A least squares induction motor
parameters identification based on three
level system
Bianchunyuan1,a,Liuhaijing1,b, Caoruixia1,c, Songchonghui1,d
1,2,3,4 School of Information Science & EngineeringˈNortheastern University
Shenyang ,China
d songchonghui@ ise.neu.edu.cn
Abstract—In recent years, with parameter self-tuning of the
drive is concerned by national experts and scholars, which has
become the focus of research. Because the induction motor has a
strong coupling, nonlinear, operating parameters and other
significant characteristics change, many scholars do a lot of
research on the induction motor parameters identification, the
parameters identification theory, many of the results of modern
control theory are applied directly to vector control systems to
develop into a high-precision vector converter. This article
describes an experiment based on single-phase improved
methods, the least square off-line identification, only one
experiment can measure the motor parameters. According to the
simulation results , we obtain a satisfactory result.
Keywords-least square; induction motor; parameter
At present, the inverter plays a more and more important
role in energy saving and speed control so that it has been
experienced rapid development and wide application. The
application of higher voltage and better performance inverter
gets more and more attention. Therefore, three-level inverter
based on space vector control is a hot topic in the future
This study is based on the three-level system to research
the motor parameter identification. Accuracy of motor
parameters is an important factor in determining the inverter
The inverter with parameter identification technology
research can be divided into offline and online identification[1
2 ] two research directions. Offline parameter identification is
mainly used to complete the self-setting, identification of the
parameters of which is higher initial value of precision, or the
direct use value under not very high work environment.
Online identification key is used to track changes in the motor
parameters, calibration of electrical parameters to meet the
operating environment of relatively high precision. The main
methods used in domestic vector inverter are the least squares
method, model reference adaptive method, Kalman filter,
genetic algorithm and neural networks ]3[ . In recent years,
wavelet theory applied in the motor parameter identification
has been applied ]2[ .
A. Three-level system architecture
In Figure 1, A, B, C three terminals are connected with
induction motor. U-phase bridge inverter is a wall with
anti-parallel diode 14
(~ )
Dof the four source switch
(~ )SScomponent. In a real system, switching devices are
IGBT. The midpoint of the two DC capacitor is given in
inverter DC side. 1
and 2
are the clamping diodes.
Common three-phase bridge arm 12 and the continued flow of
power electronic switching diodes
Fig. 1 T Diagram of three-level NPC inverter
and six clamping diodes, all the same as the pressure tubes.
The two capacitors of the DC parameters are the same, the
voltage is half of the DC voltage[6]. Capacitance for two
capacitors is limited, the midpoint of the capacitor charge and
discharge current will produce the mid-point voltage drift[4 5
978-1-4577-0321-8/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE
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