SIMODRIVE® documentation
Printing history
Brief details of this edition and previous editions are listed below.
The current configuring manual replaces the previous version.
The status of each edition is shown by the code in the ”Remarks” column.
Status code in the ”Remarks” column:
A.... New documentation
B.... Unrevised reprint with new Order No.
C.... Revised edition with new status
If technical changes have been made on the page since the last edition, this is indicated by a
new edition coding in the header on that page.
Edition Order No. Remarks
04.93 6SN1060–0AA01–0BA0 A
08.93 6SN1197–0AA00–0BP0 C
12.94 6SN1197–0AA00–0BP1 C
11.95 6SN1197–0AA00–0BP2 C
02.98 6SN1197–0AA00–0BP3 C
08.98 6SN1197–0AA00–0BP4 C
05.01 6SN1197–0AA00–0BP5 C
02.03 6SN1197–0AA00–0BP6 C
10.04 6SN1197–0AA00–0BP7 C
11.05 6SN1197–0AA00–0BP8 C
02.07 6SN1197–0AA00–1BP0 C
05.08 6SN1197–0AA00–1BP1 C
02.12 6SN1197–0AA00–1BP2 C
All products mentioned may be trademarks or product designations of Siemens AG or their suppliers,
whose use by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of the trademark owners.
© Siemens AG 2012 All rights reserved.
We have checked that the contents of this publication agree with the
hardware and software described here. Nevertheless, differences might
exist and therefore we cannot guarantee that they are completely identical.
The information in this document is regularly checked and necessary
corrections are included in reprints. Suggestions for improvement are also
Subject to change without prior notice.
rinted in the Federal Republic of Germany