Telechargé par José Baptista

SE - Synthesis

Synthesis and more
João Borges de Sousa
[email protected]
Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computatadores
SE process: recap
What’s next?
Final comments
J. Borges de Sousa
SE process
J. Borges de Sousa
System = products + processes
Source: IEEE Std 1220 - 2005
Systems Engineering Process (SEP)
Generic problem-solving process, which provides the mechanisms for identifying and evolving the product
and process definitions of a system. Applies throughout the system life cycle
System life cycle
IEEE Std 1220-2005 Hughes SE Handbook MIL-Std-499B (DoD)
Pre-Concept Exploration
Pre-Concept Exploration
Preliminary Design
Concept Exploration and Concept Exploration and
Demonstration and
Demonstration and
Design Alloaction
Detailed Design
System Preliminary Design
System Definition
Fabrication, Assembly,
Integration and Test
Detailed Design
Design Implementation
Costumer Support
Engineering and
Production and
Operations and Support
Operations and Support
System Breakdown Structure (SBS)
Hierarchy of products and processes that comprise the system architecture.
Source: IEEE Std 1220 - 2005
Example: UXV system breakdown structure
Level 1
Level 2
Propulsion (power/thrust, energy harvesting)
Auxiliary Equipment
Application Software
System Software
Interoperability (software/hardware)
Remote Sensor System Delivery
Application Software
System Software
Interoperability (software/hardware)
Command and Control Subsystem
Communication systems
Launch and Recovery Equipment
Transport System Components
Application Software
System Software
Interoperability (software/hardware)
Specification tree
Modeled design architecture appropriate to level of development.
Composed of specification elements and interface specifications.
System interface specifications define interfaces with external systems,
platforms, and products.
Subsystem interface specifications define interfaces among subsystems,
including hardware-hardware, hardware-software, software-software,
human-human, human-hardware, and human-software interfaces.
Developed top down.
The number of levels of a specification tree depends on the stage of the life
Lowest level of the specification tree is dependent upon the complexity of the
design element and to what level the decision can be made to make, buy, or
reuse the product associated with the specification.
Source: IEEE Std 1220 - 2005
Análise e Especificação de Requisitos
Esta fase decompõe-se em duas actividades principais:
Analisar as
Análise e
de Requisitos
Requisitos de utilizador/marketing
do Sistema
Requisitos de engenharia
Tipos de requisitos
Uma classificação muito simples
• Requisitos funcionais → especificam aquilo que é suposto o sistema fazer
• Requisitos não funcionais → incluem todas as outras características e restrições que o
sistema deve respeitar
Classificação mais detalhada dos requisitos não funcionais.
• Desempenho (ou performance) → especificam características relativas a aspectos como o
tempo de resposta, precisão, fiabilidade, etc.
• Interfaces externas → especificam com quem (sistemas ou pessoas) interactua o sistema e
como se processam essas interacções.
• Restrições → decisões prévias que impõem limitações ao projecto como a linguagem de
programação, o sistema operativo, o microprocessador, o fabricante dos equipamentos, etc.
• Custo → Podem aplicar-se tanto aos custos de desenvolvimento do sistema, como aos
custos de produção do produto na fase de comercialização.
• Energia → Tipicamente são relativos ao consumo ou ao rendimento energético do sistema.
• Ambiente → Tanto se podem relacionar com a utilziação de recursos naturais (energéticos
e matérias primas) como com a reciclagem de materiais que compõem o sistema.
• Higiene e Segurança → Prendem-se com questões de ergonomia, higiene e segurança na
utilização do sistema.
• Outros requisitos e propriedades do sistema → outros requisitos ou caracterísiticas gerais
que o sistema deva possuir
Functional architecture
Describe the problem (requirements
analysis) in more detail
Decompose system functions to
lower-level functions
Translate the requirements baseline
into a functional architecture
Useful technique: chair flying ☺
Source: IEEE Std 1220 - 2005
System concept
Establish system definition
Complete specifications
Select system concept
Identify sub-systems and sub-systems interfaces
Identify human/system interface issues
Revise engineering and technical plans for preliminary design
System and product interface specs
Sub-system interface specifications
Preliminar sub-system specs
Human/system interface
Establish baselines
• Establish system baseline
• Establish preliminary sub-system design to baselines
Complete technical reviews
• Complete alternative concept review
• Comple system definition review
A few questions
What about solutions?
Hardware, software, etc...
What about processes?
J. Borges de Sousa
J. Borges de Sousa
Define design solutions
Identify subsystems (satisfy requirements)
Define system elements
Decomposition, interfaces and design
Translate functional architecture into
design/physical architecture
Source: IEEE Std 1220 - 2005
6.5.1 Group and allocate functions
• The project groups common functions and subfunctions of the verified functional architecture into logical functional
elements in a manner that permits their allocation to design elements.
• Requirements traceability is established and recorded to ensure that all functions are allocated to elements of the system;
each system element performs at least one function.
6.5.2 Identify design solution alternatives
• The project generates alternative design solutions for the functional elements identified in 6.5.1. These solutions should
be composed of one or more of the following: hardware, software, material, data, facility, people, and techniques.
6.5.3 Assess safety and environmental hazards
• The project analyzes alternatives of 6.5.2, and aggregates of alternatives, to identify potential hazards to the system,
humans involved in the system and supporting the system life cycle processes, or the environment.
6.5.4 Assess life cycle quality factors
• The project assesses alternatives of 6.5.2 to determine the degree to which quality factors (producibility, testability, ease
of distribution, usability, supportability, trainability, and disposability) have been included in the solutions.
