smoothing” of income?
Data :
World Development Indicators,
Global financial development :
Heston-Summers “Penn World Tables”
Barro and Lee : Education
References :
FITA = master thesis MC 2015,
Barro, R. J. (1991). Economic growth in a cross section of countries. The quarterly journal of
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Beck, T., Demirgüç-Kunt, A., & Levine, R. (2000). A new database on the structure and
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11- Asymétries européennes
Can it be established that Germany strongly benefited from the EMU to strengthen its export-
oriented economy, especially while pursuing a wage deflation policy at home at the same time
and thus depressing domestic consumption? Did trade flows from Germany to the euro-area
increase more than to the rest of the world (all things equal, e.g. rest of the world exchange rate,
income, ...) ? Same question for capital flows. Did German banks finance real estate booms in
Ireland and Spain as is sometimes claimed ?
Gros, Daniel and Alcidi, Cinzia (2010) Fiscal Policy Coordination and Competitiveness
Surveillance: What solutions to what problems? CEPS Policy Brief 213, September.
DARVAS, Zsolt (2015) “The grand divergence : global and European current account
surpluses” Bruegel Working paper 2015/08