Diploma Thesis Arthur Fuchs
1 Abstract
This work deals with the measurement of dislocation densities in complex martensitic alloys. In these
materials, dislocation motion is responsible for plastic deformation and thus determines properties
such as yield strength or creep resistance. Up to now, there has been no physically justified standard
procedure to determine this property with good statistical significance and reasonable experimental
effort. X-Ray diffraction (XRD) potentially is such a method, combining low experimental cost with
sufficient sample volume. Nevertheless, the complexity of the microstructure interferes with a straight-
forward application of standard methods usually applied in other, less complex, materials.
In this work, conventional XRD-methods are adapted to a martensitic 9% Cr steel (P91). The basic
physical concept is simple: An (ideally) monochromatic and parallel X-ray beam interacts with the
crystal structure of the sample, the diffraction angle(s) Θ is a measure of the interatomic distance(s)
according to Bragg’s law. The broadening of the diffraction peak results from (i) properties of the
experimental equipment and (ii) the microstructure of the sample. (i) is referred to as instrumental
broadening and includes properties of the beam, the slits and the lenses, (ii) comprises any effect
leading to local deviations from the ideal lattice constant, which is mostly dislocations and inner
boundaries of any type.
For the measurement, a PANalytical Empyrean XRD with Cu Kαradiation was used. The samples
were a NIST LaB6standard and seven P91 samples (austenitized (1), austenitized and heat treated
In a first step, the instrumental broadening was characterized by measurement of the LaB6standard.
With this reference, the data from the steel samples could be de-convoluted into sample- and instru-
mental broadening. Finally, the sample broadening was split into microstrains and broadening due to
coherent domain size. For this procedure, some established methods like ”Williamson-Hall”, ”mod-
ified Williamson-Hall”, ”Warren-Averbach” and ”double-Voigt” are compared qualitatively to each
other. Furthermore, the frequently used “modified Warren Averbach” method and the most common
mistake with this method is discussed in detail. A workaround, by introducing the contrast factor of
dislocations into the double-Voigt method, is presented. In the modified Williamson-Hall and mod-
ified Warren-Averbach methods, the dislocation density is calculated assuming, that all microstrain-
inducing defects except dislocations are negligible.
Exemplarily, the results are compared to findings from high-precision dilatometry tests and the results
differ by less than a factor of two.