6.5.5 Assess technology requirements
• The project assesses alternatives of 6.5.2 to determine the technological needs necessary to make the design solution
• The risks associated with the introduction of any new or advanced technologies to meet requirements should be identified
and assessed.
• Training and personnel pipelines should also be evaluated to ensure that they meet the specified requirements.
6.5.6 Define design and performance characteristics
• The project identifies and documents the design and performance characteristics of design alternatives.
• This includes the estimation or measurement of human physical and cognitive workload levels. characteristics and
human-engineering elements associated with life cycle quality factors should be identified and assessed.
J. Borges de Sousa
Source: IEEE Std 1220 - 2005
6.5.7 Define physical interfaces
• The project identifies and defines the physical interfaces among products, subsystems, humans, life cycle processes, and
external interfaces to higher-level systems or interacting systems.
6.5.8 Identify standardization opportunities
• The project analyzes alternatives of 6.5.2 to assess whether use of standardized end items would be technologically and
economically feasible.
6.5.9 Identify off-the-shelf availability
• The project analyzes alternatives of 6.5.2 to determine availability of an off-the-shelf item (nondevelopmental hardware
or software).
6.5.10 Identify make-or-buy alternatives
• The project performs economic analysis of design alternatives to support make-or-buy decisions. This analysis should
address whether it is more cost-effective for the project to produce the design element vs. going to an established supplier.
6.5.11 Develop models and prototypes
• The project develops models and/or prototypes to assist in the following:
a) Identifying and reducing risks associated with integrating available and emerging technologies
b) Verifying that the design solution (made up of hardware, software, material, humans, facilities, techniques, data, and/or service) meets allocated
functional and performance requirements, interface requirements, workload limitations, and constraints
c) Verifying that the design solution satisfies functional architecture and requirements baseline requirements
6.5.12 Assess failure modes, effects, and criticality
• The project assesses failure modes, the effects, and the criticality of failure for design alternatives.
• The hardware, software, and human elements of the design alternatives should be analyzed, and historical or test data
should be applied, to refine an estimate of the probability of successful performance of each alternative.
6.5.13 Assess testability needs
• The project assesses the testability of design alternatives to determine built-in test (BIT) and/or fault isolation test (FIT)
requirements to support operational or maintenance considerations.
6.5.14 Assess design capacity to evolve
• The project assesses design alternatives to determine the capacity of the design solution to evolve or be reengineered,
accommodate new technologies, enhance performance, increase functionality, or incorporate other cost-effective or
competitive improvements once the system is in production or in the marketplace.
J. Borges de Sousa
Source: IEEE Std 1220 - 2005
Validation and verification
Verification is the process for determining whether or not a product fulfills the
requirements or specifications established for it.
• Validation is the assessment of a planned or delivered system to meet the
sponsor's operational need in the most realistic environment achievable.
Regardless of the life-cycle model our sponsors use, they all track to three basic systems engineering
stages: concept development, engineering development, and post-development.
Each of these engineering stages may be separated into supporting phases.
The concept development phase is critical because it describes the ultimate operational
requirements that will be used to "validate" the ultimate material solution.
The supporting system, subsystem, and component level specifications leading to preliminary design
and critical design will be iteratively verified through various types of testing and analysis during
materialization, integration, and testing.
Verification is the critical feedback element that confirms the specifications were satisfied.
Validation is confirmation that the user's needs will be or are satisfied in the final material solution. It
cannot be overemphasized that Verification and Validation (V&V) and Test and Evaluation (T&E) are
not separate stages or phases, but integrated activities within the SE process.
J. Borges de Sousa
What’s next?
J. Borges de Sousa
So, what?
Mini-test: : April 26th;
Individual evaluation moment during presentation/demonstration (also “recurso” for those who failed mini-test)
Two invited lectures March 22nd and March 29th (Highly recommended)
•Humberto Ayres Pereira and Jorge Moreira da Silva
What about your team and the challenge?
•See the light at the end of the tunnel?
•How do you relate what you are learning here to what you are doing in the project?
•What have you done in terms of team building?
Mid-term review: Week of the mid.term review report
What about the “shopping list”?
J. Borges de Sousa
System concept deliverable (Topics)
Overview of the challenge
System breakdown structure (first 2 levels)
List of engineering (functional, non-functional, etc) requirements (Annex)
Market survey (Annex)
Functional architecture (Annex)
J. Borges de Sousa
Mid-term report deliverable (Topics)
Description of the challenge
Validated requirements
Functional architecture
Risk management
Work done so far
J. Borges de Sousa
Final remarks
J. Borges de Sousa
Change in an age of exponentials
An analysis of the history of technology shows that technological change is
exponential, contrary to the common-sense “intuitive linear” view. So, we
won’t experience 100 years of progress in the 21st century — it will be more like
20,000 years of progress (at today’s rate). The “returns,” such as chip speed and
cost-effectiveness, also increase exponentially ... Within a few decades,
machine intelligence will surpass human intelligence, leading to The Singularity
— technological change so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the
fabric of human history.
The Law of Accelerating Returns, March 7, 2001, Ray Kurzweil
J. Borges de Sousa
Age of exponentials
J. Borges de Sousa
Funding for ideas
Worldwide investors pursue sustainable goals through a great variety of strategies
J. Borges de Sousa
“whatever success I had in life has more to with how to deal my knowing that I
don’t know much what I need to know than anything else”
Ray Dalio
Brutal honesty
Radical transparency
J. Borges de Sousa
SE can help you make an impact
Let’s engineer systems!!!
J. Borges de Sousa