Landen Ford PET 301 Homework one
Homework 3:
During a drilling rig structure fatigue test:
The wind speed was 50 mph. The rig has 16 lines which are strung through the traveling
block. A hook load of 550,000 lbf is being hoisted.
According to the API standard calculate: 1. The wind load. 2. The total compressive load.
n=16 V=50Mph
Find the wind load
The total compressive load
Homework 4:
The total weight of 9,000 ft of 9 5/8 inch casing for a deep well is determined to be
400,000 lbs. Since this will be the heaviest casing string run, the maximum mast load
must be calculated. If 10 lines run between the crown and the traveling blocks and
neglecting buoyancy effects.
calculate the maximum load.
Homework 5:
The hoisting system of a rig derrick has a load of 350,000 lbf. The input power of the
drawworks for the rig can be a maximum of 530 hp . Eight drilling lines are strung
between the crown block and traveling block . Consider there is some loss of power due to
friction within the hoisting system .
Homework 5 cont’d:
(1) the static tension in the fast line when upward motion is impending,
(2) the mechanical advantage of the block and tackle,