If you've had sex while you've had a yeast infection, your partner will need to be treated too. You
could end up passing it back to each other making the cure nearly impossible. It's best to use a
condom when someone has a yeast buildup.
Do not wear panty liners. The liners will absorb the moisture from your body and trap it inside
them. If you do wear a liner, be sure to change it regularly. The dryer you keep your crotch area,
the less likely you will be to suffer from a yeast infection.
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If you find yourself battling recurring yeast infections, defined as four or more in one year, you need
to rethink your diet. Most commonly, recurring yeast infections are caused by diets with lots of
sugar and simple carbohydrates. Even lots of complex carbohydrates can exacerbate the situation.
Diabetics are at high risk of recurring yeast infections.
Whenever you are taking medications to help deal with yeast infections, you should be mindful of
which medications you are taking. Antibiotics kill both not only the bad bacteria, but the good
bacteria that helps prevent yeast from growing. Things like birth control pills and oral steroids also
increase the likelihood of getting a yeast infection.
If you experience four or more yeast infections in a year outside of antibiotic use, see your doctor.
Self-treatment may not be appropriate for frequent or recurring yeast infections. There could be an
underlying disorder that is causing the yeast growth, and it's best to find the root cause, if possible.
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Be mindful of the fact that yeast is quite commonly found in your ►Herpesyl Herpes Virus Support
intestinal system. When you use the restroom, make sure to wipe from front first to the back. This
should prevent any yeast from making it into the vaginal area, and will cut down dramatically on
your chances of an infection.
If you have a yeast infection, than cotton can really be your best friend. Wearing cotton panties will
help accomplish this. Satin and lace are no-no's if we are talking about preventing and curing yeast